
handed a toy! (that's my world) '-'

my portable player is zed age:19 nationally:American hobby:create problems or forces in a sim app on his PC and create a story out of it Gods perspective* [BORING.... why was this reality made there is nothing in it but a group of apes studying there self's trying to see purpose hah idea I'll just make someone make me something fun so....right the only one here damn portable lottery di your thing] POV Zed M×C=k÷3 (this is annoying I wish) impact and lights out to dream land Dream land filled with information installing SYSTEM*** host in critical condition sacrificing part of module to reconstruct host*** failure to merge switching*** warning host soul fractured trying****WARNING host soul is devouring system*Counter measures activate*** '-' host soul has been devoured.** forge human frame for system to create clone of host soul using SYSTEM GOD POV ['●~● That wasn't supposed to happen well he's dead. It was interesting I think I'll create another reality and leave this one] SYSTEM/ZED2 POV construction complete force assembly created to creators last preference titles: [First abandoned by god] [First New progeny] Lv:1 Name:Zeten Gender: Male(unstable DNA) Age:19 race:Symbiote(mutated)58%/Human(mutated)42% class:Nerd ________________ str:6 +14 | +0| +0 dex:7 +6 | +0| +0 con:11 +17 | +0| +0 int:16 +0 | +0| +0 wis:17 +0| +0| +0 chr:8 +4| +0| +0 SHOP +fiction +Non-fiction +roulette path of god: 0% path of demon:0% path of power:0% current goal: solidify existence reward:2 bronze tickets and 1 silver ticket

Zeferath · その他
10 Chs

character sheet (Preliminary)



nationality: American

family & hobbies: sister Samantha or Sam and programming

*SPOILER* it's more background

the spill is the MC is special in a way

First: Zeten mentality of a child partial memory loss and morally lost #Design as core body build Venom with a tweak partial system as his soul was used together to forge his existence. [Anime system]

Second: Zed high school student who will have his soul merge and take over another host which will split the genre of this story over to the eastern side at a later date.

Third: Ten a system which was essential designed to help the world go to a higher stage or diversity to entertain god with his new found emotions he will attain the desire to reach the apex of humanity and seek a higher truth of humanity. [Darwin's game]

Sam/Samantha Lockwood


Nationality :Asian/Japanese

lives over seas and visits on summers. Having adopted Zed when he was young he has no last name but is dotted on and probably obsessed with him as she has been known to shadow him from time to time. What he does not know about is her hobby to knock him out and do a variety of weird things when the mood strikes. which led to her parents fearing for her sanity and his health shipped him to American when he graduated middle school and let him finish his schooling there.

Parents (Generic) (DEAD)

died some short months after shipping Zed off to America.

Filler? @÷@

Biro Newton-Bad guy#1

Age: 38

Nationality :Korean

local gang leader with ties to a middle rank fanatic group and try's to have a double life of business and keep his family alive.

Natalie Newton

Age:15 1/2

National: Korean/Asian

has a dark history with her family as losing two siblings one of which was her model looks and perfect life older sister that was poisoned because of her father. Having only two wishes to have a fairy tail prince and to have her family locked in a torture chamber for so long even those psychotic slashers would cringe.

Jevon Newton

Age: 28

Nationality: Korean/American

born out of a peculiar incident his birth was a curse and blessing for Biro as he realized later in life he needed a slave pawn and he got just that having gone through life trying to get his fathers acknowledgement having suffered at the hand of a surgery by the fanatic group his father was apart of to have a monitor injected at the base of his skull that leaks radiation to his brain every week which led to his mutation and worse on contact with Zeten.

Blood oath

Age:?? last known record 18th century

Nationality: spread over most of the eastern world and a corner of the west

Infamy: immediate arrest on site/ lethal force authorized

the only goal that this organization seeks in complete domination and the annihilation of free will. Counter part seeks power through experimentation and augmentation.

Summary: Zeten [current MC timeline] gets a flaky system which the A.I became the base foundation for his soul leaving him almost no and the combined intellect and body of a 15 year old with partial no idea on information and what the stats mean or goal for the system as the planet goes through a subtle evolution of mutants/Aliens and the occasional uprising of occults bent on realizing a dream of the perfect human with the added bonus of no free will. While discovering the ups and downs of his new life.

I'm back and ready to write, RL has been hell

Zeferathcreators' thoughts