

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · ファンタジー
39 Chs


The coldless eyes stared into the eyes of the old man who were holding him deep into the ground by his throat.

"So" the old man spoke once making sure Akimitsu had run away.

"You decided to invade the dojo,didn't you?How many of you are out there?" he felt the grip tighten around his throat.

After a while he managed to speak.

"What does it even matter...?He is already on his way".

The sword on his right traveled like a flash towards the old man and the whole hallway was filled with smoke.

He quickly got out of the hole and jumped back making himself stand straight.

He looked around sensing for his sword

"He isn't surely dead so what is he doing?"

He almost felt his right shoulder being pierced and barely dodged it by a milisecond.

He felt the wall on his right destroy upon the intensity of the attack.

It was smoke everywhere.

"If not for your senes,your right shoulder would've been cut off right now" the oldman's voice came from somewhere around him.

He couldn't locate him among all the dust.

Suddenly he felt something thrown infront of him.

"Here is your sword" he heard the voice of a katana being drawn "We will make this match fair and square".

He stopped for a moment to wonder what the oldman was planning but than bend down to pick up the sword.

"Fair and square,you say?"he spoke to himself in a quite voice.

He bended his knees and gripped his sword tightly.

The old man noticed his stance knowing what was coming.

He closed his eyes to sense where he was among all the smoke however he didn't need to do that.

He heard the sound of footsteps.

"You son of a bitch" he laughed to himself as soon as he realized what was happening.

He was running away.

The man in white was running as fast as he could aiming for a more open space.He knew he could not defeat him in close combat especially "The Sleeping Tiger".

He had heard about him and how he was one of the strongest user out there especially in this era where nobody had knowledge or was interested in such powers.

He had been warned not to cross his path and only focus on the objective.

"Well" he thought to himself "it's not like I don't like a challenge".

He stopped dead in his tracks with a door on his left being pierced open by a powerful punch

"You really wanna kill me that bad?" before he could inquire any further he was engaged in an intense sword fight where one mistake could mean his demise.

The speed of the oldman it was marvelous and from the looks of it he wasn't gonna stop anytime soon.

Before long, he had been overwhelmed and was being pierced all over his body and was bloodsoaked.

The old man lifted him up with his collar.

"Weakness disgusts me".

Blood spouted out of his neck.

A blade hidden in the man's arm under his shirt had struck him in his neck.

So much blood spattered the wall around them became painted with red.

He had been waiting for that opportunity.

To get close enough and find him off-guard.

Now was the moment to escape.

He stood up with one of his leg visibly bruised and started to drag himself across the wall towards the end of the hallway.

He looked towards his leg and it wasn't recovering.

"That's odd"

He looked back towards the old man who was on the floor trying to get the blade out of his neck.

"Seems like we both use the same kind of tricks,don't we?"

He started to walk towards the end of the hallway.

He just had to reach the corner of the hallway and it was done.

Suddenly, he felt himself trip and fall on the ground.


He looked back to see the oldman holding his leg.

He was also bloodsoaked.

The blade was still in his neck but it seemed like he had given up the thought of taking it out.

He gritted his teeth but than his lips curved into a smile.


He kept laughing to himself until he stopped to look into the oldman's eyes.

"Well now how about I show you my devotion?"

He raised his right hand to thump it to the ground while the old man thrusted his sword towards his neck before his hand could reach the ground.

The shrieks of pain echoed throughout the hallway.

Ok guys so ik I haven't been uploading for like two months so it'll be weekly from now on every Sunday and yeah thanks to my readers whoever is keeping up lets hope we can end this blood battle arc by the end of the year

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts