

Hadilocks, a secret organization that works under the name of Kahley their boss, also the master of Hadilock, or otherwise known as -the Hadilock secret organization- their goal -no, their boss's goal; is to kill all mages and obtain all their powers, of course, that is just a side quest, as many people overlook this organization, there is more to what meets the eye... Kahley has many dreams in mind, but to what extent will she go to achieve them? 14 year old Jack, walks swiftly along the aisles of one of the grandest trains ever made, not knowing what kind of mess he'd get himself into just by being a Hadilock agent...

yanyun_dong · アクション
17 Chs

HQ12, HQ16

"Here open the hatch, we should have the latest deliveries from HQ5."

"Right, and these ones are to..?"

"Those are to HQ16, here help me lift these ones out."

"Sure, no HQ9 deliveries?"

"Yeah, okay, now carefully lift those in."

"Shh… move in more Jack." Evelyn whispered.

Jack nodded, and they shuffled in a bit more.

Thump! A package was dropped in.

"That's the only one?" 

"Yeah, this package contains some highly valuable weapons from Base HQ transporting to HQ16."

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"I'm guessing that's our queue to go?"

"Yes, now let's get going."

The kids waited until the two people were far away enough, then Evelyn said, 

"Look, I think they have left for their break. I'll sneak out again and this time I'll throw away our trash, and since most of our trip was spent on going from HQ9 to HQ12, we won't need as much supplies since from HQ12 to 16 isn't that far away from each other."

"Alright, but be careful," Emily said, a bit concerned.

"I will," Evelyn whispered.

Evelyn slowly climbed out, taking the trash bag out with her, she carefully tiptoed towards the nearest bin and slowly opened the lid and gently placed the trash in.

"I can't believe I've been sitting in the dark for 3 days straight!" Jack complained. "I've gotten no sunlight at all! How can a healthy boy like me continue being healthy without that beautiful sunlight?"

"You're being way too dramatic, it's not that bad." Emily said.

"You're a mage! It's different! We need sunlight, right Radeon?" Jack argued.

"U-uh…" Radeon began, Emily shot Radeon a look, Radeon gave a shudder, "U-uh, well, I don't k-know…"

Jack gave Emily a dirty look, Emily only gave a smirk and continued to look through the old book for more of Kahley's notes.

Evelyn looked around, no food supplies? That's weird.

She took a few turns, then saw a door that was labelled; "Food Pantry". So she quickly opened the door and went in…

"Ouch!" Evelyn winced as she bumped into a rather large figure, "Watch where you're going kid!" 

Evelyn's hair was on her end.

"U-uhm, sorry about that sir… I'll be off right now!" She quickly said, turning around.

"Hey kid, you can't leave my pantry without some delicious food! Oh pardon me, my name is La Chef Parnces! Oh, erm, you can call me Parney. I'm the chef of the pantry kitchen, you?" Parney said, impressed with his introduction.

"Oh, me? Uhm… My name is Evelyn." Evelyn said, standing upright, a bit more confident. "I am a Hadilocks Staff-In-Training! I have come here as a beginner to check if everything is in order!" 

Evelyn took out her ID, showing Parney.

"Well, that's weird, we don't normally get staff in training here, since it's quite a quiet place as most people prefer to just train in HQ15 instead." Parney said.

"Well, HQ15 is quite busy, and I prefer a quieter place, so I requested to be here." Evelyn told Parney.

"Very well, come here, take some food with you, got some friends waiting for you? Take some water as well!" Parney kindly handed her some food and water, it smelled great.

"Well thank you sir! Have a nice day, I must get back to Base HQ!" Evelyn smiled.

"Alright! Off you go kid! And don't keep boss waiting! Oh and if she asks who's delicious baking it is, tell her it's La Chef Parnces!"  Parney gave a wink.

Evelyn smiled and left.

Phew, that was a close one.

Evelyn quickly hurried back to the chute, which was going to start in 3 minutes.

She slid in and got the supplies in.

"You're back!" Emily smiled and Evelyn.

"Yep, and I bought back quite some supplies," Evelyn said, feeling proud of herself.

The kids settled back into the chute, as Evelyn told them what happened as she got out and left the chute. While sharing, the chute grunted and began to move.

When Evelyn had finished, they looked back into the book for more details about Kahley's plans.

Emily flips open the book while Radeon shines the flashlight.

These plants  seem to boost inner strength;  They are known as the Herbal Scareds, only

the top of this plant is edible and provides inner strength, while if eaten the rest of the

body one may experience large amounts of pain, it could even lead to one's death. These plants have been extinct for as long as the dinosaurs have been. Thus, making it impossible to obtain. But anything is possible, you just have to find a way to make it possible…

– Kahley notes 12.0

"She is doing a lot of research," Emily whispered.

"Yeah, I don't like how dedicated she is, since if she pulls through with her plan, she could destroy societies." Jack whispered back.

"Yeah, anyways, let's have some rest," Emily replies, putting up the pillow wall and turning off the flashlight.


{Some time later}

The chute grunts and slows to a halt.

"We're here!" Emily exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, we're finally here! My poor legs haven't been used since." Jack said happily.

"Okay, let me check if there is anyone in HQ16 first; there shouldn't be." Evelyn said.