

Sopho_Kiknadze · 若者
5 Chs

Chapter 4

up there before car crash''

it was 11 o'clock in the morning.Natalie was sitting at finn's computer ,playing games and eating cookies.

finn walked in with big files in his hand. when he saw natalie, he raised an eyebrow.

-good to see you working, natalie!

-don't fight with me finn-saied natali

-why aren't you working? everyone was looking for you-finn said with angry face.

-i am not in the mood to work, i have day off.-she smiled.

-really?!-finn was outraged-get up,now!we have lot of work. it is not time to have a day off.

-ok, i will get up in 1 hour, i promise-she said with smiley face

finn went out.

Natalie opened finn's document, dialed the name and waited for the answers.

school #20

my whole life i have been sitting next to nata. behind us were sitting david and liam, infrom of us- lena and zuzu

I, as a good friend, always helped David, liam and zuzu cheat during exams. 

our teacher realized what we were doing, so she made me change a seat. that is how i sad next to audrey grillerig -creepiest girl in whole school( she even has a weird last name)

during classes, she used to take photos of me.i think you understand what happened  to me when i realized o had to sit next to her.

zuzu and david were making fun of me.  they thought it was very funny, that i had to sit next to audrey. 

story time

once zuzu throwed crumpled paper at me. i avoided it. audrey didn't.

me and boys  started laughing. we got kicked out of class. lena and nata protested our "punishment" so the got kicked out too. we all went to mcdonald's

childhood was one of my favorite time of my life


this is the end of this chapter.