
Half ( Part one )


"It's still missing something," said Aiya ( While looking at the sketch)


[ It's night, with empty stars. On the rooftop of Aiya's house, both of them have been together for 3, years at the age of 22. ]

And tomiwo suddenly appeared

"Yo," said Tomiwo

"Ya know, It's strange for you to always barge in like that."

"Sorry I was late." replied. Tomiwo

Tomiwo sat down next to Aiya.

"What do you think?" asked aiya

"Quite good but I'm more beautiful." respond tomiwo

"Oh fuck off" replied Aiya as they both laugh

They stare at a starry night. Tomiwo just asked Aiya

"If everything falls would you still like to live?"

"What kind of question is that? of course I do."

"I've been thinking about myself if I'm still good at the straight path I have." Said tomiwo

"Hey are okay? do you feel sad?" replied Aiya

"Not sure, But I'm not familiar with myself very well." respond by tomiwo

"Hey, we've been in a relationship I choose you because I like you." Replied Aiya

As she looks at Tomiwo smiling

"anyways I'm having dinner, want to join?" asked tomiwo

"Sure, right now?" replied Aiya


"Alright hold on I will just clean up first."

"Sure let me help you," said tomiwo trying to help Aiya.

While trying to help Aiya he got tripped down on the roof and fell on the balcony making his glasses gone missing and almost losing consciousness But as he was finding his glasses he touched a pearl and immediately his vision became clear for a brief moment. He got confused about what was happened.

"You okay? are you hurt?" asked aiya panicking.

As tomiwo tried to get up and sat down he felt indescribable pain he fainted. Aiya was so concerned about the situation of Tomiwo

"Hey! hey you okay?" asked Aiya

"Yea-" As tomiwo got sucked into a wormhole and put into a blank space full of nothing he liked falling into the endless void and he just immediately woke up. However


Tomiwo got back to his consciousness again wearing a business suit (black) beside the road holding flowers. And his phone he got a bit dizzy and confused about what happened. And he tried to look at the date

" 2029? am I in the future?" he responds looking at his phone

He looked at the date Tomiwo is confused and thought maybe it was wrong. He tried to wander around and asked strangers what's the date today is but all he got was October 4, 2029.

Until he got an alarm on his phone at 8:00 am

He opened his schedule written //Visiting Aiya on the hospital // Tomiwo got scared about what has happened to her and immediately took a ride in a taxi leaving his car and business meeting.

As he arrived at the hospital Tomiwo asked the nurses.

"May I ask where is the patient Aiya Ito?"

"Okay sir hold for a moment it might take a while."

They asked the assigned nurse for Aiya and he replied Aiya is on the rooftop. One nurse guided him. And arriving at the top.

"I will leave you be sir." Said the nurse

"Thank you" Replied tomiwo as soon he opened the door

he sees aiya in a wheelchair back view and now bald, looking pale.

"Do you still like me?" said Aiya staring at the sunset.

Tomiwo suddenly drops the flowers confused about why Aiya is in this situation.

"I'm sorry... I didn't say this sooner ( grasping her hands) I could've told you but-" Said Aiya that's about to cry.

"Aiya?" Asked by tomiwo.

"I'm sorry" respond aiya.

Tomiwo walked towards her slowly and kneel holding Aiya's hand and hugged her slowly without any idea of what has happened to her but it was her last day. As aiya just tries to smile from the inevitable death.)

Time flies so fast as she's at the death bed.

"We tried our best to keep her alive. I didn't know why you two split up.

After you left her she continue her passion." Said Aiya's mother that's about to cry

Tomiwo is in the corner beside her bed silently and emotionless. Knowing in the future tomiwo and Aiya had already broken apart.

"She was about to tell you but she was too scared that you might get.. stressed out about it. She didn't really wanna disturb you." Said Aiya's Mother

"I'm gonna leave you two for now." said the mother of Aiya standing up and leaving the room.

Tomiwo stands up from the chair and gets close to aiya looking at her.

"I don't know where I am right now I'm confused, scared, indescribable emotions." said tomiwo kneeling and sitting down on the floor.

"I'm sorry if lost myself in the future. I guess I didn't save us." said tomiwo looking down emotionless. He tried to pick up his phone in his pocket and suddenly the pearl fell tomiwo noticed it. too scared to pick up.

"I'm always thinking all this time that this is all an illusion," he said about to laugh thinking as if this was all a prank as he immediately picked up the pearl. but he got collapsed again. Eyes turned white