
Haikyu! AU: Love Me

Kuro x Kageyama x Osamu Omegaverse Alternative Universe (Don't hesitate to read this cause it'll be a happy end for these three. They'll end up together because I got freaking traumatize on Love Triangles) After various of experiments, the society of the world changed. And the second gender was created. People was split into three different kind of second gender. At the bottom of the pyramid are the Omegas. Only 10% of the population are tested as omegas. They release pheromones that attracts the alphas. They went ito inconvenience called Heat where they unconsciously release their pheromones as it risen their sexual drive. Their heat lasts at least 3-7 days. Most of omegas are physically weak and dependent. At the middle of the pyramid, are the betas. The betas have the 70% of the world's population. They are just ordinary people, they don't smell Alpha or omega pheromones. But there are cases of Betas that release faint arousal pheromones with unique smell that only selected Alpha or Omega can smell. Finally, an alpha who consumes 20% of the population. At the top of the pyramid, unlike omegas, they are strong physically. They are the mighty ones in the society. They can be affected by the Omega's pheromones and get a sexual drive. They have certain inconvenient called Rut, their sexual drive risen at a time like that. It lasts to 3-5 days.

Renzi_Rei · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 2

Kageyama took his phone at the sides of his pillow and turned off the alarm he set the night before. He got up as he stretches and yawn.

Its already been a month since he moved at Tokyo and got himself an apartment. His relationship with his roomies are just fine but he just don't get the thing that they sometimes avoid him for unknown reasons. Osamu is sometimes going to his family for something. Kuroo was always back late at night.  Perhaps they really don't like betas around. Plus it'd be rude to treat him very poorly especially he's just new.

He went into the bathroom and get ready to go to his work. He's an office worker so he have to be fast or the bus would be full again.

While bathing, he heard a knock coming from his room door.

"Kageyama, breakfast is ready." That voice was Kuroo's.

"Uhm.. Wait a bit, I'm currently at the shower!" He shouted.

It was quiet so he was sure that Kuroo is gone now so he immediately finish bathing himself. He put on his office clothes and pack the papers that he finished reviewing before going to their dining for breakfast.

"Good Morning." He greeted as soon as he entered the dining.

"Morning." -Kuroo

"G'morning." -Osamu

That's it. Simple morning greetings as always since he moved in.

They hears a knock on the door so three of them looked at each other.

"Anyone expecting someone? I'm sure its not mine." Kuroo asked.

"Not me either." Osamu said then their gazes turn to Kageyama.

"I-I'm not expecting anyone either." He nervously answered. "Anyway, I'll get it."

He went to the door and opened it surprised that the person waiting has the same face as Osamu. Perhaps its Osamu's brother.

"Who is it?" Kuroo took a peek from the dining room. "Its Atsumu."

"Atsumu? What's he doing here?" Osamu went to see his brother.


Kageyama was ignored and the guy who named Atsumu hugged Osamu. They're probably twins because of their resemblance with each other.

"What brings you here early in the morning?" Osamu asked with irritation filled his tone.

"Oh well, Mom sent me cause we've been seeing you for a month now. So, I went here to see what seems to be the problem. Is it this fellow here?" Atsumu turns his observing eyes to Kageyama that made him startled.

"Me?" Kageyama innocently tilted his head asking with full of confusion.

"Maybe? I don't know. Nothing seems to be a problem on you. Are you pestering my dear twin often?" Atsumu asked straightforwardly.

"Tsumu, its not his fault." Osamu defended.

"Uhm... I don't really talk to them much so... I don't think..."

"Oh, so there's another reason? Is it this friend of yours then?"

"What?! Why me? I'm very edible you know."

"And a troublemaker, yeah sure." Atsumu rolled his eyes.

"Seriously, you're bothering us. Isn't your heat just around the corner? What if something happened to you?!" Osamu's tone is angry but concern.

"He's... An omega?" Kageyama asked as he distance himself.

"What?! I took suppressants, y'know? And being an omega isn't some kind of virus!"

"I'm sorry... I'm just not really fond of omegas." He looked the other way avoiding Atsumu's gaze.

It was silent and thank goodness to Osamu who spoke first.

"Dumb@ss!" Osamu flicks the blonde's forehead. "I'll take you home. Sorry guys looks like the I won't eat breakfast with you today. I also don't know if I can come back quickly.." He took the apron and pulled his twin out of the apartment.

Kuroo and Kageyama looked at each other and held their nape then looked away.

"Guess its just the two of us today. Let's go and eat or the food will be cold." Kuroo said and walked to the dining.

While eating Kageyama couldn't help but feel the intense awkward atmosphere. The only thing that's making sound are their utensils.

"Uhm, Kageyama."

Kageyama startled and immediately answered. "Yes?"

"What time will you be back from work?" Kuroo asked.

"I don't know. I usually get back at 1. Why?"

Kuroo grin. "Nothing."

And that was the end of their conversation at breakfast.

Kageyama's POV

"Kageyama, you free?"

I averted my eyes from the PC's screen and went to my senior, Sugawara-san.

"Uhm... Yeah. I have nothing much to do." I answered looking at the PC again.

"Really? Then come hang out with us later after work hours." He said.

"Uhm.. I don't usually go out..."

"That's why I'm asking you. You should be more familiarize with us, don't you think?" He smiled brightly. "Our out today is around 7."

"Uhm... Okay. But I need to go home by 11. So I can rest more."

"Sure. I'll take a good care of you." He turned his back but I suddenly remembered something



"We have a... Uhm.. An omega colleague, right?" I averted my gaze.

"Yeah. Just one tho."

"You see... I hate being around them especially that we're out drinking..."

He stopped as if trying to process what I have said. Its really normal since I'm a beta yet I don't want omegas around me that made me sound like an alpha.

"Okay. I'll take note of that." He said and went back to his seat.

I don't actually hate omegas before but someone gave me trauma that its scaring me just being around one. I still remember how scary it was even by just thinking about it.

I shook my head and focus on my work. It won't happen again since I'm away from that person. There's no way that our paths can cross again.


I did went out with Sugawara-san and the others but I didn't drink as much. I'm still sobber and close to being drunk.

I looked at the time and its only 10:53. I thought it'd reach at least 12 midnight but I guess they are not usually wild when drinking.

I reached the apartment and opened the door then enter. I stopped halfway of going to my room when I heard noises. I think it was groans... Is Kuroo and Osamu fighting? No, Osamu-san is out. Then is there a burglar got in?

I immediately ran where the noises are and stopped when I saw the cracked on the door. I took a peek to look what's happening and suddenly was frozen statue.

"Ahh~ Kuroo. So big inside." The blonde haired moans as he move his hips on top of Kuroo. But from the looks of him, I think he's not very pleased.

Then suddenly I felt our eyes met when his eyes landed on the little crack on the door. I heard a louder moan as I saw Kuroo's expression changed but his eyes remains on mine. They huff and I saw him smirked to me.

I immediately get a hold of myself and went straight to my room. What did I just saw... Why are they... Here? Is that the reason why he asked me what time I'll be going back? I locked my door for the reason he might consult me about that.

I covered my face then looked down just to see the erection I got from watching those two.

Kuroo's POV

Kenma immediately took out my cock from inside him and saw my own liquid dripping out his @ss.

"Why'd you come inside without saying?" Irritation filled his voice.

Kenma is beta but I have never smell anything from him. Or maybe I have to smell harder to know that he also have those kind of scent.

I pulled Kenma and sniff and nibble on his neck but there really isn't anything. There's no arousal scent, not even a faint scent of it.

"Hey! Answer my question first." Kenma said trying to push me away.

"I smell something arousal that's why I couldn't help it." I answered looking up to him.

"Arousal? There's no omega here, are there?" He frowns and stood up to get his clothes.

"Nope. Just a newbie that resides with us." I said and just lie down.

"Newbie? The beta you've been talking about?"

"Yeah. He's also cute BTW."

"Ugh. Seriously! This is the last time we'll do this, Kuroo. You got that?" He's very irritated right now. I wanna tease him more.

"Why? You found yourself a new lover?" I teased but he got quiet so I sat and stare at him. He's blushing so hard. "Seriously?"

"Ugh!! Yes! And please! Stop calling for me every time you need someone to fuck!"

"If you tell me you do found yourself a love---"

"I DID! I did... So, ugh! So annoying!"

I laughed as he walked out of my room after putting all of his clothes. He's so cute whenever he's annoyed. I was left and still have an erection. The faint scent of Kageyama haven't left my room. If he didn't  appeared, probably I won't get off pretty fast.