
Half-blood Debt

Timeline: New Revival Era Background Vicinity: Rosineo Country, Imberaddo Continent In the world where humans rule, there are creatures in the dark, who hold the strings of power over economy and polity. They hide their strangeness deeply and carefully. Amaara Narcissa Thanatos. A teen just stepped into the adulthood is furled into the world of chaos and mystery. With the demise of her grandmother, and her her mother being abroad, she steps into the ancestral town of her father as per the instructions from her grandmother's bracelet. Where she finds out that her father was not dead nor abandoned her and her mother. Something had happened on the night of ninth full moon of NRE 1066. And she was here to find the answers. There are questions and mysteries. How would she be able to fare in the world of Lycans and other mythical creatures?

styxlegion · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 2

Simhaan City

Waxing Cresent Moon, 7th Bright Lunar Fortnight

NRE 1084 (New Revival Era)

Imperial University of Solortus. The largest institution in Monsora sub-continent and a leading distinguished power in the research and development of medicine and surgery in Solortus continent.

Dean Elijah Carletti was reading the latest thesis from his favourite student from afar. In his view, she was simply wasting her time in that backward place. She was such a brilliant surgeon, and to work in a normal high-grade hospital was a type of lazing around when you are capable of doing something more important.

Dean Carletti sighed for the sixth time, while reading the paper. The Imperial University campus contained many buildings, each for every major. Actually, it was just more famous for madicine major. Otherwise, the Imperial University was top-notch in every major it taught. The campus was so big, it looked like an ancient city from bird eye view, because of the structure designs. The dark buildings like historical mansions and well preserved gardens and statues at every circle, sounded exactly like dark academia aesthetic. And just because of this, the students from all over the world would scramble to get addmission in this college. Who doesn't like aristocratic and noble style of uniform clocks and coats with dark scholastic environment?

In the center of the campus was a huge statue of a lady holding book with both hands and black wings wider and longer than her entire form spread from her back. The body of the statue was sculpted with white marble while the clothes and the wings with shining black marble. Which made the statue look ethereal. On the plinth of the statue an epigraph is carved, which reads:

In return of the knowledge, I have lost the concept of homeland. These are the tears of envy. Envy for your belongingness.

- Lady Panacea Michaela

(Renowned surgeon and miracle doctor. A great scientist and compassionate being.)

The building opposite of this statue was called Grand Premises. This was the largest building structure in the entire Imperial University Campus. This building contained large theatre area, conference halls, meeting rooms, scholers office and staff rooms. The hallways of the building were dark and solemn with many pillars and careful sculpted designs.

After the flurry of the rushing footsteps, knock sounded from the heavy doors of the dean's office. A vague voice called out to invite the person in. This was the second time in this week and after so many years, she had entered this office. It was still so gloomy, with high walls covered with wooden cabinets of books and ancient artifacts. The only bright place was ths desk of dean. The lamp on which casted a gentle golden glow around himself. Dean Carletti looked up to see his precious student and arranged his spectacles with his withered but incredibly stable fingers. The lady was wearing formal clothes and professional coat. This was Dr. Lilith Juniper Numen. One of the best doctors and best surgeon that Dean Elijah Carletti brought up himself.

"There is an emergency, so I won't be able to attend the conference, dean. Can you please take over on my part?" Dr. Numen tried to calm herself after running desperately.

Dean Carletti raised his eyebrows and brushed his white bushy beard.

"Of course, Dr. Numen. Go ahead, I shall handle everything." He replied while rearranging his heavy glasses.

"Thank you so much, dean. I very much appreciate your help." Dr. Numen turned to leave, after gaining his permission.

"Lilith. I know, it's not in your obligation to inform me everything like before. But, is everything fine?" Dean Carletti called out.

Dr. Numen pursed her lips and shook her head.

"You know, that we all are always with you, right?"

"I know." Dr. Numen replied in hoarse voice.

"Okay. I'll ask River to accompany you with whatever the mess you are going through." Dean said.

Dr. Numen looked at him with refusal.

"Don't refuse. She is the best assistant. And she will also report to me in emergency. Now, leave. I'll get her to contact you." Dean Carletti's irrefutable order rang in the office.

"Thank you, Teacher." Lilith said softly and left the office with heavy heart.


"Mom. I have Dr. Brian beside me. I'll expand the screen so you can talk to him." Amaara contacted his mother as soon as the doctor finished examining the other patient.

"Thank you, Sweetie. Good afternoon, Dr. Brian."

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Thanatos. I am senior doctor in City hospital. Pardon the noisy surroundings as this is the emergency." Dr. Brian took over the screen.

"No worries at all, Dr. Brian. This is normal. We all have experienced this. Let me reintroduce myself. I am a practicing surgeon with name Dr. Lilith Numen working in Rosineo Urban Hospital. Unfortunately, I'm in Simhaan City for a conference, so I would not be able to be present there immediately. Please, let me know about her latest condition and situation of vitals."

"D...Dr. Numen, Uh, I know you. I.. I mean, I'm a big fan. Uh. Yes. The patient is...."

Amaara sat in the chair absentminded and fiddled with her bracelet.

Her entire being was silent and solemn. It was as if she was sitting in a temple and the holy atmosphere was affecting her nervous and tense mood just like caressing an overexcited beast into sereneness. A silent music of forest was echoing in her mind, making her drowsy and tired.


She gasped and snapped out of her illusion.

"Ah. Were you meditating? It is good. You should calm your mind." Dr. Brian looked at her ruffled appearance.

"Uh.. yeah. What did mom say?" She asked with tired eyes.

"We have transferred your grandma to the special ward. And we are going to discuss the next procedure after some check-up."

"Oh. Okay."

"Dr. Numen, cough, your mother and her assistant are constantly in contact with us. And we shall observe her continuously for 12 hours."

"Hm... after that?"

""Maybe, we shall transfer her to Imperial Hospital."

"Okay... wait." Amaara paused.

"WHAT? Transfer her to Imperial Hospital? That's in Simhaan City? A whole continent away. What are you gonna do? Airlift her?"