

Sopho_Kiknadze · 若者
5 Chs

Chapter 1

do you remember anything?

-so so

-do you remember pain?

-i do...i remember blow...strong and nothing!


- when I was taken to the hospital, I could no longer breath...



-last name?



-22 years old

-very young-says finn as he reads my dossier

I smile


-car crush

- when?

-15 minutes ago,I saw broken glass of the clock

-in round garden?



-I don't know... I don't remember

-i know-smiles finn- Chris Brown, how can I intimidate this guy, so he can drive slowly?

When I hear name, I froze.

- what should I do with you now?

Then we hear knock

-come In!

Door opens and beautiful girl with the rollers, comes in. She wears white dress and silver neckless.

-hey finn, do we have anyone new?-says girl and looks at me from head to toe.

-Natalie, I am busy, wait a little!-says finn calmly

-ugh...you are always saying that-girl stainghtens her wings

-i will be done soon and I will talk to you later-smiles finn

-the accidents victim is this?-Natalie looks at me with raised eyebrow.

-i am

She is not the most beautiful girl -she calmed herself down-everyone is talking about her

- what you don't like her?

-no!-says Natalie calmly

-i like her- finn says and I blush

-i don't want to make you sad but she has to go

-who said that?

-the boss!

-boss never changes his answer-finn says sadly

-yes, he never does-Natalie says with a smirk-i have to return you home.

Suddenly Natalie turns on the white monitor. The picture completely confuses me. I see myself in operation room. Doctor is giving me electrical shock.

Finn grunts and gives me silver paper

- sign this, it is too early for you.

I sign it. Paper is really beautiful, shinny. Something is written on it in unknown language.

Natalie smiles at me.

-bye!-i tell finn

-bye!- finn tells me and kisses my hand.

Natalie looks unhappy and she tells me:- Mia, come on, we have to go!

-you know my name?

-who do you think I am? Can't you see my wings?-the she turnes to finn and with with angelic voice she says:-see you later, finn!

The i remember purple corridor. I'd is shinny too.

-this dress makes me crazy. I have to fix it all the time.

-who gave it to you?

-one guy, he is obsessed with me-she says proudly.

-it is really beautiful. Where are we going?

-i am returning you.


-from where you came from.

-how old are you?

-i am 16.you are 6 years older then me. Finn likes younger girls.and you shouldn't have that confuses look, you won't remember anything when you will wake up. Oh,her it is- The lift-the tells me- go in an don't be scared

I go in.

-Say "hi" to  Chris for me-she tells me and smirks

Then it is darkness.


-she came to her senses

-pulse is normal!

-she survived!

-it is a miracle! How long has she been out?! 30 minutes

-she lost so much blood, it is miracule! God must really love her!