
Haikyu! AU: Love Me

Kuro x Kageyama x Osamu Omegaverse Alternative Universe (Don't hesitate to read this cause it'll be a happy end for these three. They'll end up together because I got freaking traumatize on Love Triangles) After various of experiments, the society of the world changed. And the second gender was created. People was split into three different kind of second gender. At the bottom of the pyramid are the Omegas. Only 10% of the population are tested as omegas. They release pheromones that attracts the alphas. They went ito inconvenience called Heat where they unconsciously release their pheromones as it risen their sexual drive. Their heat lasts at least 3-7 days. Most of omegas are physically weak and dependent. At the middle of the pyramid, are the betas. The betas have the 70% of the world's population. They are just ordinary people, they don't smell Alpha or omega pheromones. But there are cases of Betas that release faint arousal pheromones with unique smell that only selected Alpha or Omega can smell. Finally, an alpha who consumes 20% of the population. At the top of the pyramid, unlike omegas, they are strong physically. They are the mighty ones in the society. They can be affected by the Omega's pheromones and get a sexual drive. They have certain inconvenient called Rut, their sexual drive risen at a time like that. It lasts to 3-5 days.

Renzi_Rei · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 10

They have arrived on the apartment and Kageyama was still not in his right mind. His face is blank and his eyes are lifeless.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Kuroo asked.

Kageyama nodded. "I'm going to my room. Thank you... By the way." He said flatly and walked away.

"Hey! Welcome back." Osamu greeted but was ignored by the latter.

Osamu turn his gaze to Kuroo who was just behind the Kageyama.

"What happened?" He asked in a soft voice following Kuroo into his room.

Kuroo clicked his tongue and pulled his hair. "Fcking sh!t!" He cursed and lie on his bed.

"Hey. I'm not some ghost here. Answer my damn question." Osamu demanded.

"Tsk. I did something horrible today. It's not like I wanted that to happen or I have expected it to happen but... Damn! I feel like sh!t!" He cursed again shutting his eyes close tightly.

"So, what the hell is it? I'm not some kind of a wizard who would knew what have happened unless you tell me." Osamu said in an annoyed tone.

"Kageyama got into an accident."

"And? What happened? Is it the reason he's like a living goddamn doll?" Osamu cursed.

"Well, I don't know. He was attacked by an omega who was, you know like us?"

"You mean another person who smell the scent from him?" The ash-haired sat on the edge of the bed. "What'd you do?"

"I made sure that they took her away. But even after it, Kageyama has been like that."

"Well? Did you talk to him?" Osamu asked.

"I did and he didn't answer." Kuroo sat up and cross his legs. "You know that I grew up an asshole and don't know how to comfort or confront anyone."

"You know yourself too much." He smirked and stood up and walked. "Let me handle it."

"Hey! Don't you dare do anything fun without me." Kuroo frown and pouted.

The smirk didn't wiped out off Osamu's lips. "You'll know if I won't come out of his room in an hour." And then walked out of the room completely.

"He's an asshole too anyway." Kuroo groans and lie down. "Wait... I should also come with him. I can't be left out on something important.


Meanwhile, Osamu was standing in front of Kageyama's room. He didn't hesitate to knock on the door.

"Kageyama?" He called, but unfortunately no one answered.

He knocked again but louder this time. He used to do this on Atmusu whenever his twin was sulking for nothing.

"Kageyama? Would you mind to open the door...?" He asked softly but no response from the other side of the door.

"He hasn't come out yet?" Kuroo arrived.

"As you can see." Osamu said. "Maybe he needs a little time for himself. Let's let him be."

Osamu was about to go but then the door opened and what popped out in front of them was a person who was half naked and soaked on water. Aside from that was the scent like bomb of the latter exploding onto Osamu and Kuroo.

"Were you.... Showering?" Kuroo asked as his face heated up and looked the other way.

While Osamu covered his nose and turned around.

Kageyama smiles and nodded. "Sorry about a while ago. I just cool myself down."

"Ah... But... Y-you should... Put some clothes on." Kuroo said still not looking to Kageyama.

"Open the window on your room too." Osamu said.

"Ah... Was I...?" Kageyama asked looking at Kuroo and the raven nodded.

"I'm sorry. Just.. Give me a minute." Kageyama closed the door and left the two alphas.

"Damn, bro. Can't you control yourself in this situation?" Kuroo teased Osamu by pointing on the bulge of the latter.

"Shouldn't you be also saying that to yourself?" Osamu said looking down to Kuroo.

Kuroo let a soft laugh and then turns serious. "Let's get off while he's not coming out."

They both nodded and went into their rooms.


Kageyama was finally done on taking away the scent he couldn't see out of the window. He may looked like stupid at his own actions but as long as it won't be convenient for his roommates, he'll do it. And now he tried spraying a cologne all over his place.

When he opened the door, the two alpha was nowhere to be found. He looked both sides of the hallway and then scratch his cheeks. He couldn't believe that he rushed out of the bathroom just to open the door just a minute ago.

'Maybe they went to their rooms for a while.'  He thought and entered his room again.

He wiped his hair that was still wet due to coming out of the bathroom in a rush. He sat down in front of a mirror and massages his head. His body kept trembling on the memory of his past. Back then he really just didn't know what to do.

The two alphas must be suspicious of him now and might talk about it. He couldn't open up because they might see him as a different person after it.

He kept hearing whispers just now like how it was before. He looked on the mirror and saw a shadow from behind him.

A chuckling sound whispered on his left ear. "Do you really think running away can solve your problem, Tobio? You're either an alpha or an omega to me."

He shakes his head and covered his ears. Go away! Go away! That's not true!

He kept screaming in his head again and again like he was about to go insane. Until he heard a knock that'll make him snap into reality...

He took a deep breath and then went to get the door. There was Kuroo and Osamu who has their clothes changed.

"What made you come here?" Kageyama asked.

"Uhm... I---" Said the two Alphas and glare at each other. "I..."

"Come on in." Kageyama said and he went in the room and sat on his bed.

The two alphas did the same and now on an awkward atmosphere.

"Uhm..." The three of them looked at each other and then let out a laugh.

"I'm really sorry about earlier. I was not in my right mind." Kageyama apologize, bowing his head.

"It's fine though." Kuroo said.

"But... What made you like that?" And there it is. That question wanting to know something about him.

"I... I'm sorry." He lowered his head. "It's... I had a trauma from before so I'm not really talking about them."

"We understand... But, is it why you hate omegas?" Osamu asked.

Kageyama silently nodded and that made an awkward silence between the three.