
hades touch

betty_billons · ファンタジー
4 Chs

chapter one

Today is the day I have been dreading for many years. The day of the revealing; my revealing. See on the day of your fifteenth birthday the headmasters plan a specific meeting for you to determine what power you have and which class you go into. 

You see, everyone on Earth has powers and if you take the test and they find out that you don't have power, that you're a weakling human, they exterminate you in the next hour. You see why I'm just a little afraid? I think I may have a chance but I can feel that my mother's very worried.

I can feel other people's emotions so I bet I'll pass the test but I can feel how worried and how restless my mother is. She tries to hide it but I know that she's really broken. Why doesn't she think I'll pass? Does she think I'm not powerful enough? Or that I'll be powerless and be a human? 

But that's impossible. I can't be a  stupid human because both my parents are really powerful. So I shouldn't be worried and neither should my mother. Then why is she really worried? I wish I could read minds then I could read her thoughts and know why she stays up at night crying all the time. Why worry so much about my revealing? It's not like I'm going to fail or anything. 

My mother, Katrina Blackwood, would mumble to herself that she's afraid and I wonder why. Is it because I'll fail? Or is it something more? But I won't know anyway because I know she won't tell me and most likely never will. My mother is kind of the quiet, reserved type. She likes to keep her thoughts and opinions to herself unless of course it's completely necessary to share them. I never met my father but maybe it has to do with him? My mother told me he died in war against the demons but didn't we have peace with them? Well it doesn't matter to me because I'm still young and I want to make the best of life before I know the truth because sometimes the truth can be more hurtful than lies.

    Just then I felt something hard hit my head bringing me back into reality away from my depriving thoughts. I looked around to see if I could spot what had fallen off of my head. It was a branch. A freakin' branch hit me in the head and I know how. I looked up into the tree I was sitting under and spotted no other than my sister.

    "Avi! What do you think you're doing up there? You're not even supposed to be up there! What are you trying to do? Get yourself killed?" I chastised her. Avi is my rebellious, kind, smart older sister. Her full name is Avianna Blackwood but she only loves to go by Avi. Don't ask me why she just probably didn't like her name. Avi looked down at me.

    "Don't be serious Haden, you know better than to ask me such ridiculous questions."

    "Fine then answer why you're trying to kill me in the process of you climbing the tree that by the way you're forbidden to climb. Mom's orders. Remember the last time you climbed up a tree?"

    "Ya, so what? I broke an arm, big deal," Avi said, annoyed. I could feel that she had rolled her eyes when she said that.

    "You didn't just break an arm Avi, you literally cut open your side and you almost bled to death," I pointed out to her. I remembered very vividly when that had happened. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and hopefully the last. We had been searching for countless hours and then Avi suddenly appears out of nowhere bleeding and holding her injured arm, claiming she had climbed a hundred foot tree and fell, then wandered lost for miles and finally found home. She said she fell from a hundred feet and so I don't know how she survived. I wonder if my sister is telling the truth or if she lied just to get attention? Because there's no way she could've survived a hundred feet fall. Right?

    "Whatever Haden. Look, it's been years, I'm fine now. You don't have to bring back that horrid memory. Just forget about it."

    "How can I forget about it Avi? You almost died."

    "Just pretend it never happened, okay? Then everything will be better."

    "How can I, when I have nightmares all the time about what happened that fateful day?" I watched as Avi climbed down the tree and jumped ten feet away from the ground landing in a perfect stance. My older sister came to me and gave me a hug. Even though she was older than me by two years I was already a foot taller than her.

    "Everything will be alright again, I promise," Avi assured me, her voice sounding like an angel. I hugged her back and hoped that what she said was right. I really wanted everything to be normal again but what I didn't know was that things from now on wouldn't be normal ever again. Just then I felt that my mom was coming to get me. I pulled back slightly from our hug and smiled at my older sister.

    "Avi, for some reason you always know what to say," I said. Avi smiled.

    "Well I guess it's just my older sister's instincts kicking in." She joked.

    "Haden dear, it's time to go." My mother's voice rang through our property. Our property of five green acres was the best ever and it even had a little house made out of a miniature kitchen, dining room and four rooms. My room, my sister's room, my parent's room and my mother's prohibited office.

    "Well, I better go," I mentioned pointing towards the house.

    "Yes, go and have fun. After all, this is a big day for you little brother," Avi smiled her heavenly smile and playfully punched me on the shoulder. "Go knock them dead Haden."

    "I'll try my best," I said, giving her a tiny smile. I turned away from her and started walking towards the house. I was in no rush to get there.

    "Oh and Haden?"

    "Yes sis?" I asked, turning around to face her.

    "Try not to let them scare you. They're not as scary as some claim they are."

    "I'll keep that in mind," I replied, giving her a real smile. I turned back around and ran this time and when I came into the house my mother took one look at me and gave me one of her worried smiles.

    "You ready?" I shuddered a little bit expecting for the worst to happen but also hoping for the best, then I nodded.

    "I'm ready," I lied. At least I hoped I was ready for what was going to happen.