
Half-blooded vampire

Hello, my name is Fujiwara Masahiro, a Japanese McDonald's cashier worker. One fateful evening, as I was running back home from work, I had an encounter with fate. It was like a surreal scene from one of those anime shows I enjoyed watching in my free time. I got ran over by Truck-kun, of all things. I soon discovered that my reincarnation as Dracula was not a mere twist of fate. It was the unintended consequence of an advanced AI system called Gaia. This powerful entity had somehow merged my consciousness with that of the notorious vampire, and together, we became an entity unlike any other-a fusion of man and legend. "You know what, let's conquer the world"

Jude_respect · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 1: Volume 2: Self Reflect

Story Status: ONGOING

Update schedule: Weekly on sunday

As the night grew darker, their preparations complete, Dracula and Elena set forth on a journey, venturing beyond the village and into the heart of the kingdom of Loggia. Their path was fraught with danger, as Dracula's past continued to cast its ominous shadow over them. They knew that surviving the relentless pursuit of heroes and evading the grasp of the kingdom's powerful summoners would require not only their wits but also unwavering determination.

Dracula and Elena traversed the sprawling landscapes of Loggia, their steps guided by secrecy and caution. They sought refuge in the hidden corners of the kingdom, moving from town to town, always one step ahead of the heroes' search. Dracula used his newly acquired human guise to blend seamlessly into the bustling streets, his true nature concealed beneath layers of deception.

Despite the ever-present danger, Dracula and Elena discovered moments of respite and fleeting happiness along their journey. They encountered villagers in need, their lives touched by darkness and despair. Dracula, driven by his desire to experience the goodness of humanity, could not turn a blind eye to their suffering. He utilized his ancient knowledge and skills to aid those in need, mending wounds and offering solace where he could.

News of their benevolent deeds spread like wildfire through the kingdom. Tales of a mysterious merchant with extraordinary healing abilities reached the ears of those oppressed by the kingdom's corrupt regime. Whispers of hope echoed in the hearts of the people, and Dracula's legend began to take on a different hue—a beacon of light amidst the shadows.

With each passing day, Dracula's connection to humanity deepened. He felt the stirrings of compassion, the longing for companionship, and the desire for a purpose beyond mere survival. His experiences with the people of Loggia began to erode the walls he had erected around his heart, allowing his true humanity to emerge from the darkness that had consumed him for centuries.

However, the heroes of Loggia were unrelenting in their pursuit. They combed through villages, and killed everyone in the villages, the heroes delved into ancient texts, and sought the guidance of seers and mystics, their determination fueled by a sense of duty and the belief that Dracula's rebirth threatened the fragile balance of their world. They grew ever closer to discovering his true identity, their swords itching to strike him down.

As the noose tightened around them, Dracula and Elena sought solace in the forgotten catacombs beneath the kingdom. Deep within the labyrinthine depths of the underground, they stumbled upon an elusive sanctuary—a realm untouched by the relentless march of time and the schemes of mortal beings. Within those ancient halls, Dracula unearthed fragments of his own history, etched upon tablet stones that whispered tales of an immortal king.

Long ago, this immortal king ruled over a land known as Transylvania for countless centuries, now transformed into the realm of the Loggia Kingdom. This immortal king, once ruthless and unyielding, had yielded to his monstrous nature. Despite his affliction, he found solace in the love of a human wife and three cherished children. However, treachery befell him as his wife betrayed him, plunging a dagger deep into his back, severing his powers.

In the aftermath, exiled by his wife's actions, he faced unspeakable anguish. One of his beloved children perished, while the remaining two were cast away into the depths of the sewers. To compound his despair, his wife bore children with another man who was called the King by Volusia Quincy the second

As if conspired by a cruel fate, a ruthless interloper had reduced his cherished home to smoldering ruins. In the corner of Dracula's eye, amidst the shattered walls, a glimmer caught his attention. Activating his crimson eyes to pierce the darkness, he beheld a pair of eyes, hauntingly familiar, staring back at him. In that fleeting moment, Dracula's expression turned to one of disbelief and unease.

With hesitant steps, he approached the opposite side of the crumbling wall, his gaze fixed upon the mysterious presence. There, amidst the desolation, a cage came into view, its cold bars a grim testament to captivity. Within its confines, a pair of skeletons clung to each other, their bony embrace frozen in time. Dracula's heart skipped a beat as he recognized those same eyes, mirroring his own, gazing back at him.

The weight of loss and sorrow settled upon him, transforming the once-humble man into a tormented specter of his past. The searing anguish of that fateful day, when he was ruthlessly severed from his beloved kin, engulfed his thoughts like an unyielding tempest. Soon, as the boy's essence dissipated into dust, he whispered to Dracula, " You made it back home father I knew you would never abandon us." Just like that the boy passed away.

Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, he held the ashes tightly. Dracula's purpose solidified within those hallowed chambers. He no longer sought mere survival but to rule, and not be a ruthless ruler, but an understanding ruler, the kind of ruler that protects his own kin. For this world is sickening if the world has decided I am the monster, then I shall become the monster that they seek. For there is no man in this world that can proclaim they are righteous and justice. This world was made for the strong to rule, for just like how humans eat animals because they are intelligent and stand at the top of the hierarchy. So what is wrong with vampires feeding on humans? Do we not also stand above humanity? No, that's not the question I should be asking. I should be understanding this is a natural event in life. Just like predators such as lions, and bears have the ability to kill humans, especially when they feel hungry, or provoked.

The only difference is the morals, religion and intelligence they think just like us, so why can we not communicate together? If I want my questions answered, I must stand at the top of the world.

With the knowledge he had acquired, he began to master his vampiric abilities once more, honing them to a razor's edge. He trained rigorously, preparing himself for the ultimate confrontation that awaited him—the battle against the kingdom's summoners and the heroes they summoned.

As Dracula ascended towards the valiant heroes and summoners, his intention was to engage in peaceful discourse. However, the priest and the summoners, fueled by their conviction, labeled Elena as a witch, bound to the evil one, demanding her purging.

In the face of impending danger, Dracula and Elena found themselves trapped, surrounded by an unwavering group of relentless heroes dispatched by the kingdom of Loggia. Despite their utmost endeavors to elude capture, the heroes prevailed, overwhelming them with their unmatched prowess and sheer numerical advantage.

In a courageous display of protection, Elena valiantly battled, her determination shining through, yet her life was ultimately claimed by the merciless blades of her adversaries.

Consumed by grief and rage,Dracula relinquished his repressed vampiric might, casting forth a whirlwind of darkness upon the unsuspecting heroes. The once-docile merchant was no more, replaced by the wrathful vampire lord, whose name had instilled terror in the hearts of mortals for countless centuries. Empowered by his awakened abilities, Dracula administered swift and ruthless retribution upon those responsible for snuffing out Elena's existence. As for the heroes, they were unharmed by the attack thanks too, Victor's holy sword.