
Haikyuu: The Eyes of the Court

Asce · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Chapter 1

I woke up with a jolt. My breathing was heavy so I took deep breaths to calm myself. I then looked around to see white. That's it, just white. I felt like panicking as I didn't know where a was but I couldn't. I felt, oddly enough, comfortable. It was then a white light shone in the middle of the room. Once the light show ended I saw an old man with a white beard in front of me. To be more precise, he looks like Gandalf.

" Hello young one. I am what you humans call god. I am here to tell you that you died and now have the chance to reincarnate. You can choose which world to be reborn into and get 3 wishes. " God says. As I was hearing this I was shocked but I calmed down and started to think of wishes.

" Okay, I would like to me be reborn in the world of Haikyuu as Hinata Shoyo's older brother by 1 year with my memories awakening when I am 5 years old. First I would like to have an adaptable body with fast growth. Next , I wish to have observation haki. Lastly, i would like to perfect copy"

" Granted. Have fun with your new life. Also make it interesting. I'll be watching." with that said God then leaves. I was then engulfed in white light.


In the backyard of a small house, two kids were playing with each other. They both have have orange hair, one has straight hair while the other has messy hair.

" You won't catch me nii san. "

" Just wait Shoyo. I'll get you right now. ", the kid with straight hair says. As he catches his brother they both fell. While getting up the straight hair kid then gets a headache which almost knocks him out but held on. He then remembered his past life and smiled. He then looked at his memories for this body and finds out his new name being Hinata Daiki. As this was happening Shoyo then looks towards his brother.

" Nii san, are you okay " Shoyo asks. Daiki then looks at Shoyo and replies,

" I'm fine Shoyo. I'm just a bit tired. Let's go inside okay. "

" Okay nii san "

As they were going inside Daiki was making plans for training.