
Half-blood Debt

Timeline: New Revival Era Background Vicinity: Rosineo Country, Imberaddo Continent In the world where humans rule, there are creatures in the dark, who hold the strings of power over economy and polity. They hide their strangeness deeply and carefully. Amaara Narcissa Thanatos. A teen just stepped into the adulthood is furled into the world of chaos and mystery. With the demise of her grandmother, and her her mother being abroad, she steps into the ancestral town of her father as per the instructions from her grandmother's bracelet. Where she finds out that her father was not dead nor abandoned her and her mother. Something had happened on the night of ninth full moon of NRE 1066. And she was here to find the answers. There are questions and mysteries. How would she be able to fare in the world of Lycans and other mythical creatures?

styxlegion · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 6

"Principal has arranged this. Do you have any opinion?" Mrs. King snapped, annoyed with her childishness for the nth time.

"Oh. Mr. King is very free. It looks like he doesn't have much work pending, that he came out to manage these puny affairs. If I am aware of this, this type of matter should be decided by Supervisor, right?"

Seeing Mrs. King nodding hesitantly, Amaara continued, "So, why did HE selected me to give the closing speech? Didn't YOU consider any other students? There seem to be many students who have achieved better results."

Mrs. King narrowed her eyes.

"This is the decision made by Justus after much discussion with staff. I am in no position to object, Miss Thanatos. As I think this is the best."

"You mean, he ordered on behalf of you and the staff. And you just nodded. You know what? As a wife you have done a terrible job. You should keep tight leash on the dog that you have domesticated. How can his decision override your responsibility? You should divide personal and professional life carefully." Amaara continued animatedly.


"Do you think I am not aware of what you are doing and what you have been doing till now? Don't play schemes. Remember, you are in archaeology major, not in law or marketing." Mrs. King tried to raise her voice in order to hide that background sound but Amaara caught it.

"Was that a bark I heard?" She said sarcastically.

Violent cough.

"Okay. That's enough." Mrs. King snapped.

"Justus dear, please put those cucumber slices on your eyes again. And do not move your mouth. The facemask will cause wrinkles. Miss Thanatos, please prepare a decent farewell speech in two days. And contact me, we shall discuss and edit the manuscript together. Let's call it over. And take care of yourself. Have a nice day." Mrs. King cut off the connection instantly without waiting for the brat's reply.

"Justus..." Mrs Eleanor King was a strict and cold-faced, kind-hearted supervisor of The Ivory Tower International High School, Rosineo. And loving spouse of Principal Justus King.

"Don't, Ella. Just... She is so much like him. Rossie would have been so happy and proud. Seeing her bullying everyone. (sigh)." Justus ripped off the mask on his face with a nostalgic sigh.

"Why don't you just give her what she wants. You know that she is gonna keep causing racket, right?"

"It's not that I don't want to. But the time has not come yet."


Amaara packed the suitcase with all necessities and toiletries swiftly. After thinking, she took her backpack too. The flight was scheduled for 11.00 in the morning. She took a short shower and left her hair loose to dry. The flight would be very long. So she chose comfortable denim shorts and loose sweater. After brushing her hair to keep them unentangled she put on ankle length boots. Also, took out a pair of black plastic shoes with holes in them for rain. Well, Monsora country is exact opposite to them. They have summer right now. While, there should be downpour of rain in Monsora.

She glanced at the clock. It was 9.00 in the morning. The ticket her mom booked was elite grade. Thoughtfully so, so she could have breakfast in waiting area itself and doesn't have to arrange somewhere else. Amaara locked the main door. Checked a few times. And walked out to the front yard slowly wearing a backpack, dragging the suitcase while searching for nearby cab on her Ambit.

She quickly messaged a nearby cab and locked the front gate with her biometrics. She glanced at her Ambit showing sensory system of whole compound and villa. A honk sounded from the road. She quickly confirmed the cab and got into it with her suitcase. Because the laggage was not much the cab master did not bother to remind her to put it in the trunk. The car hovered and took off to the airport.

In less than 15 minutes she reached the Primula-Lotus City International Airport. The security scanned her luggage and Ambit for identification and ticket checking. She was led to the elite waiting area by the lady attendant.

The waiting area was filled with fragrance of food and noise of waiting passengers. She was starving. She hadn't even had a coffee. She quickly glanced at the food rack. There were various types of soup, salads, breads, pasta, fastfood, pastries, juices and beverages etc. She grabbed a plate of cheesy garlic bread and spaghetti with a burger and tiny bowl of cobb salad. Of course a jar of mocha frappuccino with whipped cream on the top, on the side. Best in the summer. Well, don't judge. She likes variation. And the amount of all is very average. It was 9.30. Still an hour before the boarding starts. She comfortably sat on the single corner sofa and enjoyed the food while reading her unfinished novel.


Simhaan City

Waxing Cresent Moon, 7th Bright Lunar Fortnight

NRE 1084 (New Revival Era)

It was 11.30 in the night. The special aircraft Quincy-900, the sturdiest, the fastest and the best for long range flights, landed at Simhaan City International Airport. After the longest flight of more than 10,000 miles, the proud Quincy landed gracefully on the runway with splendor of its bright strobe lights. The ground staff of the airport rushed to the aircraft. The attendants helped the passengers to disembark.

Amaara took the luggage from the luggage station and walked out of the airport building slowly. Fortunately, there was no rain tonight. She planned to call her mom about her landing and hail a cab to Imperial Hospital.

"Miss Thanatos?" She heard someone calling out from behind.

The man was wearing elite black suit and holding a virtual screen calling her name.

"Uh. Miss Amaara Thanatos?" He repeated as he saw that she was confused.

Seeing her nodding he turned off the virtual screen with a flap.

"Good evening, Miss Thanatos. I am River Daniels, executive secretary of Dean Carletti. Here to help Dr. Numen. She has instructed me to pick you up Please come with me." Secretary Daniels introduced himself.