
Halo and the horns

A girl and Boy falls in love during theirs Teens . Different geners of both becomes an challenge for both to continue their relation .The girl with Halo and Boy with Horns are going to continue their relation.Whats on their Way ? let's see . Meet Tara & Ronn with a different story . Hope I don't dismay you .

Bhuvana_R_Pai · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Little ' Secrets ' .

" Mom I am going to give a visit to Kiran .I think he'll be boared there, sitting alone .I hope he'll get discharged tomorrow ." Tara said to her mom .

"Go with Karthik Tara , You will be safe then ." Her mom replied . She was reading newspaper and was sitting in the guest room , chewing badam . Tara was about to go outside to visit Kiran . Tara stared at her mom for a moment but her mom was busy reading news paper . She just went out and checked if Karthik was home but his car wasn't in the car parking area so she decided to go by herself . She caught a Cab and gave him directions about the place and leaned back to her seat . Her phone beeped .She opened her bag and took her phone out . It was message from Ronn . She opened it .

"Good morning . What's up . Call ? 🙄"

"Sorry Ronn . Going to Hospital .😐"

"To visit Kiran ? 😌"

"Yeah 😊 . I think he'll be bored like hell sitting alone . 😌"

"Take care Tara . 😁"

"Catch you soon Ronn .Bye ."

She was about to keep her phone back then her phone beeped . She opened it and saw it was message from Karthik .

"Hey , where are you ? Aunty said you went to hospital with me !! 😐"

"Sorry . 😁😁 . I didn't saw your car so I thought you are not home , so I called a cab to hospital ."

"Oh Tara , I was home . Gave the Car for Service 😐"


"I shouldn't have let you alone .😑 . "

" It's okay Karthik . I can manage .Don't worry ."


"It's okay ."

"Hmm .Okay . I"ll be there soon ."

Tara kept her phone inside . Her mind was dancing inside her head . 'He cares me .' She mumbled . Soon she reached the hospital .She paid the cash and went in the hospital .

While she was about to enter his room , she saw a girl coming out sniffing . Tara wondered who it might be . She entered the room confused . She saw Kiran with gloomy face .As soon as Tara entered he looked at her shocked as if he did some mistake . Tara stared at him for a moment .

"I thought you'll be with mah Brother."

"Well , I should be , but tell me something you idiot , who's that girl?"

"G..girl ?? Who ?" Kiran looked away from her eyes , stammering .

"Don't hide it Kiran . I saw a girl coming out just before I came in . Who is that girl ?"

"You saw !? Hmm .. Ya .. a girl .. ya ya .. " He stretched the talk , trying to find satisfactory answer for Tara's question.

" Wait. . What !! Don't tell me that you have got a girlfriend ." Tara told him shocked ,looking at his smirk in face .

"Why? I mean .. Ya .. I mean ..No ." Kiran said stammering and trying to find correct answer .

"Don't hide Kiran. " Tara shouted .

"Don't scare me Tara . I'll tell you . She's .. She's a girl okay .. She 's a girl ."

"I know she's a girl . Tell me the rest ." Tara said with a wry face.

"Ya .. You know .. She .. She's Kriti . My classmate ."

"Just your classmate?" Tara asked raising an eyebrow .

"My friend okay ..?"

"You expect me to believe you two are just friends ?"

"She's my Girl friend ... oh god .. Ya .. She's my girl friend . " Kiran said covering his face .Tara smirked and made voice of surprise .

"Finally someone confessed . Ha . So when did this start ?"

"What ?"

"Your divine love ."

"One month back ."

"Ya , let me see the little lover's face . Haha ."

"Don't laugh ." Kiran made a grumpy face .

"I knew you would tease me .That's why I didn't told you idiot ." Kiran threw pillow at laughing Tara . She tittered and Kiran made faces at her . "So actually what all 'accidents' you met with !?" Tara asked giggling .

"She was one of my friends. we both fell for each other one month before and confessed our feelings to each other . On day of accident , I actually went for her Bday party .I was crossing the road to buy her flowers while a brainless car hit me ."

"Oh poor fellow .And what was that ? a brainless car ? haha . so funny ." Tara said .

"I was sad that I couldn't go to her party ."

"Then ? she came to meet you today ?"

"Actually , she come every day . It's today that I get caught ."

"Ha ha . Great love story ." Tara teased him .

"Where's your mom then ?"

" She went to bring me breakfast"

"How long will you be playing hide and seek ? I think she's a nice girl ."

"Ya . She is . I have told her a lot about you . "

"Won't she get jealous ?"

"She's my best friend along with my Girl friend . She can understand .But that doesn't mean she is not jealous . But she likes you from the stories I've told her ."

"Great . I just came to give you a visit . " Tara said tapping his palm . They heard footsteps and they turned and Saw Karthik . He came in a rush and was panting .

"What's wrong ? Why are you in a hurry bro ?"

Kiran asked worried .

"Tara came alone . I was worried . Just called her twice but she didn't pick the call .I rushed to see if she reached here ." Karthik said in one breath .

"I silent my phone when I reached hospital ."Tara said worried.

"She's not a small girl anymore bro . Next week she'll turn 18!. and you're still worried ? oh Comeon ." Kiran teased him .Tara blushed .

"You alright Tara ?" Karthik asked .She nodded . ''You alright Tara .. " Kiran laughed and said . He suddenly called her near ,

"Don't tell him . okay ?" Kiran whispered to Tara ." What ?" She whispered back .

"About Kriti ." He said with a shy face . Tara giggled and agreed not to share it . Karthik went to drink water from the cooler .


"Hey , I'm back .😌" Tara messaged Ronn .

"Hey .. 😄" Ronn was waiting for her to come online .He replied as soon as her message came . Tara was sitting on her chair near the window in her room with a messy bun and sleeveless sleep wear and shorts .

"VC😁?" Ronn asked . Tara agreed . she didn't got much concerned about her dress .She was same with Kiran too . But she gets highly concerned when it's Karthik . She always wanted to look pretty infront of Karthik . Soon her phone vibrated . It was Ronn .

"Hello " Tara waved her hand as soon as the face time started . Ronn glued his eyes on her for few moments .His pupils dilated and he said "Wow you look so pretty ."

"Hey you idiot . Thanks ." Tara said laughing .

Suddenly Ronn became conscious .

"You roam around in this dress ?"

"Yeah . I mean when no one's around , or with friends ."

"Friends ? you mean even Karthik ?" Ronn asked with a frustrated look .

"Yeah , sometimes . But not most times. I try to be pretty in front of him ." Tara said blushing .

"You look so pretty now ." Ronn accidentally told. Tara giggled .

"So what's up ? When will you come here ? I'll be waiting . Missing you stupid ." Tara said .

"Yeah .. Miss you too ." Ronn said in a low voice . He really missed her .

"Pink colour suits you ." Ronn added .

"Oh ! really ? Thanks dude " Tara said looking at her dress . They talked for few moments then she heard knock on her door .

"Hey , are you free ?" It was a male voice . Tara suddenly glided her mobile between her books but it fell , leaving the camera part outside the book . Ronn could still see her . He knew someone came so he muted his audio.

Tara stood from her seat and he saw she was wearing shorts . "OMG , who the hell knocked the door now ?" Ronn gasped .

"Wear something long Tara " He told but as the audio was off , she couldn't hear it . He saw a boy entering her room and he heard the sound of door being shut .

"What the hell !!!" He screamed . The boy and Tara came to visibility .Ronn recognised him .

"Karthik" Ronn sadly said . He had a gold box in his hands . "Mom asked me to give you this .I know you are not interested in gold but please accept this ." Karthik said .

"Tara don't like gold ?" Ronn asked himself .Tara took it from him and smiled and said "It wasn't necessary Karthik . But Thank you . Thanks a lot . I'll surely wear this . "

"You look beautiful ." Karthik said and Ronn heard it . It pricked him ."He's soon gonna be her Boyfriend Ronn ." He said to himself sadly.

'when did she untie her hair' That's when Ronn noticed it .That had made her even more prettier . When he gained his consciousness , he saw Tara and Karthik hugging each other .That really broke his heart ."I haven't felt this pain even when Ella rejected me ." He said to himself .He couldn't see more of it so he just cut the call . 'They'll surely kiss now ' Ronn's heart said sadly . But his brain resisted. "Go and propose her fool .You still have chance ." his brain said .

"Just let her be , and be happy Ronn ." Heart replied and he sat there hopelessly sighing .

( ... To be continued ❤️ ..... Thank you all thanks a lot for supporting me . You guys are the best . Thank you . Thanks a lot . 🥺 ... TatA )