
Haikyu! AU: Love Me

Kuro x Kageyama x Osamu Omegaverse Alternative Universe (Don't hesitate to read this cause it'll be a happy end for these three. They'll end up together because I got freaking traumatize on Love Triangles) After various of experiments, the society of the world changed. And the second gender was created. People was split into three different kind of second gender. At the bottom of the pyramid are the Omegas. Only 10% of the population are tested as omegas. They release pheromones that attracts the alphas. They went ito inconvenience called Heat where they unconsciously release their pheromones as it risen their sexual drive. Their heat lasts at least 3-7 days. Most of omegas are physically weak and dependent. At the middle of the pyramid, are the betas. The betas have the 70% of the world's population. They are just ordinary people, they don't smell Alpha or omega pheromones. But there are cases of Betas that release faint arousal pheromones with unique smell that only selected Alpha or Omega can smell. Finally, an alpha who consumes 20% of the population. At the top of the pyramid, unlike omegas, they are strong physically. They are the mighty ones in the society. They can be affected by the Omega's pheromones and get a sexual drive. They have certain inconvenient called Rut, their sexual drive risen at a time like that. It lasts to 3-5 days.

Renzi_Rei · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 9

Kageyama's PoV

"Kageyama, wake up. You'll be late."

I felt someone tapping my cheeks lot of times and when I open my eyes I saw Osamu.


"Wake up. You'll be late." He said. "Its almost 8 am."

"Wha..?" I yawn.

He chuckles. "Looks like you're still half asleep." Why is he shinning when he smile?

"Why you shinning?" I said in a low voice.

"Hmm? I'm what?" He brought his face closer to me.

"Shinning." I said, still in a low voice.

He just smiled at me and mess my hair even more.

"You'll seriously get late again if you wont go and take a bath now." He softly said before leaving my room.

How'd I end up here? I was sure I was in Kuroo's car... I can't be magically come to my room or sleepwalk cause I never done those.

I immediately went to the bathroom and took a bath then I change to my office clothes. When I went to the kitchen Osamu was preparing something.

"Where's Kuroo?" I asked.

"Ah. He was out early. I guess he's been busy these days." He answered flatly. "Anyways, since you can't have breakfast. I pack it for you "

He handed me a bento box. I was a little flustered and I don't know why is that. Maybe he's just being generous.

I gave a small smile. "Thank you." I said and accept the box. "I'll get going now. Also, I might be home late today."

"Okay. Get to work safely."

I nodded before I ran outside the apartment. Its already 8 so I'm going to be late again. I tried to rush even more. Called for a taxi.


I was out of breath when I arrived at the office. Everyone's eyes are on me. There are smiles on their faces. While I am confuse, I walked to my desk and know why they are smiling. A rose and coffee is on my desk.

I gave my officemates an awkward smile and then sat on my chair. Their gaze are still on me. I can feel it. I took the chocolate and drink it. Its really sweet but for some reason, I don't quite hate it.

I stare at the flower that was also sent with this chocolate drink. They're red roses. Just what was Kuroo thinking by sending this to me? I might assume and take this the wrong way.

I brush every thoughts off my head and try to concentrate on my work. But my eyes can't help but be bothered by the roses so I hid them.


At break time, my officemates asked about about who is was from. I only answered them the same thing.

"Its from a friend."

"Ohh.. Is it from the guy who fetch you before?" Hinata asked.

"Who.. fetch me before?" I tilted my head and furrowed my brows confused on his words.

"Hm.. I'm not sure but I think his last name was..." He looked up, probably thinking of the name. "Miya?"

That was a ring to my ears.

"Ahm... I- I don't think so?" I answered unsurely.

"Really? Its another 'friend' then?" He asked emphasizing the Friend. "Which department is he from then?"

"That's enough, idiot." Tsukishima pulled Hinata who pouted.

"Ehh? I was just asking." Hinata said to Tsukishima.

"That's considered as eavesdropping, shorty." Tsukishima held Hinata on the head.

Hinata immediately took Tsukishima's hand on his head. "You giant asshole!"

"Hey, you two stop picking fights on each other!" Sugawara then appeared.

"Sorry, Suga." Said by Tsukishima and Hinata in unison.

"The break is almost over."

"Ah. You're right. We'll be back to our posts." Tsukishima pulled Hinata away and Sugawara smiled at me.

"You're lucky." He said and then went away

That was kind of confusing but I guess he's just a trustworthy senior.


"Here to pick you up."

I frown and stare at Kuroo who was literally inside the elevator I was going into. His hands are on his pocket and still in his black suit.

"How'd you know when I'll get off?" I asked suspiciously.

He walked and lean onto me. "Guess what a company investor can do?" There was a vicious smile on his lips.

I scratch my head. "Hm..."

We entered the elevator and it was so awkward that it's almost suffocating.

"Are you going to do something right now?" He suddenly talked that made me turn my gaze to him.

"No. I'm just heading home." I answered formally.

"You have dinner already?"

I shake my head.

"Not yet."

"Let's go and eat out then." He lit up his mood while looking at me excitedly.

Suddenly, my stomach growls loudly that made my face heat up. It's embarrassing that it was so loud. I covered my face and answered his question.



I frown at the sight of the elegance of the restaurant he took me. He was smiling widely while the whole place is sparkling with elegance.

My appetite lost because of how expensive the food is. It'll look like I'm going to be in debt to him again. I haven't even thank him properly about covering up for me in the company.


I snap back to reality as I looked up to him. His eyes are full of worries.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

"Hmm." I slightly nodded.

"Your order are here, sir."

The food was served and the appetite that I thought I lost came back craving for the juicy meat that was served. What the hell is wrong with me? Being drawn to meat....

I stare at the meat. It was shinning on my eyes and I couldn't help but swallow my own saliva.

"You must've been hungry. Dig in." Kuroo let out a small cough and looked away.

I tilted my head and then just did what he said.

3rd Person

"He's so fcking cute!" Kuroo shouted in the back of his head.

Looking at the blueberry-haired digging in the food and munching on them. He had the urge to pinch the latter's cheeks. He's like a squirrel stuffing nuts on his mouth.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Kageyama suddenly asked.

Kuroo smiled and nodded then he started to eat the served food.

While eating, someone suddenly fell on their table. Kageyama was the first to stand and help the fallen person. However, he didn't know what happened next.

Kuroo moved quickly and pulled Kageyama away from the person as he smell the scent of Kageyama gradually spreading.

Kageyama wasn't moving and he is just staring at the person. Darkness was enveloping him as he saw the same face he was running away from before.



Kageyama snap back to reality and looked up to Kuroo with horror.

"Take that b!tch away!" Kuroo ordered the staff while he hold onto Kageyama and he let off some of his dominating scent to cover up Kageyama's.

"That person is seducing me with his scent!" The woman shouted while pointing at Kageyama.

"What the hell are you talking about?! This person is a beta!" Kuroo shouted back.

"That's impossible! Why does he have that scent on him if he is?!"

People starts whispering as Kageyama held onto Kuroo tighter. This scene is so familiar to him so much. He runs away from this and it's happening again. Being treated like a bastard.

"Nonsense! Have anyone of you also smell the scent this annoying b!tch is saying?"

Kageyama's dark world lighten up upon hearing those words. It's not much for others but it means a lot to him... Because it was the first time that someone stood up for him and protected him from harmful words that hunts him everytime.

"That's right. There isn't even a scent."

"Maybe that omega is sick."

"What an attention seeker."

"Such an unfortunate person."

"Maybe she was just taking an attention from that black haired alpha."

"That's right. He seem like a dominant one."

"N-no. T-that's not it. I am telling the truth. He spreads scent that can arouse omegas! He's an alpha I am telling you!" The woman desperately said.

"You don't have a proof. You must be mistaken. This one is a beta and he was just tested days ago. The scent you're talking about must be just all in your head!" Kuroo said in cold voice. He glared at the staffs. "Take that woman away. Such a respectable restaurant shouldn't accepting people like her."

The staffs did what they were told. Kuroo's expression changed upon looking at the person on his arms who was trembling so much. He sigh and carried Kageyama. The latter was holding tightly and hiding his face on the raven's chest.

"Send the bill of our order on Kuroo Corporation." He said to one of the waiter and went out of the restaurant.