

Sora and the other two were trying to hold themselves steady in their place while the waves coming from where Liu was a moment ago started to intensify.

"What the hell just happened?"Sora shouted amidst all the chaos to ask the other two who were engaging with Liu over what happened.

"He was just about to kill us over there when his chest just split open and that bright light started coming out of it"he shouted over to Sora who still couldn't figure out what had happened.

"Maybe it has got to do something with the sword that is stuck in his chest?"the other one answered and both of them nodded in agreement.

Sora had gotten the gist of what had happened and turned back to look at Hagetaka who burst out laughing.

"You piece of shit"Sora raised his kick about to kick him in the face but another explosion occured this time.

"What is it this time??"

The crack in Liu's chest had split open and the bright light which had been shining previously had been replaced by black flames suddenly bursting out of the crack and engulfing him within them.

"UGHHHH!!STOP!STOP!PLS STOP!"Liu had started shouting at the top of his voice enough for an entire neighbouhood to hear.

"Thats what you get for trying to cross me you imbeciles!!See that??I could even kill the rest of you right now even if I wanted,get it?"Hagetaka taunted Sora and the rest with a look which showed immense satisfaction "those are the eternal flames which will keep burning him until the target doesn't vanish,you get it?He is doomed".

Gritting his teeth,Sora turned to look towards Liu.

"Well,this is farewell Liu"Sora started to walk towards Liu who's body had started to turn to ash and his screams had started to become feint.

By the time he reached him,the only thing over there was Kusanagi on the ground.

The flames had burned Liu in an instant.

He bend down and picked up Kusanagi only to find it was in perfect condition.

"I knew it!This is a devil seal that's why it killed Liu otherwise it would've been impossible"

"So basically we've hit two birds with one stone?"his subordinate on his right asked in a bored tone.

He ignored him and kept examining the Kusanagi.

"Pick them up!We've already created a ruckus so its best to get out of here before people start gathering over here".

He turned back to walk towards Hagetaka and the rest.


The man whom he had left to watch over them was lying on the ground with his head bleeding while the other two had disappeared.

"Where are they?Where the hell did they go?"He rushed to the body to see the head had been cracked open.

"Well,seems like the police is here what are we gonna do?"his subordinate asked while the police sirens became louder and louder by the moment.

"This is a total disaster...it wasn't supposed to turn out this way"Sora was followin the blood stains which led to the back of the broken wall.

"Found ya!"he jumped to the edge to finally catch them.

"Juzou,prepare to return at once"he gave the order while not moving from his spot "we'll return as planned".

"Did you get them?"Juzou pushed him aside to look at the bodies but instead what he found was just a huge mass of water infront of him.

"They...jumped into the water?"

"Yeah seems so but I doubt they are gonna survive though.There is no way in hell Hagetaka can swim with these wounds and that four-eyes can't carry him while swimming can he?"Sora turned back signalling him to do the same and make their escape.

"In other words,this was all a blunder but still we have the devil seal so maybe that'd compensate for all of this".


Sora turned to look back at his subordinate only to see him holding his hands up only with ash in them,

"What happened?"

"The Kusanagi just turned to ash.."

Just a few distance away,Ahihito was placing Akimitsu in back seat of his car.

"Swimming from over there was hard as fuck but still I managed it somehow"he than placed his hand on Akimitsu's forehead"seems like you are about to die,brother".

He than looked at his skin which had turned back to normal from pale white.

He was no longer Hagetaka..he was just Akimitsu at that very moment.

"Thank god you are fine..you had me worried there for a moment,bud".

He than sat on the driving seat and started the engine.

"Time to go home,Akimitsu".