
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

Cedric_7512 · アニメ·コミックス
82 Chs

You will beg


Greetings my friends. A surprise chapter today. Not just for you but for me as well. I got an idea that I had to write down and had a little bit of time on my hands.

I have decided on his future wife and she is not from the DC Universe. She is from an anime and I think she will work perfectly. I believe she will work very well. The only problem is that I don't know anything/or close to nothing about the story/world she is from (you will know soon enough who she is). This means that I will have to 'force' the interactions they will have to make it work and might 'hurt' canon or whatever.

Please be patient with me ok? For all of you that wanted to have him marry a god ... well ... I don't know about that. For the first time, I think I know who to pair my MC with and I want to go through with it. 

But I also don't want to upset anyone. I know that I can never please everyone and therefore you will just have to deal with it, I apologise.

I have a few worlds planned for him to visit. Those worlds will give him inspiration and potential power. 


"Mark my words Zeus and dear brothers and sisters. Before this war ends and you will realise that there is no way for you to win without me, you will beg for me to come and help you. You will scream and cry and I will not hear you.

I tried to show you the care you were not able to experience. I did more than I had to and this is how you thank me! Fine then. Have it your way. We will see how you fare without me..."

With a pop, Hades left the island of Crete.

It had been a few months since Zeus had freed his siblings from Kronos' stomach.



Kronos vomits a river on the marble floor and out of nowhere there stand five young people. Three women and two men. All of the newcomers look surprised. All except one that is. One of them looks around with interest and amusement. It seems he is not that surprised with what happened and is perfectly fine.

Zeus looks at his siblings and is just about to address them and call for them to flee with him from here when this particular man's eyes meet his own.

To describe what he feels would not do the situation justice. For a split second, Zeus felt like a blade of grass or a handful of dirt ... in other words, he felt powerless. It was like standing in front of a gaping pit that swallows your hole and never lets you go. In a fraction of a second, Zeus actually died and then ... it was like nothing happened.

Hades looked away bored and unimpressed. Zeus shook his head and put the experience off as a fluke and nervousness about accomplishing his task.

"Brothers and sisters. I am your brother Zeus. I have come here to free you all and take you with me. Come we must make haste before our father comes to his senses and they attack!"

Meanwhile, this was going on, the other Titans were perplexed as to what they were seeing. It seems this whole time their king had children and ate them all.

Before they could fully process this though, Kronos got some of his bearings back and screamed at them.

"*cough* You impeciles *cough* GET THEM!"

That kickstarted chaos. Atlas was the first to react. Due to the amount of alcohol he had consumed he was not on his A-game and the young gods were able to escape. It was a rather amusing scene for Hades to watch. He was once more convinced that alcohol was bad for you and would only result in you letting your guard down.

In the future, he would try and create a delicious drink without it being alcoholic and wasting you.

When they arrived on the island Crete, Rhea their mother and the Titan of motherhood waited for them. It was a heartwarming scene for most of the siblings. But it was a rather cool greeting Rhea had with Hades. His aura spoke of distance and she was put off by it and only greeted him quickly, no hug.

Hades felt strange. It was not something he thought would bother him and he was not sad or anything ... but the fact that he was treated this coldly only told him how useless his efforts were in trying to change them and make them a family.

No matter. He would simply rise above that and they could go f*ck themselves for all he cared. He was not the Hades from mythology that held loyalty towards his family. He was something more and they would come to regret treating him with contempt.

He had long understood why Hera and Poseidon didn't want anything to do with him. It was all out of pettiness and arrogance.

Just like in mythology, Rhea and Metis went out to find other Titans who didn't like Kronos' rule and wanted to be free of him. There did not seem to be any differences in mythology. Fate was heavily at work here, it would seem.

Metis, ever the planner that she was, tried to have all the siblings gather behind Zeus. She wanted Zeus to become the future King of the Olympians and as his lover, she wanted to make sure all his siblings were fully behind that decision. She would try to make Zeus and his siblings get closer together by helping them train and showing them around.

It did not work as planned though. At least not fully. Metis was a smart woman. She understood the characters that were the Olympians. Hestia had her love for her family and would support Zeus if it meant keeping her family together and happy.

Demeter was most interested in harvest and crops. So that was something that was easily taken care of. Give her some land and show her new plants and she will be happy. She also did not have much drive outside her divinity.

Hera was a problem. She seemed to be interested in Zeus and he in her as well. Zeus was a good-looking God. He was young, powerful and most likely the next Godking. But Metis was not happy with him spending time with her. But as long as she was in support of Zeus becoming the next Godking, Metis would have to make due.

Poseidon ... well he was young. He loved pretty women. She knew the type well. After all, she had helped raise one of those. Zeus managed to woo her and made her fall in love with him. Poseidon was similar to him and would be with Zeus as long as he could get pretty girls.

Now Hades on the other hand ... Metis was at a loss here. She did not know what to do about him. He did not seem to be interested in much and mostly kept to himself. He did not seem to be interested in becoming Godking, but quiet waters are deep. And then there was this pressure and danger she felt from him. He was dangerous and the biggest hurdle standing in front of Zeus and his future throne.

She had to somehow get rid of him.

Metis was a smart woman and she made plans on how to get the Olympians to support Zeus and turn against Hades. She told Zeus about her fear of Hades and the power he held. She knew he would become wary of him and would start to treat him differently.

Metis made sure though to tell Zeus to keep the others happy and make an effort. After that ... things happened without her having to do anything. Zeus became paranoid and feared for his throne which he didn't even have. He started to talk rudely with Hades at first.

It was not much and Hades looked past it. He didn't care about Zeus. The less he had to talk to him the better. He despised Zeus and the other Olympians in his last life. He thought of them as r*apists and overall useless and petty. Zeus was just like his mythology counterpart. They would not be friends.

As the months passed, Zeus got more and more confrontational and whenever Hades had some moments alone with one of his siblings, he would come and interfere with their moment. It was seriously starting to get on Hades' nerves.

Should this go on, Hades would give him a beating and punch his teeth out. But he knew that he would play into Metis' hands and make himself unpopular with every god and Titan. So it was a last resort.


The tension rose over the months and it seemingly exploded on a particular day.

Everyone in Crete was having a moment of relaxation. The war was closing in and everyone involved knew it. An explosion shook everyone from their daydreaming. The island shook and a giant wave swept over a large part of it.

Hades ran to the scene and saw his brother Poseidon running from the sea out of breath. He approached him and asked:

"Poseidon. What is going on? Are you training here?"

"Brother. Help me! Oceanus is here to get me! He found us and it seems he is not happy!"

Hades narrowed his eyes. Why would Oceanus find them out of the blue? It was clear to Hades that Poseidon had to have done something.

"What did you do?"


"Tell. Me. Now!"

"haaaah. Ok, I might have met his daughter and we had like ... intercourse."

"Nice of you to choose that word. So you found a daughter of Oceanus and thought that it would be best for you to sleep with her? Even though we are trying NOT to anger him? Please tell me that it was at least consensual?"



Hades got very mad at that moment. He had told his brother that there was nothing that he loathed as much as r*pe. He was just about to let some of his aura out when others arrived.

Zeus was the first followed by all their other siblings, as well as their mother and other titans.

"Hades! What did you do? Don't you know what you have done?"

Hades was confused. What was his retarded little brother talking about?

"What are you talking about Zeus? I did nothing. Our dear brother Poseidon on the other hand ..."

"Silence! Don't try to shift the blame when it is clear that Oceanus is searching for the one who defiled his daughter. Poseidon would do no such thing!"

Hades.exe has stopped working ...

"What? Are you braindead? I don't even know where Oceanus' daughters are to be found. Don't you think it would make more sense that the god of the sea would be a much more likely culprit than me?"

"Nonsense. It was you. I'm sure of it. Confess now. You will be punished and given to Oceanus. We can not allow him to stand against us in this war. You will have to face the consequences."

Hades took a deep breath. He clenched his fists hard and tried not to let this affect him. But my god was it hard. This little prick was trying to frame him and badmouthing him. Maybe it is time for some late chastisement.

He took a step forward and was just about to devour the little b*tch when someone stood in his way.

"What are you doing Hestia?"

"Please, brother. I am sure we can find a peaceful solution to this. Please help us. I know you are strong, you can stop whatever misunderstanding we have here."

"Are you joking? I am innocent and as long as there is no hard proof you can't condemn me! I will not let this slide this time!"

"Please brother ... I beg you ... let this one go. For me, just this once."

Hades looked at his eldest sister. He didn't even know her anymore. Well, actually he knew her perfectly well. This was not even that strange for her. Her divinity of family was annoying and he was just about to explode.

Using all his willpower, he slowly nodded his head. He turned around and walked away.

However, it seemed someone did not understand their situation very well. Before Hades had taken two steps, a hand on his shoulder stopped him from going further.

"You better take your hand off me, imbecile, before I make you eat it."

"Watch your tone, you sickly bastard."




That did it. All the patience left Hades and he let go. He let go of his control and let out his aura. In an instant the vicinity got dark and the air started to smell disgusting. Death was all around and Zeus got the full brunt of the pressure.

It felt like a shoe that descended on an ant. He was weak in the knees and powerless. Then it happened a fist impacted with his face and broke all his teeth. A shockwave was felt after the punch had already met the face of Zeus.

Zeus did not even understand what happened when he fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Another thing he didn't feel was that the moment Hades had unleashed his aura, the hand with which Zeus was holding Hades got cut off.

Hades was holding said hand and walked towards Zeus. He picked him up by his hair and with one slow push, pressed the hand into Zeus' mouth. Hades pressed it far down for good measure and then let him fall back to the ground.

"I told you I would make you eat your hand, boy."

As he looked around he understood. He understood that they would not believe him and that they would fear him now. He had just become an official outcast. That made him angry. So much time he had spent to change canon. All of that time wasted. But that was it. It was time for him to look for himself now.

(Flashback END)

"Mark my words Zeus and dear brothers and sisters. Before this war ends and you will realise that there is no way for you to win without me, you will beg for me to come and help you. You will scream and cry and I will not hear you.

I tried to show you the care you were not able to experience. I did more than I had to and this is how you thank me! Fine then. Have it your way. We will see how you fare without me..."

With a pop, Hades left the island of Crete.


For the person who can guess where Hades went to I will create a character with his name in the story.

It is an anime/manga. That's all I'll tell you.


Guess where he went.

Longest chapter yet.

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts