
Halloween Hell

Only one child every 5000 years is born with the power to destroy or rebuild the magical world. The only problem is both sides good and evil want the child. This is the year for it to happen. Ten family's have children born under the right sign. And all of them want the power.

Betty_Tatum · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Training, Spells, Wards Oh What a Week

Training every day has been cool. Me and the other girls would do extra work. I couldn't believe it when Damon offered to give us extra lessons. The other girls thought it was great because he is cute, but I was excited to be getting extra help. I couldn't wait for it to start.

Then when Gabriel and his family got here things got interesting. He told Sky some crazy things about seeing vampires and Hell Hounds.

Then all of The men went back to Gabriel's old house to get stuff. Sky talked to Annie to find out what was going on, I overheard a lot of things I never knew. I was amazed when Annie started talking.

"My queen I think we are in danger. We were followed from the hospital today. That has never happened before. I don't know if it was because of Amber getting well so fast or something to do with the baby. But four men in an SUV followed us home then sat outside the house till Gabriel came back home. We went out to talk to them but once he got close to the car they sped away. Gabriel said you put up wards and shields around this place and we would be safe, so we came here. I'm scared my queen, this car has been following us for a week. I need my children safe."

"I know Annie, and you will all be safe here. I promise you nothing will happen to your family as long as I'm alive. Why don't you try to take a nap, I can see your exhausted. The girls can watch over Amber and I will watch the baby. By the way what did you name him?"

"We named him Scott after my dad. He died when I was six months old. my mom never got over it. If your sure, yes I need sleep. Thank you for protecting my children."

"You are all apart of my clan I will protect you to my last breath. Now give him to me, Emily and the girl's will watch Amber and you sleep."

I couldn't believe what I heard. their are really vampires. Are they after me? I know if they find us they will destroy us like they did before. I went back to the girls and little Amber, we practiced with sticks and did other things to pass the time.

Then Gabriel and the other guys came back, Sky pulled Gabriel to the side to get his side of things. Sky got a few more details then she went to talk to Arianna. I was shocked by their conversation. I really feel left out not knowing all I should.

Um wasn't the wards supposed to keep out all but dragons elves and Lilly, How did Annie get through? I know the kids got through because of their dragon halves, but what about Annie? She's not a dragon I would have felt it. And you only took Lilly's blood so only she can get in and out without being harmed. Is it possible that she has elf blood or dragon blood in her but it is really diluted, she did say her father died when she was six months old."

"This is a good question I will have to examine her after her nap, and you might have to talk to Gabriel about it."

"Yes, it seems I must talk to him about a few things. Also would it be to taxing for you to ward against specific creatures? I don't want to wear you out but what she said has me worried."

"You would like me to add shields and wards against vampires don't you."

"Yes please, These are all the dragons left I must protect them. I will help if you need me to."

"Thank you my dear but warding against a specific creature is much easier than many so it won't take long. With Lilly's help I can be done in an hour. That is if Lilly isn't busy?"

"No, get your stuff I will take you anywhere you need to go. I will be waiting at the car."

"Thank you I will be back in five minutes."

Arianna went upstairs to get her equipment, then Lilly looked at Sky and said," I was going to tell you about last night's dream but I guess you already figured it out."

"You mean to say you dreamed about vampires?"

"Yes, four of them come in a black SUV here on Monday while we are at work. They kill everyone here. We come home to a slaughter."

"Well I'm not going to let that happen, no one will die this time. Everyone will be safe. Please take care of mom."

"You know I will, watch over the kids we will be back soon."

"It might take a little longer than an hour, I am adding warding for Hell Hounds as well. They use them for hunting and tracking. I will make this place as secure as I can. Also I believe everyone should call out sick tomorrow so we will be prepared. When the men get back talk to them, see what they have to say."

"Your right I think it's a great idea all the way around. Now please get moving I want you back here before dark."

After hearing this I wanted to find a way to help or something. Instead I went outside and did more practice. The other girls came outside so I told them what I heard then they started practicing to. We even had Amber practice more. When Gabriel came to get Amber he seemed happy to see her working with the sticks.

Once mom and Ariana came back everyone went to bed. The all wanted to get plenty of sleep in case something bad happens tomorrow.

Early the next morning everyone was up pacing. The males were walking the perimeter and watching everything. Then the SUV did show up and they put all of us young people into the basement of our house and they watched everything. The wards and shields worked. They ended up leaving. Then Mom, Sky, and Arianna came up with another plan. I was in the room for this conversation, mom started the conversation off starts by asking," How far away does Gabriel live? They might have followed him from the hospital. Arianna can you maybe push the dragon feel away from this town so they can't find it again?"

" That's a great idea, I can take a pinch of dragon essence and send it as far north as I can."

"And try to make it pass by the Hell Hounds as well, so they catch the trail."

" Maybe somewhere like Canada, that is really far north. Then it will take them a while to figure things out when they loose the trail."

"No, instead of them loosing the trail, I could send it past Canada. Maybe attach a cloaking spell to it and tag a hound with it. Every time they talk about turning back the hounds catch a whiff of dragon essence going forever north. As far away from us as possible."

"Perfect, can we start tonight? And will it help if you have a bit of hound to attach it to? Because Gabriel dropped this off earlier."

"Your a genius, this will be perfect to attach it to the hound. When I'm done it will start heading out tonight."

"Great is there anything I can help you with?"

"No you helped enough I have to go."

Arianna went upstairs and we didn't see her till the next morning. I went outside and joined the other girls for a lite practice session.

The next morning before I went to school mom and Arianna went out to the perimeter again. They were gone for about an hour, but after they got back they put Arianna into bed and told us teens to go to school. I left with the rest of them. But I decided to get the whole story later.