
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · 都市
438 Chs

Chapter 368: No Way

"Premier Ning, such an unexpected visit is truly an honor," Yang Pojun laughed heartily, extending his hand to Ning Guangyao from a distance.

Yang Chen, standing beside Ning Guangyao, was completely ignored.

Ning Guangyao smiled, "Yang Pojun, how many times have I told you to call me that only in private meetings? Don't think I don't know you're just being polite."

"Hehe, you know me well, old Ning. But in front of so many soldiers, I have to show you some respect," Yang Pojun replied.

Ning Guangyao, though shorter by half a head, casually put his arm around Yang Pojun's shoulder, sighing, "The last time we met was during the National People's Congress meeting. It's been months already. We old friends hardly get to see each other."

"I have plenty of free time. As a soldier, as long as there's no war, there's not much to do. Unlike you, giving speeches here, conducting inspections there, and always having to visit and comfort others. You don't have much time to meet," Yang Pojun said with a smile.

"Aren't you also running for the Politburo Standing Committee? With your qualifications, it's almost certain you'll be elected to a national leadership position. You might end up busier than me," Ning Guangyao remarked.

"Haha, I'll take your good wishes," Yang Pojun laughed.

The two middle-aged men continued their conversation in the hallway, exchanging words back and forth.

Ning Guodong and the bodyguards stood behind Ning Guangyao, not daring to interrupt the conversation between the two prominent figures.

Yang Chen knew Yang Pojun was pretending not to recognize him but didn't get angry. After all, he wasn't here for him. He was surprised, though, at how familiar Ning Guangyao and Yang Pojun were with each other. In terms of age, Ning Guangyao was probably a few years older, but the difference wasn't significant, as generational gaps weren't as distinct in their time.

After five or six minutes of chatting, Ning Guangyao finally pointed to Yang Chen and said, "This young man says he's here to see you and Xuehua. Do you know him? By the way, where is Xuehua?"

Yang Pojun could no longer ignore Yang Chen. His smile faded as he replied coolly, "That's a long story. Old Ning, you and your son should go with my adjutant and have a cup of tea. Xuehua isn't feeling well, so she can't see you today."

"Not feeling well? Of course, she wouldn't be comfortable if you confined her like a prisoner," Yang Chen sneered.

Yang Pojun's face darkened, "What nonsense are you spouting?"

"Confined?" Ning Guangyao was startled. "What do you mean? Yang Pojun, did you confine Xuehua?"

Yang Pojun took a deep breath, trying to suppress his anger, and said, "It's a personal matter between my wife and me, old Ning. No need to worry."

"How can I not be concerned? I've known you and Xuehua for decades. I understand both of your temperaments. Xuehua has always been gentle and compliant with you. Why would you confine her without reason?" Ning Guangyao frowned, full of confusion.

Yang Pojun's expression turned serious as he tried to maintain his composure. "It's a complicated issue, old Ning. Please, don't get involved. This is a private matter between my wife and me."

Yang Chen, watching the exchange, couldn't help but interject, "If it's so private, why don't you explain it to everyone here? Or are you afraid the truth will make you look bad?"

Yang Pojun's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "This is not a matter for public discussion. If you don't leave, I will have you escorted out."

Ning Guangyao, sensing the tension, tried to mediate. "Yang Pojun, let's calm down. Young man, what exactly is your business here? Perhaps there's a way to resolve this peacefully."

Yang Chen looked Ning Guangyao in the eye and said, "I'm here to see Guo Xuehua. I believe I have the right to see her."

Yang Pojun was about to retort when Ning Guangyao raised a hand to stop him. "Let's take this inside. We can discuss this more privately. Pojun, if Xuehua is truly unwell, we can see for ourselves and then decide what to do."

Reluctantly, Yang Pojun nodded, "Fine. Follow me."

With Ning Guangyao's intervention, the group moved inside, where the discussion would continue away from the prying eyes of the soldiers and bodyguards.

Yang Pojun's face grew darker, a flash of anger in his eyes, but he didn't lose his temper. "It's complicated, Old Ning. Just let it be for now. This young man and I will sort it out."

He then gave Yang Chen a piercing look. "You, come with me."

Yang Chen, however, was not about to be pushed around. He stood his ground. "I have nothing to discuss with you in private. If you have something to say, say it now. If not, I'll find my own way."

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Yang Pojun's voice was dangerously low.

"Who I'm talking to depends on your attitude," Yang Chen retorted.

"Do you think I'll let you wander around my military camp?" Yang Pojun's eyes blazed with fury. "Do you think I won't lock you up right here in front of Premier Ning?"

"Feel free to try," Yang Chen smirked.

Seeing the tension between the two men, Ning Guangyao, full of confusion, tried to mediate. "What is going on here? Pojun, you need to explain. Who is this young man to you?"

Yang Pojun remained silent, his gaze murderous as he looked at Yang Chen. As a seasoned commander with countless enemy lives taken, his anger projected a menacing aura, making the bodyguards around Ning Guangyao tense.

Yang Chen, unafraid, stared back at Yang Pojun. It was clear that this man had a deep aversion to him, which likely explained why Guo Xuehua was being confined. Yang Chen was about to ignore Yang Pojun and find Guo Xuehua himself when a joyful voice came from the arched doorway at the end of the corridor.

"Yang Chen?!"

Yang Chen turned to see Guo Xuehua, her hair disheveled and her face incredibly haggard, standing there with tears in her eyes, looking at him with overwhelming emotion. In the short time since they last met, she seemed to have aged several years. Her face was dull and drawn, her eyes sunken, and her lips pale. Standing in the cold wind, she looked like a withered autumn leaf about to fall.

Everyone present, including Yang Pojun and Ning Guangyao, was taken aback by her appearance. Ning Guangyao, in particular, seemed horrified and then furious, glaring at Yang Pojun with clear disapproval for how he had treated Guo Xuehua.

Ignoring her own disheveled state, Guo Xuehua, with her hair blowing messily around her face, ran towards Yang Chen with all her might.

Yang Chen frowned for a moment but ultimately let her embrace him tightly. Guo Xuehua, overwhelmed with joy and relief, clung to Yang Chen, resting her head on his chest, repeatedly crying out, "My child, my child, I've finally found you."

Though her words were somewhat unclear, everyone around heard them distinctly.

Yang Pojun's face turned ashen, silent and unresponsive.

Ning Guangyao and his son, Ning Guodong, were initially shocked and then looked at Yang Pojun and Yang Chen in disbelief.

Guo Xuehua's child? Could it be that these two are father and son?

Though they didn't fully understand the situation or how the Yang family suddenly had an additional son, the fact that Yang Pojun was trying to cover it up indicated that it wasn't a baseless claim.

Yang Chen himself wasn't sure what he was feeling at the moment. His mind was blank, allowing the woman in his arms to cry against his chest, calling him "Yang Chen," "son," and "child." Her voice was hoarse and weak, yet each word felt like a powerful hammer striking his heart.

It made his heart ache deeply.

But despite the pain, Yang Chen felt a warmth spreading through him, as if something was slowly melting inside him.

Is this the feeling he had never experienced before? Yang Chen wondered.

Guo Xuehua's bodyguards, Xiao Wen and Xiao Li, had also arrived, their faces flushed with embarrassment and unable to look up at Yang Pojun.

Yang Pojun glared at the two women. "Who allowed you to let the lady out?"

Xiao Wen and Xiao Li exchanged glances but remained silent, too scared to speak.

"It was me."

A weary voice came from the arched doorway. Yang Gongming, looking somewhat melancholic, appeared with the elderly woman beside him.

"Yang Gong?" Ning Guangyao immediately showed respect, bowing from a distance, prompting Ning Guodong to quickly follow suit, recognizing the senior figure whom even his father had to respect.

The anger in Yang Pojun's eyes dissipated instantly. "Father," he said, almost in a whisper.

"I was the one who let Xuehua out and told her that Yang Chen had come to see her," Yang Gongming sighed as he approached, addressing the stunned and disbelieving Yang Pojun. "Pojun, you've gone too far this time. Xuehua wanted to see her son. How could you treat her this way?"

"Father, I..." Yang Pojun wanted to explain but knew this wasn't the time. He sighed deeply and glanced at the speechless Ning Guangyao, his eyes filled with worry.

Clearly, he was troubled by the fact that Ning Guangyao and the others had overheard the conversation.

By this time, Guo Xuehua had cried herself out. Although Yang Chen hadn't said a word and merely stood there, letting her cry, Guo Xuehua now smiled happily, her hands tenderly cupping Yang Chen's face, looking at his expressionless face with a captivated, loving gaze.

"Yang Chen, thank you for coming to see me. I'm so happy you came. Now, even if I were to die, I would have no regrets."

"Don't talk about dying. That's not something to say in front of an old man like me," Yang Gongming scolded her lightly, then turned to Ning Guangyao. "Premier Ning, I'm handling family matters. Could I ask you and your son to excuse us for a moment?"

Ning Guangyao, sensing the gravity of the situation and out of respect for Yang Gongming, nodded. "Of course, Elder Yang. We'll give you some privacy."

He then gestured for Ning Guodong and the bodyguards to follow him out of the room, leaving the Yang family to sort out their personal matters.

Ning Guangyao, though eager to understand the situation, couldn't ignore Yang Gongming's request. "Alright, Elder Yang, I'll take them to Pojun's office."

With Ning Guangyao and his group leaving, the corridor fell silent, save for the few of Yang Pojun's adjutants who stood by solemnly, observing everything.

Yang Gongming looked at his troubled son, then at the expressionless Yang Chen, and said, "Yang Chen, take your mother to where you're staying."

Yang Pojun's eyes widened, and Guo Xuehua turned to her father-in-law in shock, while Yang Chen showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Father, how can you let Xuehua go with this boy?" Yang Pojun questioned.

"Do you want to continue confining Xuehua as if she were a prisoner?" Yang Gongming retorted unhappily. "Besides, Xuehua would certainly like to spend more time with Yang Chen."

Guo Xuehua glanced at Yang Pojun with disappointment and coldness, then looked at the hesitant Yang Chen. She nodded softly, saying, "If Yang Chen is willing, I would be more than happy to go with him. If not, I'll go back to Yanjing with you, Father-in-law."

"Go back to Yanjing for what? Your health is so fragile. Stay here in Huinan and recover. We don't need you at the family estate in Yanjing right now, and I plan to stay here for a few more days," Yang Gongming said. Turning to Yang Chen, he added, "Yang Chen, don't hesitate. She is not just anyone; she's your mother. For the chance to see you, she has worn herself out."

Yang Chen felt a tremor through his body. Looking at Guo Xuehua's frail yet contented smile, he sighed and nodded. "Alright, I can take her back with me. I have everything she might need at my place."

"No!" Yang Pojun suddenly shouted, his brows furrowed in anger that he could no longer suppress. "Father! Even if it's your decision, I must defy it this time! I can tolerate their reunion, and I can tolerate you sending Xuehua back to Yanjing. But I cannot accept letting Xuehua live with this boy! What is this?! Am I, her husband, dead? Am I inferior to a brat who has had nothing to do with the Yang family for over twenty years?! Allowing him back into the Yang family is already a huge concession. He's been defying me at every turn, so why should everything be done his way?!"


"Don't say anything, Father! My mind is made up!"

Yang Pojun's eyes flashed with determination. Suddenly, he pulled a Type 54 pistol from the holster of a nearby adjutant and aimed it straight at Yang Chen's heart!

"If you dare take my wife today, regardless of whether your blood runs in my veins, I'd rather shoot you dead as an intruder than let you leave with her!"