
Haikyuu: Rise To The Top

Hinata Shoyo wakes up one day with memories of a life he hasn't lived yet.. but feels completely real. What will he do next? How will this change him and his path to the Top? Would he be just as good as he was in his memories.. or will he become someone different altogether? He doesn't know yet but he'll find out soon enough. Follow his new journey and his rise to the Top. _______________________ Tags - Romance, Comedy, Action, Weak-To-Strong, ( not sure about R-18 but I'll decide as I write and see where it goes). I might add more tags in the future.

My_Dixie_Rekt · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 6

When Kageyama heard Hinata's declaration.. he didn't exactly know how to feel. When Hinata said he'd hit his tosses, with such confidence, he almost wanted to believe him.. but then again.. Kitagawa Daiichi was one of the best teams in the prefecture, and even their spikers were not able to do it. So he decided to watch Hinata play and then decide if those words carried any weight, or they were just baseless optimism. By now.. he wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter.

When the game began and Kageyama saw Yukigaoka play.. he was disappointed. They looked like half of them had never played volleyball before. Kageyama had almost given up, when he saw Hinata jump. He jumped like he belonged in the air.. it almost felt like he was flying, and it was a sight that made him want to stop and watch. The block followed soon after and he.. just like everybody else.. froze in shock. The sight was just too much to deal with in the short span of a few seconds.

He felt annoyed when he snapped out of his shock. He didn't like it when his tosses got blocked. During the next point, he sent a fast toss towards Kindaichi because he wanted to avoid another possible block.

Kindaichi was barely able to get a hand on it which frustrated him but at least, the ball was still in play. When he saw Yukigaoka's setter mess up the toss, he was convinced they got the point. It was at that moment that he noticed an orange flash and when he looked towards it.. he was shocked for a second time that day, in quick succession.

Hinata was already there and was in position to spike. He tried to move but the spike landed a second later. 'How did he get there! He was so fast that by the time anyone reacted, he had already spiked the ball. How was he able to handle that toss!? I'm sure nobody from my team could hit that'

'If he could handle that toss.. could he possibly -' Kageyama couldn't help thinking like that. If he had a spiker who was able to hit his quick tosses.. they'd be able to avoid most of the blocks and score consistently. They'd almost be unstoppable. He looked towards Hinata with interest and there was a certain gleam in this eyes this time. He wanted to see all that he was capable of.

After having pulled themselves together, they went hard at their opponents and soon there was a considerable gap between their points. His teammates started slacking off again, considering the game as good as won and that really annoyed him. He started yelling at them to get more serious.. but it seemed as if they didn't care if their opponents scored a few points, when they were sure of their victory. Kageyama hated that mentality.

He looked towards Hinata who fought hard for every single point and couldn't help feel a bit envious. Why couldn't his teammates have that mentality? He used a couple more quick tosses, but all they managed was to make contact. Kageyama told them to move faster and kept getting frustrated.. but he didn't notice his teammates feeling the same frustrations, and it wasn't directed towards their opponents.

As the game went on.. Kageyama couldn't help but think that he was looking at a rough diamond, whenever he watched Hinata. He kept getting better as the game went on. His receives were off at first, but then, he bagan to anticipate the ball trajectory and slowly started getting more balls up. He got blocked continuously.. but then he started to find angles, and aimed at certain parts of the blockers hands to get a few blockouts. He even managed to pull off a feint. His blocks started getting better as well.

His teammates noticed this too, but didn't seem to care much, as they'd won the set and were convinced they'd win the match. Kageyama got really irritated but the coach stopped the argument and told him to take it easy. He felt anything but easy. That guy overwhelmed him. He screamed raw talent. If he managed to improve his skills.. coupled with his speed and athleticism.. he'd be terrible to face as an opponent.


The second set didn't go much different than the first, except for the fact that Hinata found himself getting even better. Anytime his team was able to receive the ball, he was making sure of scoring. Whenever they messed up a receive.. if there was even a small chance of saving it and sending the ball over the net.. he took it. He had already crashed more than once because of this, but he was able to keep the ball in play.

He was only able to block 3 points completely in the second set. He managed a few 'one touches' but his team wasn't able to save those. Kageyama's form was impeccable and it was really tough to predict the toss, but it didn't stop him from trying. But even if he did.. he wasn't able to do much all by himself.. without any help from his team. Yet.. he refused to stop trying.

At some point in the match he had managed to win the support of the audience. Any play he made.. he was received cheers and claps from the audience. It honestly got him flustered. That hadn't been his intention, but it felt nice to have people cheering for him.

The audience couldn't help but cheer. He was the only one scoring for his team and he fought hard for every single point. It was a treat, watching him.

The match soon reached match point. The score was 15 - 24. Kindaichi tossed the ball and Hinata received it. He sent it towards Izumi to set and this time.. Izumi managed to make a good toss. It was high and wide. He made a quick run towards it and jumped high. Some people still gasped seeing his jump and his form mid-air. A few even managed to take pictures of it, but Hinata didn't know anything about that. His eyes were on the ball.

The Kita-ichi players jumped for a block and his view was blocked by a wall. Hinata didn't like it. His focus improved and time seemed to slow down for him. All he could see was a white line.. everything else was blocked. So he focused all his attention on that line and hit the ball.. hard.


The sound was heard throughout the court and the ball landed on the line, almost with burst of speed. It bounced off the floor and rose as high as the viewing stands on the second floor. Another silence followed, which was only broken by the line judge pointing his flag down, followed by the referee's whistle.

Then the entire place erupted. Screams and cheers, even a few cries of outrage, rang throughout the court. The Kita-ichi players were in a daze again with eyes widened in shock. 'A line shot at match point!' everyone screamed in their head.

"Daichi-san! That line shot was so sharp, I think I cut myself by just watching it!" Tanaka exclaimed, leaning down so far.. he almost fell over the railing.

"Damn.. That shot reached as high as the viewing stands. What's wrong with kids these days.. That ball was hit so hard, it looked like it cut through the air. I can almost see the chills running down the Kita-ichi players spines." Sugawara added.

"I don't even know what to say. That short #1 is rusty but his game kept on improving throughout the match. He's the only one who scored from his team and he's fought hard for every single point. But even a blind person can see that he has incredible talent and determination.. If he manages to improve the basics and gameplay.. I can only imagine how formidable he'd be as a player.. especially one as athletically gifted as him" Daichi calmly analysed.

"You're right.. but that setter is pretty amazing too. He was able to set cleanly even if the passes were off. But I can't help but feel that he's almost playing by himself."

"You're right Tanaka. He's going to be a difficult opponent when he starts high school, but first.. he needs to understand that you can't play alone in a team sport like volleyball. Every strong individual are stronger together in a team. Once he realises that.. he'll be a very troublesome opponent" Daichi replied.

"King of the court huh.. I wonder which high school he'll join as a freshman" - Sugawara.

"Probably Aoba Johsai. Most of the Kitagawa Daiichi players join that school."

"You're right Daichi-san. But I can't help thinking he needs some knocking down" Tanaka replied making a scary face, which scared away some of the people near them.

"Oi.. Tanaka! Stop making that face. You're scaring people away. Anyways.. we should get going. The match will probably end now" Daichi just sighed

As if on cue.. the referee blew his whistle, signalling the end of the match. They then started walking away, while talking about both the players that caught their attention.

The match had ended with Kindaichi's spike. Hinata's team was dejected, but Hinata was fine. He gave his best today and that's all that mattered. Besides.. after that line shot.. there were very few things that could ruin his mood.

They lined up again and bowed to their opponents. He then went ahead to shake hands with the Kita-ichi players. The players were acting a bit wary at first but still shook hands and he congratulated them. They replied in kind. He had gained their respect. He then went to Kageyama.

"Well played.. Those were some pretty good sets. I couldn't tell where the ball would go from your form at all. You're as good as they say."

Kageyama was a bit surprised. He thought there would be another pseudo confrontation so he was taken aback by the genuine praise. He just nodded his head. It was the only quick response he could come up with.

"The next time we face each other.. I'll defeat you. And I was serious about what I said earlier. One day.. you'll toss for me. It doesn't matter if it's a year from now or ten years. You'll definitely toss for me one day.. and that's a promise."

Kageyama's teammates were shocked. Not many people had the balls to approach Kageyama and say something like that to his face. Their respect for Hinata increased a bit. They waited to hear his response. Even the coach looked interested in the conversation.

"I'll toss to whoever is needed to win. If you want me to toss to you.. improve your game first. And you'd better hurry up.. cause I won't wait." Kegeyama replied, looking at him in the eye.

Hinata just smirked. "You don't have to worry about that.. I'll be a completely different player the next time. Good luck for the rest of the tournament. We'll meet again, your Majesty. I hope you'll be ready." he replied and walked away.. waving his hand with his back towards them.

Everyone at the Kitagawa Daiichi camp had varying reactions to what they just witnessed, but they all had one common thought in their head.

'Damn! That's so cool!"