
H.P: My Hogwarts Journey

Synopsis: Accompanied by the cry of a baby from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minashel bring to this world? ... Bell: "I am not great. I am just an ordinary seeker, struggling on the path of magic." Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The characters, settings, and themes referenced herein belong to her and are used here for fan enjoyment and exploration of alternate storylines.

Comicstorian · 書籍·文学
71 Chs

Chapter 15: The Squandering Journey Starting from Alchemy Studies

After over three years of magical studies, Bell had mastered the basic knowledge of ancient magical script.

This knowledge was essential for alchemy, so after acquiring it, Bell was ready to begin studying alchemy.

His first goal was to create a magical item for protection.

"In the wizarding world, a wizard without a set of magical tools is not a qualified wizard!" Guided by this simple principle, Bell conducted a detailed investigation into the existing magical items in the magical world, and he discovered a curious phenomenon.

Although there were many magical items in the wizarding world, the majority of them were functional items, such as Memory Spheres, Sneakoscopes, Meditation Bowls, and Two-Way Mirrors.

The remaining few were mostly deceptive black magic items, belonging to the kind that would end up trapping oneself before trapping others.

So, did those dark wizards really scramble their brains while researching dark magic?

As for directly offensive or defensive magical items, there were almost none; everything relied on a wand.

Actually, upon careful consideration of this phenomenon, Bell found it quite normal.

After thousands of years of development, modern spells were indeed very advanced and convenient.

From powerful wizards like Grindelwald, who could cast curses capable of destroying entire cities like Paris, to weak wizards like those at Hogwarts who could easily use Stunning Spells or Petrifying Spells to defeat an opponent.

So, instead of using offensive and defensive magical items, it often made more sense to cast spells with a wand.

Moreover, the recent years of peace had intensified this phenomenon.

Many Hogwarts graduates couldn't even cast the most basic protective spell, "Protego," but nobody felt worried. After all, with the world being so peaceful and life so good, what did it matter if one knew more or fewer spells?

Just like an ostrich burying its head in the sand when faced with danger, humans often deceived themselves and chose to avoid reality.

But Bell never backed down! Whether it was to pursue power or due to paranoia, Bell hoped to become even stronger!

And there were two ways to become stronger: one was to enhance one's own strength, and the other was to rely on external power.

Bell claimed that only children made choices; as an adult, he wanted everything!

Of course, all these were just excuses; the real reason was that Bell lacked a sense of security. As a fragile profession – a "wizard" – without layering oneself with shields, Bell simply didn't want to go out!

So, Bell decided to embark on the path of a tech geek to save the wizarding world (fog).

Bell never doubted his ability to succeed.

After all, based on his limited memories of "Harry Potter," the Weasley twins had developed the "Shield Hat" at a very early stage, and it seemed to be a by-product of their prank item research? Just after its successful development, despite its many flaws, the Ministry of Magic immediately ordered 500.

So, why were you wizards eating... ahem, to speak politely.

Actually, upon further reflection, it was understandable that the research capabilities of the magical world were low, and they had stagnated for hundreds of years. After all, the excellent graduates of Hogwarts all went to work at the Ministry of Magic.

Bell had read many fantasy novels in his previous life, but he had never seen an author who dared to assign excellent archmages to clock in for work every day. Spending 24 hours a day in the research room studying the mysteries of magic was already not enough time! Chores were the job of magic apprentices.

Therefore, powerful wizards went to study politics. They really had no time to study magic, so Bell had to rely on himself and seek his own fortune.


Bell earnestly began his research journey, only to be forced to end it on the first day.


There was no way. Bell, who had never been exposed to alchemy before, had no idea where to start! Helpless, Bell could only turn to his magical parents.

"I want to learn alchemy; can you teach me?"

"Sorry, I only know how to make magic statues."

"I've never learned alchemy either; it wasn't taught at Hogwarts."


Looking at his useless parents in front of him, Bell felt extremely speechless.

Maybe they felt embarrassed by Bell's gaze? William suddenly said, "I met an alchemy master at a banquet a few days ago. Why don't you go find him and ask for advice?"

"Why wait? Hurry up and invite the master over! Galleons are not a problem!"

Bell decisively agreed to this proposal.


William meant for Bell to visit the master, where he could also ask some alchemy-related questions. He believed that with Bell's reputation, the other party should not refuse. But Bell actually wanted to invite the master over as a tutor?

Galleons were certainly not a problem; after all, it wasn't his own money! Do you know how difficult and expensive it is to hire an alchemy master as a tutor!?

But William could only complain silently in his heart. After all, there were only four people in the family, and the other two were undoubtedly standing on Bell's side. Just by looking at Elena's eyes now, he knew that if he dared to say 'no,' he would probably be sleeping in the garden tonight.

Why add 'again'? Saying too much is just tears; you can experience it yourself.

"Oh, right! Since we're hiring a tutor, why not hire a few more?" Bell suddenly clapped his hands and said.

He had just thought of it. Learning alone had many limitations. It was slow, and he couldn't guarantee that his understanding was correct.

Although over the past few years, Bell had asked his parents directly whenever he didn't understand something, because his parents had been busy with their initial family expansion plan, they didn't have the time and energy to systematically explain various magical knowledge to Bell.

So, Bell decided to take this opportunity to hire several outstanding wizards to go through his knowledge systematically and reinforce his foundation.

What could William do? Right now, he just wanted to give himself a slap.

'Your damn mouth!'

But what's said is said, and what's poured out is poured out. It's impossible to take it back. So, he could only choose to cough up the money obediently.

The family's expenses had increased many times over these years, and it was really becoming hard to make ends meet!


Bell began studying with the tutors arranged by William, which made little Shanna very unhappy because her brother had much less time to play with her.

And because she had caused trouble during her brother's classes before, Bell didn't let her attend classes with him anymore. Bell said it was a waste of time; she should learn the basics step by step.

So, although she was very unhappy, sensible little Shanna still obediently followed her brother's orders.

The time for hiring tutors was not long. After about six months of hiring ten tutors to teach, Bell stopped hiring tutors.

This made William breathe a long sigh of relief. After all, the tutors he had hired were all well-known figures in the British magical world. It wasn't easy to get them to give private lessons to Bell. He had spent a lot of connections and money, and even his tongue had been worn thin by several millimeters.