
H.O.T.D Reencarnación [Español]

La historia sigue a Mark, un chico genio en robótica, murió debido a un resbalón de Kami, le cayó una Maceta con un árbol enano en la cara ... se encontró con Kami...

Daoist645459 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

2. 4 years before the end of the world

Marck opened his eyes and saw that he was sitting in a classroom and a teacher giving him a lecture....

"Takashi I am softening you up even when you are not going to fall asleep in my class, I will call your mother if she does not come with you tomorrow you will not be able to enter my class", then the teacher remembered that Takashi's mother died last month and apologized to Takashi and continued to teach the class.

Marck/Takachi was stunned for a moment, when a girl spoke to him: "Takachi even when you are going to change you disappoint me because you are not even like Hisashi", when he listened to the girl Marck/Takashi's lip trembled.

Then he saw who the talking girl was, and she was Rei Miyamoto-san's bitch. With brown hair, brown eye, she was shorter than the average series by about 5 inches, and she didn't have such big tits yet... "shit is happening here", after calming down a little bit memories started to come to her that weren't hers and she understood immediately, there are still four years left until the end of the world...

After a while Marck decided that he would use Takashi's name for the moment until he passed to the next world, then he remembered that the bitch from Reí told him, the truth is that in the series he didn't like the character very much because he was such a***, and he felt a little bit angry and answered, "who the hell do you think you are to give me sermons, you bitch, mind your own business".

Rei was astonished by what Takashi said, he had never answered her so he wanted to say something but the bell rang, but Hisashi who was sitting not far away heard Takashi talking to his girlfriend so he got angry, he was going to scold him but Takashi had already left the room...

Takashi was thinking about what he would have to do from now on, "hell this guy is very poor plus his mother... I mean my mother died not long ago I'll have to do something with my funds I'm mui poor, he needed to learn martial arts and buy some weapons hand-to-hand, mmm I have to practice the manual on the way to heaven too...

While Takashi was walking he met a nice girl that he always liked in the series Saeko Busujima... she was beautiful she had the color of purple hair with a ponytail hairstyle, blue eyes, with a uniform that fit her very well but she still needed to develop more, I looked at her and smiled, for some reason she blushed a little when I did it, so as not to have a bad opinion I looked everywhere and there was only me in the corridor...

I wanted to talk to her but it wasn't time to do so yet. Leaving the school, there was a black Mercedes Benz CL63 AMG car, the driver opened the door to a girl that I quickly recognized as Saya Takagi, she was a little short, actually she was 1.50 cm tall, With pink hair and golden eyes and wearing glasses, he got into the car and left, then I saw a chubby guy with glasses that I later recognized as Kohta Hirano who was sighing when he saw Takagi leave, I thought about it a little and decided to go talk to him, he would be my first friend.

"So you like Takagi he Hirano, you had him well hidden", Hirano got scared and saw me smiling at him and asked a bit worried "I don't know what you're talking about Takashi besides you've never talked to me before, because you do now I don't have any money to give you I've been taken away by the third graders"

When Takashi heard it he almost fell down while walking with Hirano, "Shit Hirano you see me face of criminal I was just saying hello and wanted to talk to you about a business you are interested in"

Hirano looked at me with doubt but in the end he accepted, "we can talk about the business first if I'm interested I can help, if I don't like it or it's against the law I won't help"

I just smiled at him and said, "we can go to the café nearby and talk about the business", we walked for half an hour talking and getting to know each other and arrived at the café.

"Hirano I need you to help me to publish some manga works and some books, I don't have the work ready yet but it will be in three days, if you help me you will have 10% as my representative "then I gave him a smile I knew what he was thinking and he continued, "don't worry in three days I will bring the work and you think about it at that time".

Hirano smiled back at me and said "ok then I'll see you tomorrow at school" we left and said goodbye I went home, but I lived alone my mother died in this world because of a traffic accident as we don't have any other family but her since my father never met him, at this moment I'm emancipated, "I'll have to buy the things I need and start creating mangas, after that I'll buy a house near the fujimi high school and get ready for the zombies".

After four hours wandering around the city buying the one I needed I arrived home, which was a small 4x10 apartment plus a small bathroom and a mini kitchen, "this is horrible how someone can live like this I have to get rich fast", Takashi covered his nose, this place smelled very ugly he opened the windows and started cleaning there was garbage everywhere and dirty clothes...

"what happened to this guy who lived disgusting, I know he was left without a mother but this is too much, besides I stink too ugly when he does not bathe, god is useless I never had parents and was successful but this is too much", Takashi spent almost all afternoon cleaning, bathing and washing clothes, he had to borrow soap from the neighbor to do all this, now he was in his underwear and prepared to draw a dragon ball manga that did not exist in this world.

After almost half an hour of trial and error he managed to learn how to draw manga like a professional, he spent another three hours to draw three volumes, he kept it well and went to the refrigerator only to find pure instant rumen that he prepared and was getting ready to practice the manual on his way to heaven but they knocked on the door....

"who is it at this time of night is almost eight o'clock, I don't know anyone....", while he was talking to himself he went to open the door only to find Rei and Hisashi's dog looking at him with a murderous look...

Rei screamed when I opened the door... he was in his underwear and Hisashi hit me in the face and said "have some decency there are women around you get dressed", but what Hisashi didn't expect was that I hit him back that he didn't expect and I almost broke his nose and said "who the hell are you bitch this is my house and if I want to walk naked I will walk naked long from here", and I gave Rei a killer look and Hisashi wanted to keep fighting but Rei stopped him.

Rei: "Takashi my father is downstairs and wants to talk to you about emancipation, you are still 13 years old you can't get emancipated at this age.....

Before he continued to get soft I sawed the door in his face and put the lock on it, "idiots in my previous life I have always been alone because I would need someone to take care of me besides my teacher is god, a couple of idiots" murmured Takashi when he returned to the room preparing to grow up.

Mmm the manual of the way to heaven is very impressive the first kingdom is called earth, which helps you refine the body to make it as hard as steel, the first four layers strengthen the muscles and tendons also open the spiritual sense, the next two layers strengthen the major and minor meridians, the next four layers strengthen the internal organs and finally the skin, "eee what happens with the manual is only unlocked a kingdom, mm no matter I will ask the teacher to tell me what happened.

Takashi sat in a lotus position as indicated in the manual, he relaxed his mind trying to feel the spiritual energy, after half an hour he managed to take a lock of energy and put it in his body, little by little he joined his body, after another half hour he started to make the energy circulation in a complete shekel, his body started to hurt his bones started to crunch, the energy got out of control and advanced to all the meridians that started to tear and recover at the same time?

Takashi was frightened but something told him that if he interrupted the energy that entered his body without end and destroyed it he would die, he had to endure the suffering of being destroyed and repaired for almost six hours, Takashi was covered with blood and black dirt that reeked very ugly after that hard suffering came to an end Takashi fainted.....