
Half Pride

Shit Fanfic ——— Weed is a Saiyan x Dryad hybrid. He will venture the Dragon Ball universe saving hybrids like himself. Why are there any Saiyan hybrids at all? Because Saiyans are primal creatures quite attached to their Four primitive needs. -Sleep -Sex -Food -Fighting You think these space pirates wouldn’t sample the local goods before they damn it all to kingdom come? Of course they would! They are f**king pirates! So why does Weed want to gather others like him anyways? Why does he care about their survival? Maybe because he used to be a human being, with decent morals? Maybe because with great power come a great responsibility? Maybe because he needs teammates for his ultimate goal? Maybe because people like him are the only ones that could be called family? Or maybe, he just wants a good fight. ——— An AU, with MINOR Ben 10, Monster Encyclopedia, Marvel, & DC influence (for their aliens and monsters). Any Dragon Ball, Ben 10, Marvel, DC, and Monster Encyclopedia consepts/characters belong to their respective owners, and them alone. Please don’t kill me. ——— The whole point of this story is that a bunch Saiyan hybrids do some shit. It’s also a “What if Saiyan’s can breed with any humanoid creature”.

Nublyss · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Childhood X Background (2)

I lived, somehow. They figured out that they needed to crush up the food into mush before feeding me. I also don't need to eat as much as I thought, because I can get energy from the sun surprisingly. Thanks to that, most of the nutrition that I didn't get for my body was somehow substituted by sun light.

Solar power for the win, I guess.

I have quite a lot of traits from both sides of my family. In fact I think my cheat might the fact I may be the perfect hybrid of a dryad and saiyan. Which might be evident by the fact that my looks natural mix of both their physical traits. As I have long pure black hair, really dark green eyes, extra long dark brown wooden tail, and pale white skin.

Another thing I noticed is that might look similar to Cumber (from Super Dragon Ball Hero) in hair style as well as in body proportions, my body practically looks like a chibi version of that saiyan.

The perks of my hybrid blood line that I discovered over the past 8 years;

-Absorb sunlight, and convert into nourishment or Ki {Dryad Trait}.

-Grow any type of fruit/vegetable that I have eaten on my brown tail (10 times a day) {Dryad Trait}.

-Heal Super Duper fast... as long as I have Ki

and/or access to a large amount of sunlight. (I haven't tested the limits of my regenerative abilities, and don't plan to find out what they are anytime soon) {Dryad Trait}.

-I have yellow sap for blood, and most of my bodies insides is basically a brown tree pretending to be a humanoid being (aka a saiyan). Very similar to every other dryad {Dryad Trait}.

-Super small untill I'm 15-16 and a second growth spurt at 25-ish {Saiyan Trait}.

-I have minor control of non-sentient plant life. Which is only grass on this planet. Neither of my parents can do this {Mutant Hybrid Trait}.

-Great Ape Form. Though my ape form is made out of wood, and my tail looks like a eastern dragon. As if I was Hashirama with wood release, and my great ape was a Wood Release: Wood Golem. Though I can't control my form yet. Also, I regenerate my tail indefinitely. {Saiyan Trait, Mutated}.

I haven't tested Zenkai boosts, nor do I plan to anytime soon. Despite that, training is going quite smoothly, this planet already has a gravity 40x higher then earth. How did I know? I figured it out by dropping an apple... don't believe me?

Good, because that was all just Lies and Deceit!

Dad had randomly mentioned this planet's gravity was four times higher then planet Vegeta's in one of our sparing sessions. I also remembered that Planet Vegeta's gravity is ten times the gravity of Earth. So 4x10 = 40. Yay to basic math.

"Weed! Get over here, it's time for diner." Mother beckons.

Yes, my name is Weed, and no, I am not a sculptor. My father (Patota), wanted to name me after a vegetable (Feinnal). My mother (Cedair), wanted to name me after a tree (Spruze). So they compromised. I'm now named after seaweed, Weed.

How they ended up with that, no clue.

At least I'm not named Oak, god that would be so horrible. So many morning wood jokes, ignoring the fact I am a male half Dryad, so that would make those joke half literal already.

I sit down on a rock with the rest of my family, and begin to feast on the fruits and vegetables that my mother produced from her hair. As mentioned previously, I can do the same on my tail.

Eating my own doesn't fill me up much, but others can use my produce as proper sustenance.

Is eating my own tail fruits and veggies cannibalism? I don't know, and I kinda don't care. To me, it just means I can never starve to death, at least when factoring in sunlight as well.

Side note, there are no animals on this planet, if there were any in the past, they are dead by now. Why? Animals eat plants, they can't eat plants when the plants kill you for trying. The Dryads are at the top of the food chain, as a result the rest of the food chain after a primary source of energy it "unneeded".

Why am I not crazy for meat? I may have knowledge of meat, but this body has never experienced it, you can't miss what you never had. My dad seems to not care either, as survival overcomes desire most of the time. Doesn't mean I won't feast on some as soon as I get my chance.

Can I even digest meat? I god damn better be able too. Hell, if a Venus fly trap can, I should have no problems as a saiyan... but that is an experiment for later.

Why hasn't the ecosystem died, I don't fucking know. Ask a biologist or something, I was a weeb, not a scientist. However, there are a lot of volcanoes, and the fact that dryads don't need nutrients from the soil helps. They have tree roots as feet, but they are not rooted to the ground, because they walk around. How how does this all work out, I don't know. Once again, I'm not a scientist.

"Mom, how long were you pregnant?" It was one of the questions that's been on my mind for ages, it felt like it took almost a hundred years for me to be born, but that could have been a hallucination.

"Hm? Oh, about 10 years. Twice as long as normal. Dryads take 5 years to spawn, while your father says Saiyans don't even take a year, which I find hard to believe."

"T-ten years!" That explains a lot, and it seems that I have unintentionally exaggerated the length of my stay in my mother's belly. "How old are you guys?"

"Well, 10 years seems like a long time to someone who's only lived 8 years. I'm 521, years old. Near the end of my youth. Dryads life span is dependent on how strong they are. Most live up to 600 years at average, but the limit seems to be about 1000.

"I'm about 46 years old. Saiyans retain their youth as long as we are training, we stay in our physical prime for combat. But we will get drastically old when our time is near. Somewhere around 150-200 years."

Huh, I wonder how long I'll live. If I only have several years left, then I'm stealing a set of dragon balls to extend my life faster then you can say Kakarot. An extreme measure that seems unnecessary as my Ki is far to energetic an lively for imminent dead.

With enough understanding of Ki, you can get a really good analysis of your own health and body condition. I have observed my Ki since I was in the womb, so ya, I know what's up with my body.

"Weed! Time for training." My father calls out. He wasn't a combat saiyan, but a run way technician. Despite that, he knew how to fight and has a couple of techniques to pass down.

Why is he a run away? He left planet Vegeta thanks to the fact that head learned of a certain secret, which he told the young King Vegeta. Who had wanted him executed for " blasphemy" because it was "false information". He was ready for that as my father had prepared a small spaceship that he had already removed all traceable aspects of and booked it out before his execution. He was planing to secretly move into a region governed by the Galactic Patrol, an intergalactic police force.

Only for all his plans to be thwarted by a rouge asteroid, and it knocked him off course causing him to crash land onto my mother's home planet named Every-Wood. Where he was nursed to health while adapting to 4x gravity with the help of my mother. They feel in love, did the deed, then surprise! A saiyan hybrid between a dryad was born! Waa Wee!

Anyways, I got into my fighting stance and charged at my father. After a several losses, and a smile painting my face. It was time to train my Power Ball. While also attempting to master my Great Ape form.

An ability and training method made by Bardock, who my father was a good friend of.

What a surprise...

This will rarely update.

Nublysscreators' thoughts