
Hands of God

In the years following the Cataclysm, the world had become unrecognizable. The event that tore through the fabric of society, eradicating one-fifth of the global population, had left a scar so profound that the remnants of humanity could only gaze upon the new Earth with awe and horror. The planet expanded, continents drifted and reshaped like pieces of a colossal puzzle thrown asunder, and from the ocean's depths, new lands rose, teeming with unforeseen dangers and mysteries. The Cataclysm had unleashed chaos upon the world. Earthquakes shattered cities, volcanoes blanketed the skies with ash, and tsunamis erased coastlines. In the aftermath, as the dust settled and the earth stilled, the survivors faced a reality where the rules of existence had been rewritten. The exploration of the newly emerged lands by world governments unveiled a truth more terrifying than the destruction itself. The fauna of the planet had evolved, or rather, mutated into beings of immense strength, size, and peculiar abilities that defied the laws of nature. The first teams sent to delve into these uncharted territories met with fates so grim that the tales of their end served as dire warnings to those who dared to follow. Yet, amid this desolation, a glimmer of hope shone through the younger generation, those untouched by the cruel hand of puberty at the time of the Cataclysm. They emerged from the chaos changed, endowed with unique powers and abilities that manifested as they stepped into adolescence. Governments, in their desperation to reclaim some semblance of order and safety, saw in these gifted youths the key to confronting the new perils that now roamed the Earth and lurked within the mysterious dungeons that led to realms unknown. Whether these portals opened to different dimensions or distant planets remained a mystery, a puzzle that the brightest minds endeavored to solve. Among these young prodigies was our protagonist, a late bloomer named Eli. Unlike his peers, Eli had not shown any signs of the extraordinary powers that had become common among the post-Cataclysm generation. This made him the subject of ridicule and isolation, a boy on the fringes of a society that valued strength and supernatural abilities above all else. Eli's days were a monotonous blend of longing and despair, watching from the sidelines as his classmates showcased their abilities with pride and arrogance. The sting of exclusion was a constant companion, a reminder of his inadequacy. Yet, Eli harbored a quiet hope, a belief that his time would come, that he too would awaken to the powers that seemed his birthright. And then, on a day that seemed no different from the rest, fate decided to turn the pages of Eli's life. It was a day that began with the same taunts and jeers, the laughter of his peers echoing in his ears as he made his way through the school corridors. But as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and red, a strange sensation began to stir within him. It started as a whisper, a faint murmur in the depths of his being, growing in intensity until it was a roar that consumed his every thought. Eli doubled over, clutching at his chest as an indescribable power surged through him, a force so overwhelming that it threatened to tear him apart. The world around him faded to black, and in that moment of terrifying darkness, Eli was reborn. When he awoke, the world had not changed, but he had. Eli stood, a newfound strength coursing through his veins, and with it, a sense of purpose. He was no longer the boy who watched from the shadows, but a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needed it. The journey ahead would be fraught with dangers, but Eli knew that he was no longer facing it alone. His powers, a gift from the Cataclysm, were his to wield in the fight to reclaim their planet and unravel the mysteries of the dungeons that beckoned with promises of untold adventures.

Lynneage · 都市
21 Chs

Chapter 6: The Spider Queen's Fury

As Eli neared the conclusion of his sweep through the Spider Nest, the ground beneath him began to tremble, an ominous harbinger that halted his advance. Confusion and concern flashed through his mind as the vibrations grew stronger, a clear sign that something formidable was rapidly approaching. "What in the world is that?" he murmured, his earlier confidence wavering in the face of this unexpected threat.

In a precautionary move, Eli recalled all his God Hands, coalescing their might in anticipation of whatever beast lurked in the depths of the dungeon. Then, emerging from the shadows, was a sight that dwarfed all prior encounters: a colossal spider, its size and ferocity magnitudes greater than anything his hands had dispatched thus far. Its many eyes gleamed with malevolence, and its legs, each as thick as tree trunks, thundered against the ground as it advanced.

Eli's initial command was swift, sending his God Hands to engage the monstrous arachnid. But his heart sank as their strikes, lethal against lesser foes, barely seemed to faze the giant. To his dismay, the spider retaliated with a skill of its own, ensnaring the hands in thick, unyielding spider silk. Trapped, they flailed helplessly, leaving Eli to confront the behemoth alone.

Panic and doubt surged through him. "How can I defeat this thing by myself? I should have waited, prepared more..." He lamented his decision to venture into the dungeon unaided, all he was a makeshift torch he'd brought along. As the spider loomed closer, an idea sparked amidst his fear. 'The torch,' he realized. 'Fire could be the key.'

The ensuing chase was frantic, with Eli dodging the spider's relentless assault, using the dense forest of the dungeon to his advantage. In a stroke of luck, the spider crashed into a cluster of trees, becoming momentarily ensnared. Seizing the opportunity, Eli rushed to his trapped God Hands, using the torch to burn away the silk bindings.

Once freed, Eli wasted no time. Observing the spider still struggling against the trees, he dispatched eight sets of his God Hands to target the creature's most vulnerable points: its eyes. "Go for the eyes, pierce through!" he commanded with newfound resolve. The hands, now liberated, darted forward with lethal precision, each jab aimed to blind and ultimately, to pierce deeper into the spider's brain.

The battle was fierce, a test of Eli's courage and his command over the God Hands. But as the final thrust reached its mark, the spider's movements ceased, and silence reclaimed the dungeon. A system notification heralded his victory: You have leveled up to Level 10. Your God Hands have all leveled up. His original hands had reached level 10, while the newer ones had advanced to level 8.

Flush with the triumph of the encounter and the rush of leveling up, Eli found himself with 40 skill points. Though eager to upgrade Multi-Handed to level 3, he was short by 10 points. Instead, he turned his attention to the magic skill tree of the God Hands, intrigued by the prospect of elemental manipulation.

The magic skill tree offered a diverse array of elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Metal, Space, Time, Gravity, and Photosynthetic Conversion. With ten pairs of hands at his command, Eli envisioned each set wielding a unique elemental power. However, he quickly realized that the skills of Space, Time, and Photosynthetic Conversion were more costly, requiring 5 skill points each to unlock.

After distributing the skill points, each set of hands was imbued with a new elemental skill. The potential of this newfound power filled Eli with excitement and anticipation. With each pair of hands now capable of harnessing an element, his arsenal had expanded significantly, opening up new strategies for combat and exploration.

With each pair of God Hands now possessing a unique elemental affinity, Eli began to experiment with their newfound powers, pushing the boundaries of what he thought possible within the dungeon's confines. The synergy between his commands and the hands' abilities unveiled a spectacular array of elemental attacks.

Fire: The Fire-affiliated hands ignited with intense flames, casting a bright glow in the dimness of the dungeon. At Eli's command, they launched a searing fireball towards a pile of debris, incinerating it instantly. The heat was so intense that it created a small vortex of flames, demonstrating its potential for both offense and area control.

Water: The Water hands summoned a swirling torrent from the moisture in the air, condensing it into a high-pressure jet. Eli directed this jet at a rock formation, cutting through it with ease. The precision and cutting power of the water jet made it clear that this element could be as destructive as it was life-giving.

Wind: With a sweeping gesture, the Wind hands summoned a gust so powerful it cleared a path through the web-laden corridors of the dungeon. The gust morphed into a localized tornado, picking up debris and creating a barrier of swirling detritus around Eli, showcasing its defensive capabilities.

Lightning: The Lightning hands crackled with electric energy, discharging a bolt that struck a metal ore embedded in the dungeon wall. The resulting explosion illuminated the cavern, highlighting the raw destructive power of lightning and its potential for pinpoint strikes.

Earth: The Earth hands manipulated the ground itself, raising a wall of stone to block an imaginary assault. With another command, the wall shifted, sending a ripple through the dungeon floor that simulated an earthquake. This control over the terrain hinted at strategic advantages in shaping the battlefield.

Metal: By touching a discarded weapon, the Metal hands transmuted its composition, sharpening and reinforcing it beyond its original state. This alchemical transformation suggested a myriad of applications, from weapon enhancement to creating metallic barriers.

Space: The Space hands wielding the power to distort distances, perhaps teleporting objects or creating spatial rifts. The strategic implications of such control were vast, offering both escape and engagement options.

Time: The Time hands held the promise of manipulating temporal flows, potentially slowing down threats or hastening Eli's movements. The tactical advantage of time manipulation in battle or exploration was undeniable.

Gravity: The Gravity hands demonstrated their ability by making pebbles float and then suddenly crash together with force. This control over gravitational forces opened up new methods of attack and movement, suggesting ways to immobilize foes or enhance Eli's own agility.

Photosynthetic Conversion: The most unique among them, these hands absorbed sunlight filtering through the dungeon's entrance, converting it into a tangible benefit for Eli. He felt a surge of vitality as his health regenerated, a slight increase in his mana, and even a tick upwards in his skill points. This symbiotic relationship with the sun not only offered a method of recovery but hinted at a sustainable way to enhance his overall capabilities.

Each elemental attack revealed the depth of strategy and adaptability now at Eli's disposal. With these abilities, he could tailor his approach to the myriad challenges that lay ahead, blending offense, defense, and support in ways he had never imagined. The dungeon, once a place of danger and uncertainty, had become a proving ground for Eli's mastery over the elements and his journey towards becoming a formidable force in this new, chaotic world.

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