
Chapter 94 goddess

Tai, Larissa, Fauna and Mal stand at the entrance of the large cave that leads inside the volcano with several rock people guiding them to the goddess.

" how much further short stack " Larissa said earning an eye roll from the small rock person, who scoffs at Larissa.

" my name is Lo, bone bag " Lo said while chuckling at the name it gave the vampire and put pep in its step as they make their way further inside the volcano.

Birds that have six wings, glow with a fluorescent blue color with three long tails that sway behind them as a flock fly overhead of the group.

" so beautiful " Tai and Larissa said at the same time then giggle at each other as they walk hand in hand, a rock creature steps out from a side tunnel that seems to be carved out of one large rock instead of several rocks coming together.

" watch out " Lo screams as several larger rock people surrounds the Golem who is twice the height as them, it slams its fist down on one of the rock creatures as blue fluid leaks from it as its blue light flickers out. Lo walks forward to the downed rock creature, Larissa runs over grabbing Lo then rolls out of the way of the Golem slamming its foot down where Lo was standing.

Tai pulls out her sword then runs over to the golem slicing and stabbing it where a crystal is planted on its chest. Sparks fly from the barrier around the crystal when flashing light erupts the cavern with the Golem crumbling apart.

" Lo get us to the goddess now " Tai shouted as her mind went back to the camp where Calista is.

" Dammit she better be ok " Tai said to herself as she runs after her group, Larissa runs forward holding onto Lo when they enter a large cavern that had a building built out of one of the walls with a large throne sitting in front of it.

With a woman who has ash colored hair and deep blue with specks of grey throughout them in her eyes, she smiles showing her pearly white teeth and her four fangs two long ones and two smaller ones beside the longer ones.

" welcome back Lo, I see you ran into trouble I'm sorry about your brother " the woman said with a frown, then raises to her feet making her way over to them. When she gets closer they notice the slits for her pupils and some white scales that are in small areas on her body.

There is more scales located on her legs than the rest, long pointed blue nails on her hands and the woman even looked like the very definition of a goddess. Her aura she throws off screams goddess as well, Tai feels as if she has something pulling her to this goddess. Calistas essence is keeping the pull at bay for right now, but later it's not going to be as strong.

" Lo I'll send for his body, go get rest I'll call on you later, can you all please follow me " Shae said as she walks next to Tai, she smiles at her with tender eyes.

" my name is Shae by the way " The goddess said with a pleasant smile as she shows each of them a room and then lastly shows Tai her room.They have women who look like Shae standing next each room, they knock on each door then introduce their selves as personal maids.

" we'll have dinner together in about an hour so we can talk about what I need from you all" Shae said as she exits the hallway to return to her own room.

" she is very beautiful, since you've now seen her will you still choose not to help, there has to be a reason you sent for her and change your mind" a man said that had black hair with yellow eyes and black scales on parts of his body.

" I don't care for you to have fun but you are not to leave " he said while walking closer to Shae, she pulls out a gold dagger holding it out to make him stay at arm length, he smiles at his wife stepping away from her.

" Hino do not touch any of them, you've already caused Los brother to meet his demise so she'll never forgive you by the way" Shae said