
Haikyu! AU: Love Me

Kuro x Kageyama x Osamu Omegaverse Alternative Universe (Don't hesitate to read this cause it'll be a happy end for these three. They'll end up together because I got freaking traumatize on Love Triangles) After various of experiments, the society of the world changed. And the second gender was created. People was split into three different kind of second gender. At the bottom of the pyramid are the Omegas. Only 10% of the population are tested as omegas. They release pheromones that attracts the alphas. They went ito inconvenience called Heat where they unconsciously release their pheromones as it risen their sexual drive. Their heat lasts at least 3-7 days. Most of omegas are physically weak and dependent. At the middle of the pyramid, are the betas. The betas have the 70% of the world's population. They are just ordinary people, they don't smell Alpha or omega pheromones. But there are cases of Betas that release faint arousal pheromones with unique smell that only selected Alpha or Omega can smell. Finally, an alpha who consumes 20% of the population. At the top of the pyramid, unlike omegas, they are strong physically. They are the mighty ones in the society. They can be affected by the Omega's pheromones and get a sexual drive. They have certain inconvenient called Rut, their sexual drive risen at a time like that. It lasts to 3-5 days.

Renzi_Rei · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 8

Kageyama woke up feeling the pain on his back. He clearly remembered everything happened. He sigh and saw himself dressed up and clean. He smiled a little and stood up but couldn't walk properly. He held his waist as he walk to the door.

He opened it and welcomed by a delicious aroma. He inhaled and the smell is coming from the left direction of the room. He walked to that direction and it was the kitchen. On the table was Osamu, giving a gloomy vibes.


Osamu startled and looked onto his direction. He gave a small smile before walking towards the ash-haired.

"Kageyama... Last night I was..."

"Ah. That's right." Kageyama bow his head. "I'm sorry about last night."

Osamu, with widen eyes said, "What are you saying? I should be the one apologizing."

"Eh?" Kageyama raise his head. "But... You've certainly done nothing wrong." He sat on the chair across Osamu due to his aching back.

"I did... I..."

"What have you done wrong?" Kageyama asked with an innocent face.

"I... I got fed up with my desire to devour you." He avoided his gaze because of disappointment.

"But... I bet that you only did that because of me too, right? My pheromones leaks, right? And since you smell them that can only be the cause of the problem. It is mostly my fault, especially that I got drunk without thinking about what trouble I can cause." Kageyama plop on the desk. "Don't entirely blame yourself because the other party is also responsible for causing the mistake."

Osamu's expression became more calm. How can he hurt this person without knowing? He thought. Osamu scratch his head.

"You must be hungry. I'll serve you food." He said to lighten the mood.

Kageyama raised his head with his drool on the corner of his mouth.

"Please do." He said in shamelessly with shining eyes.

Osamu chuckles and stood up to get Kageyama a serving of his cooking. He's amaze that he can see this kind of side of Kageyama despite only knowing each other for a month and even though they did something so unforgivable to him, he's still comfortable with them.

He gave Kageyama the plate with the rice and curry.

"Curry? On the morning?" Kageyama asked.

"I... I cook this whenever I feel anxious." He said embarrassingly, holding his nape while averting his gaze.

"I see. Its nice to know at least a little bit information about you, Osamu-san." Kageyama said in joy.

A small smile formed on Osamu's lips. He raised his hand to pat Kageyama's head and stopped halfway. But seeing Kageyama eat the food he gave with joy, he pat Kageyama's head. It makes his heart flutter.


Kageyama was late to work because he didn't notice the time when he was eating Osamu's deliciously made food. He was really full when he left the small house behind Osamu's restaurant.

When he arrived, he saw a cup of coffee on his desk with a sticky note attached onto it. He put his bag on the floor and took a look on the note.

"Hot chocolate to start your day (W_^) - Kuroo."

"Pfft." He chuckles when he saw the emoji. It somehow looked like Kuroo.

He held the coffee and its already cold.

"Sugawara-san, when was this on my desk?" He asked.

"I don't know. Its already there when I arrived." Sugawara answered. Kageyama just nodded and took a sip on the drink.

"Sweet." He mumbled and put it down.

"Anyways, last night someone get you. If I was not mistaken the name was Osamu Miya?" Sugawara said.

"Uh, yes. We're roommates." Kageyama said and took another sip of the chocolate.

"Good. I thought you didn't know and you were kidnapped." Sugawara said in concern. "Was that... Your boyfriend?"

Kageyama choked on his drink and cough. He unbelievably stare at Sugawara.

"N-no he's not." He stuttered.

"Hee." Sugawara gave a nasty smile. "What a waste. He somehow looks like a good alpha, right?"

Kageyama stopped. "Hmm. I think so."

Sugawara smiled upon hearing the latter's response.

Well, its not my business to interfere on his romance life. Sugawara thought walking back to his desk.


Kageyama yawn and stare on the clock. its already 10pm. He felt so sleepy. He closed the desktop and wrap his things up. There are some officemates with him too.

"You going now, Kageyama?" An officemate asked.

"Yeah. You should too, guys. Bye." He waved while walking out of their office.

I feel very sleepy. Is it because of last night? Kageyama asked himself.

He went to the elevator. He pushed the open button and when the door opened he saw Kuroo smiling at him.

"Kuroo...yawn... Why you here?" He asked.

"I was just worried cause you you haven't gone home since last night." Kuroo excused.

Kageyama entered the elevator and pushed the ground floor button.

"So... You're here to get me?" Kageyama straghtforwardly asked.

Kuroo smiled. "Something like that."

"Uhm. Kuroo-san, about covering up my absents by investing. Thank you." Kageyama bow.

Kuroo messed Kageyama's hair. "The reason you couldn't come to work is because of us so no need to say thank you."

"Even so." Kageyama said. "How can I repay you?"

Kuroo didn't expect Kageyama to be this straight forward. He couldn't help but admire this latter for it.


Kageyama once again yawned and Kuroo saw it.

He must be really tired today. Kuroo thoight

"Hmm? What is it?" Kageyama innocently asked.

"Nothing. You don't need to do anything." He genuinely smiled.

"Thank you again, Kuroo."

The elevator door opened and they both get off.

"Come. I brought my car." Kuroo called walking onto the parking lot.


"Let's go. You're sleepy, right?"


Kageyama walked with Kuroo and get inside the car. He sat on the passenger's seat while Kuroo is the one to drive.

Kageyama tilted his head on the headboard and closed his eyes. A minute later, he was soundly asleep.

Kuroo glanced at Kageyama who's soundly asleep.

"Cute." He said.

He was still curious to know why Kageyama wasn't home last night. Osamu as well..

They can't be together last night... right?