
~Chapter one~

I have never wished to pull my eardrums out of my ears so bad in my entire life! and the annoying skinny woman in front of the class was not helping.

I mean seriously who cares if x equals y?

"Does anyone know the answer to number five?" Miss Karen asked straightening her sleeves as her eyes scanned the whole class.

I couldn't wait for this to be over because all i wanted right now was my bed and i could only pray that she doesn't call on me to answer the question. Just as quickly as that thought passed through my mind, her voice was heard.

"Mr White." she called and i cussed under my breath. why does this always happen? "please tell us the answer to number five" she said flashing me a smile.

A sigh escaped my lips as I begrudgingly got up from my sit to stare at the board whilst ignoring the winks, giggles and kisses being blown my way by the girls and the glares thrown my way by the boys. Hey, not my problem your girl has a thing for me right?

With a lazy swag, I shoved my hands into my hoody pocket and said"The answer's 3."

"No, try again." she said folding her arms across her chest a disapproving look on her face. I looked to the board with a roll of my eyes and then said again"15" confidently this time. She briefly glanced at the board and then back at me before a big grin broke out on her face.

"That is correct, pay attention." As if.

We spent another 15 minutes listening to her go on and on about how to solve some weird looking equations. Not that i was listening. I was too busy glaring at her and scowling at my text book.

I can't stress this enough but Maths and I? Not the best of friends. I hate it with every fiber in my body and those stupid letters that clutch themselves to the numbers. like isn't mathematics supposed to be about numbers?

Thankfully, just when Miss Karen was about asking me for the answer to another question, the school bell rang."Don't think this is the last you will be seeing of me" she announced.

'Of course not, i have to see you every fucking day of my life' If possible, the scowl on my face grew.

"And make sure to turn in your assignments on Monday." She said as everyone started leaving the class. Just as I was about to leave, she stopped me. I turned to look at her not even bothering to hide the scowl on my face as she said"I need to speak with you"

"About?" I asked harshly.

"You seem not to be paying attention today are you okay?" She asked with what I perceived as fake concern.

I let out a small humourless chuckle"oh I'm just great, especially with the fact that my teacher is sleeping with my father. hilarious isn't it?"

She caught on to my sarcasm and sighed looking away in what I think is her being embarrassed? I don't know her face was all red and irritating"Brian it's not what you think. I...we-"

"I don't wish to hear what you have to say" I cut her short"but I hope you get hit by a car and then your son would walk in on your husband sleeping with another woman on the same bed that you both shared!"i spat and left her in the class. Call me harsh or whatever but she so deserved that.

I walked through the hallways untill I got to my locker. I punched in the numbers of my password and shoved my bag into it. I slammed it shut and came face to face with a familiar black-brown haired girl. Another person i didn't wish to see right now.

"What do you want Allison?"

"I, um...can we talk?" rolling my eyes, I responded with a sharp "No" and walked away to the cafeteria where my best friend Charlie was already seated at our usual spot.

"Bruh seriously, you should consider smiling sometimes." he said licking the ketch up that fell to his lips from the fries he was currently consuming like a middle aged pig."you're beginning to look like an old man"

"ha ha ha" I said dryly and plopped myself into the chair stealing his drink.

"So, what has you looking grimmer than usual? I mean it's usually, your mouth in a thin line or your forehead furrowed together or your nose scrunched in disgust but you're doing it all at once. what's wrong?"

"Spoke to Miss Karen"

"Ah" he nodded in understanding."What did she say?"

"She had the audacity to ask me if 'I'm okay" I huffed in annoyance and Charlie let out an annoying snort making me glare at him as he said"Already getting into the mommy role i see"

"You're not helping you know"

"I'm sorry" he regained his composure and wiped his lips with the paper towel on the table and said"But I wouldn't blame your dad though, she is hot. who would wanna pass on that?" he said wiggling his brows stupidly.

"Stop that, you look stupid"

"Seriously dude have you seen her ass?" I stared at him in incredulity my nose scrunching up in disgust. "You are literally the grossest human being I have ever met"

he chuckled"Bruh we're dudes. We're meant to be gross. you're just weird" I rolled my eyes. Trust Charlie to be an idiot.

"And by the way..." he started"Do you remember Maddison?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion"Mute Maddie?"

"Don't call her that" he rolled his eyes"but yeah...her"

"yeah why?"

"She finally spoke to me yesterday man." He grinned and my eyebrows shot up in surprise."really?"

Maddison is Charlie's new neighbor. She and her Family just moved in last year and Charlie has had this massive crush on her ever since but the girl has never ever said two words to him before. However, whenever he did try talking with her, she always buffed him and I was always the shoulder he mouthed off to.

I don't think I've heard him talk about one girl that much and Charlie never talks about a girl for much longer than necessary. Take it from me and all his exs.

"How'd that even happen?" i asked still shocked by the fact that Maddison talked. Seriously if you met the girl, you'd be as shocked as I am. He parted his lips to speak when a familiar feminine voice interrupted with a 'hi' causing both our heads to snap up.

"Allison hey" Charlie said with a forced tight lipped smile whilst the scowl I had on earlier today, returned to my face.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked glancing at me as if to ask for permission but I ignored her looking away. Charlie returned with a 'sure' and scooted over for her to sit down.

"Thanks" she muttered settling her butt down on the chair. I could see Charlie trying to hide his irritation when he said"Is Roger okay with you sitting here?"

Allison and I used to be in a so called 'relationship' or so i thought. it turned out to be that i was the only one in that relationship because she said

and i quote 'i don't think i love you anymore' After i caught her cheating on me with Roger Krugger the principal's son. It sucked and i was deeply hurt but she made me realize how much of a fool i was to entrust my heart to her.

So, i came up with a theory that says'when you want to love, give out half of your heart and hold onto the other half. That way, when they do end up leaving, you won't be too disappointed or heart broken.'

"H-he isn't at school today" she responded tucking her hair behind her ears. Charlie scoffed"of course, why else would you sit here"

Just as she was about to speak again, the grating voice of Roger's father, our beloved principal spoke through the speakers in the cafeteria making everyone groan in annoyance. "All students are to report immediately to the football field now!"

"Stupid krugger." Charlie cussed grumbling as we got up from our sits and headed to the field. When we got to the field, students were already lined up straight in different rows so we just joined the que.

"Are we all here!" he yelled and a series of 'yes' went around but Charlie being Charlie opened his mouth.

"You could talk less loudly you know!" Charlie winced and yelled from beside me. Principal Krugger glared at charlie and said"Mr Hayman it would be in your best interest to shut your mouth or you and I will be having a discussion later!"he spat.

Charlie was about to retort back but I shot him a look telling him to shut up so we could get this over with already. My feet was starting to hurt from standing. Thankfully he did and just settled for a glare at Mr Krugger.

Mr Krugger oblivious to the daggers being shot at him by charlie started "Now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted...do you know why you're all gathered here?" There was a chorus of 'no's and 'just tell us already' before he proceeded."As you know it's been a while since we've had a new student but God has decided to smile brightly on Rose Valley high." he smiled which was just-

"Yikes, somebody tell Krugger never to smile again" Charlie muttered in distate which forced a chuckle out of me. He took the words out of my mouth

"Please, with a resounding clap welcome the newest student in Rose Valley high, Lyria." As soon as those words left his lips, there was a resounding clap as a beautiful petite-framed brunette came into view putting on an all black clothing with dark shades.

There were gasps and whispers from every where. Some people even had their jaws and mouths hanging open while others looked like they were drooling. One word, Enchanting. That's what she was.

Her delicate features—cute button nose and full red lips. This girl could pass for a goddess.

She took off the glass showing off her beautiful hazel eyes. Her eyes scanned the crowd with her head tilted slightly as if searching for someone until they met with mine.

A small smirk played on her lips and her hazel eyes flashed a bright yellow which was gone as quickly as it came making me frown.


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