
Excessive worry

Juan carried hey kha to the room. he laid hey kha to bed.

"she's got a fever," muttered Juan.

Juan told the waiter to get cold water to compress the body, hey kha.

Juan glared at the servants and asked.

"Why is it like this? I asked we to take care of it, but look what happened !!" juan is furious at all of them.

they all knelt on the floor apologizing to Juan. the butler tried to explain what was going on.

"Forgive us master, miss hey kha too worried about the condition of Mr Juan. Miss waiting for the return of the master in front of the house, we all ask Miss Hey kha to come in waiting inside. But, Miss Hey kha refused and prefer to wait at the door."

juan asks all of them to come out, except the butler.

  "Where is Doctor Rian ..? Why is he taking so long, "asked juan.

Robin, who heard Juan ask about Doctor Rian, went into the room to inform that Doctor Rian was still on his way.