
Haikyu! AU: Love Me

Kuro x Kageyama x Osamu Omegaverse Alternative Universe (Don't hesitate to read this cause it'll be a happy end for these three. They'll end up together because I got freaking traumatize on Love Triangles) After various of experiments, the society of the world changed. And the second gender was created. People was split into three different kind of second gender. At the bottom of the pyramid are the Omegas. Only 10% of the population are tested as omegas. They release pheromones that attracts the alphas. They went ito inconvenience called Heat where they unconsciously release their pheromones as it risen their sexual drive. Their heat lasts at least 3-7 days. Most of omegas are physically weak and dependent. At the middle of the pyramid, are the betas. The betas have the 70% of the world's population. They are just ordinary people, they don't smell Alpha or omega pheromones. But there are cases of Betas that release faint arousal pheromones with unique smell that only selected Alpha or Omega can smell. Finally, an alpha who consumes 20% of the population. At the top of the pyramid, unlike omegas, they are strong physically. They are the mighty ones in the society. They can be affected by the Omega's pheromones and get a sexual drive. They have certain inconvenient called Rut, their sexual drive risen at a time like that. It lasts to 3-5 days.

Renzi_Rei · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 12

I yawned and then saw Kuroo's sleeping face. He's shining and still handsome even first thing in the morning. He's even drooling but why the hell he still looks stunning. I'm really jealous.

"Good Morning, Babe." He smiled with his eyes closed.

I pushed his face away and I sit up. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around my waist.

"Sleep more. It's still early." Osamu said and maybe half asleep.

It's been like this for a while now. We constantly sleeping on the same bed whichever room it was. And today, we're in Osamu's room.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" Kuroo said to Osamu.

"Shut up rooster! It's still early for you to open your goddamn mouth." Osamu said in a soft voice.

"Just sleep more if you want to." I said and pat his head lightly.

"Come lie with me then." Osamu's eyes sparkles on the tiny light coming from outside.

It's only 5:30 am but the sun is already rising.

I did lie beside him and so he hugged me tightly.

"You sure have your favoritism." Kuroo pouted while looking at us. "I feel so out of place right now."

"Then lie down with us." I said turning my gaze to him.

Not a second later, he was already lying and hugging me.

For the past days, our relationships became more deeper but we're still not confronting each other about our feelings. I am seem to be confused with these two.

I am clearly a beta and not an omega for them to be going crazy about. But I have a scent that only they can smell. That was probably the reason why they are here with me. But what if there isn't any pheromones from me? Would they still be like this?


I startled and looked up to Osamu.


"Are you okay? You look bad." He said that made Kuroo turn my head to him.

"Indeed. Why are you suddenly so gloomy?"

"Nothing." I just answered.

A phone rang and it was Osamu's. He frustratedly answered the phone but immediately got up.

"He's what?!!" He exclaimed with anger in his tone. "Fuck! Okay, I'll be there tonight."

When he hung up, he pulled his hair and groan.

"What happened?" Kuroo asked who also got up.

"That twin big brother of mine is in trouble. I need to be there now."

He got up and then went outside with a towel on his hands.

"Well? I should get moving too, I have meeting today." Kuroo said.

"I took a leave this week so I guess I'll be alone?" I asked.

"Just for the day, though?" He said and then got up.

"Yeah." I nodded slightly.

"I'll use the bathroom on your room, okay?"


"I'm leaving for today. I might be back tomorrow because of a family dinner." Osamu explained while he was putting on his shoes.

"Hmm. Okay." I said and yawned.

"I'll get going now."

I was startled when he suddenly came closer to me and stole a kiss on my lips.

"Get some more sleep if you have nothing to do." He said in a soft voice while patting my head.

I was too shock to even react and the next thing I knew was that he have left. I unknowingly touched my lips and when it sinks into me, my face heated up badly. It feels like my chest is going to explode. Why do I feel this way? Do I really...

"I'll get going, too, Tobio. I'll be back by dinner. Can you cook?"

I was back to reality and looked at Kuroo. He was holding a case and is really good looking on a black suit.

"Ah, yes. I'll cook dinner." I said.

"Okay then."

I was about to waved him a goodbye, but instead I felt something on my lips again.


I was frozen statue for the second time. What?! What just happened?! Did they just stole kisses?! Twice at different person at that! My heart can't stop beating!!

Aaaaaahhhhh!!! Now I don't think I can settle down today!

I lie down on the long sofa. I just cleaned everything in this apartment because of boredom and it didn't even take an hour to do so. I felt like crying.

I stare at the smart Tv then realized that I can just watch a movie so that I won't get bored.

I just watched a movie as I wanted but it didn't take long until I felt like sleeping again so I turned off the TV and I lie down the sofa and slept.

Its already 4 in the afternoon when I woke up and felt hungry so I cooked food to my preferences. I have also cooked everything for dinner later so I don't have anything to do so much later but to eat and then sleep. Leisure time of an office worker.

After doing everything, I just sat down and get on my phone until it was time for dinner.

At 8 in the evening, Kuroo came home but he seems to be not in a good mood. He didn't even greeted me and just went straight to his room and he shut his door with a loud bang.

I couldn't help but feel worried. This is the first time I've seen him like this. He's always in good mood whenever he's with me so I didn't know he has this kind of attitude. It's not like I don't know that people tend to have these kind of emotions as well.

I prepared the food on the table, he might be in a great mood after eating. He must have just been hungry.

I knocked on his door but there was no answer.

"Kuroo?" I called but there was also no response.

I twist the door nub and it was not locked so I pushed the door slowly and took a peek inside.

Kuroo is sitting on his bed with a very gloomy aura.

"Kuroo." I called again but he still didn't respond.

I just invited myself in and sat beside him. He flinched and turn his gaze on me.

"Hi. Uhm, welcome back?" I said.

"Ah.." He turn his gaze back to the floor. "Yeah."

"You seem down?" I asked.

"Do I?" He asked in a low voice.


It was silent again and all I did was stare at him. Then it sink into me.

"They say that you'll feel relieved when you get off." I said with a straight face.

"Hmm?" He raised his head and looked at me eye to eye.

"Do you want me to give you a head?"


"D-don't suddenly pretend to be i-innocent. I'm being shameless here." I avoided his gaze and play with my fingers. "I-I was asking if I can h-help you b-by g-giving you a h-head."

"You can give a head?"

"I-I'm going to try...?"

"Okay then."

"Eh?" I turn to him and his face was too close.

"Give me a head."


3rd Person

Kageyama didn't really know what to do. He was nervous by just kneeling down in front of Kuroo.

"Should I help you?" The raven asked with a teasing tone.

Kageyama shyly shakes his head and then proceed to unzip the raven's pants. He stare at the erect cock in front of him. He swallowed his own saliva and then looked up to Kuroo who was wearing his smug face with his cheeks flashing red.

With his trembling hands, Kageyama held the hard shaft and starts stroking his hands. First, it was slow then faster.

'Just like how you do it on your own.' He said to himself.

'Its so hard and long. Did this really enter me before?'

He starts licking the base of the raven's cock. He was focusing on making it more harder. While he was doing it, he took glances on Kuroo's expression.

'He still looks dissatisfied. Should I put it in now?' He asked himself.

"Ah.. H-how should I do it?" He murmurs while looking at it.

"Open your mouth wide." Kuroo said making Kageyama looked at him.


Kageyama did what he was told. He open his mouth widely and then enters the erected shaft in his mouth. It was hard to do it because it hurts his jaw. But this is the least he could do to Kuroo right now.

It tasted weird and his saliva is dripping down his chin already. He tried taking it in deeper but he found himself breathless without even putting half of it in, he looked up to Kuroo and apologized.

"I'm sorry." He said with a low voice.

Kuroo can't hold back too, his eyes narrowed at the latter so he held him on the head. He grab onto his hair and slightly pulled it up meeting with their gazes.

"When doing it, you must breathe on your nose and not your mouth. Try doing it again, I'll guide your head." Kuroo said in a husky tone.

The blueberry-haired nodded and once again put the erect shaft inside his mouth. He did what Kuroo told him. He slowly breathe on his nose while inserting the thing in his mouth. It was hard and he's losing focus.

Kageyama's eyes widen when Kuroo suddenly pushed his head harder that made him choke. But it hit something in his throat that felt so blissful and made his eyes roll back.

Kuroo pulled his head as white liquids came out of the raven's cock and pour it on Kageyama's face.

Kageyama was gaping for air as he looked up to Kuroo who was still smiling.

"A-a-are you....relieved now?" The blueberry asked.

"Yeah." Kuroo helped the latter up and pulled his waist to him. "But now I'm horny, you still have to help me out. Plus, you're also hard."

"Ohh.." Kageyama moan when the raven grab the hard shaft inside his pants.

The next thing he knew was he was on top of Kuroo. However, his back is facing Kuroo while he face the door which was left open. They knew that they were the only ones inside the apartment but it somehow made Kageyama's body feel excited and he's so hard it hurts.

Kageyama's heart felt like jumping out of his chest because of how fast it was pounding. Kuroo held onto Kageyama's waist and slowly pulling it down to his cock.

"Ahh.." Kageyama moans.

It hurts but it gives pleasure throughout his body.

"Fck. Tobio, you're so tight." Kuroo hissed. "Maybe its because it's been a while that someone entered here, doesn't it?" He teasingly asked.

"W-wha... M-maybe.." The blueberry answered. "Hmmph." His eyes shut close as the whole length entered him.

He gasp for more air. He felt full at the moment as his breathing became rapid. Tear fell down his eyes from both pain and bliss.

Slowly, Kuroo guide the latter's waist up and down his cock. The latter couldn't help but moan on this act. He loves this and he won't deny that.

When he's alone and ejaculating, he often craves for something more. More ecstasy that would make his body tremble.

Kageyama bit his lower lip and moves with the same rhythm as Kuroo. His moans became louder as the slapping sound became rapid and loud. The two felt that they will burst in few more thrust.

While the two was busy at the pounding and thrusting, the door bang open and revealed the intimidating presence of another alpha who is also doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

"It seems that I almost missed a very important thing." Osamu's voice was cold that it sent shivers to Kageyama's spine.