
Chapter 87 Camilles Ice kingdom

Carra and the others entered the the Ice Queens castle, when a beautiful woman runs up to Carra engulfing her in a hug.

" I've missed you, I wish our wife could have come I - I you know what I mean " Camille said with a laugh as two girls enter behind her.

" Aunt Carra " Lia said as she looks at the girls behind her aunt, shelled lie she was pulled out of Camilles butt while the other was a mixture of Camille and Lillian, Lia had more Camilles personality while Syn had both.

" Syn come give your auntie a hug " Cara said pulling her into a bear hug, she glances around then frowns.

" I thought mother and sister would come, its been to long " Syn said with a frown as her mother felt saddened seeing her this way.

" where is Lillian anyway, I've already packed every flower and herb in the kingdom even Eve had her men do the same and also gave ten fold extra " Camille said

" She is at the fox kingdom, we plan to return after we cure Tai" Carra said while Camille and her daughters eyes water up, Camile motions to Jisselle when she walks by.

" make preparations for all of our travel to go with them back to where our daughter is sick" Camille said while Jisselle nods then runs off, Carra smirked at her then shakes her head.

" you all wont come with us but where Lillian is and take back some of our daughter in laws with you. It's to dangerous there and we cant let them know of her being infected " Carra said as Camille nodded her head shooing her daughters away to pack.

" sorry this is Lucy, Len and Nina " Carra said tht when thegirls halted their movements running back and shaking the girls hands to quickly leave again. Camille and Carra laugh at the two then turn thei attention back to their daughters in law.

" Carra show them around before dinner, take them to the labyrinth in the gardens in case you see something you'll need " Camille said while turning around to go to her office to set up plans for her departure.

The girls look at the garden in awe, their sister in laws join them, they look around while Carra was.

Lia talks to Lucy and Nina whil Len is listening to Syns knowledge of the plants, Carra went off on her own to retrieve sap from certain trees and other plants just in case.

A servant arrives getting all their attention, Syn click her tongue along with Lia having a good idea who it is.

" the crown prince of Nelva is here to seek both your company the Queen said she doesn't expect you to go with his whims but to save her face by being polite until he gives reason not to " the woman said while bowing waiting on them to join her, they follow her to the Library where a light brown headed boy sits at a table drinking tea, he sees all the women with the beautiful sisters and he looks at them with lustful eyes to whre his servant cleared his throat snapping him out of his stupor.

" ahh princesses would you care to introduce your friends " Will said tying to take Nina's hand to kiss when its pulled away, she glares at him.

" do not touch them at all or place your treacherous eyes on them like you done so earlier" Lia and Syn said in unison making the other girls giggle, for a brief moment the facade the prince had faltered and he had to fix it quickly.

" I do apologize for my lack of manners, please do forgive me I am yet a man " Will said while motioning towards the chairs, the sisters sandwiched the others in between them.

" Lia, Syn have you thought of my offer I know your mother said that if one of you fell in love or wanted to marry was based on yourselves and then we had to get permission from your other parent" Will said making all five women frown, they both take deep breaths.

" I apologize but it's a no for both of us " Lia said as Syn smiled at her sister, a scowl was on the princes face and he was having a hard time containing his anger.

" why not let your sister answer for herself" Will said, Len clears her throat and crosses her arms.

" I'm guessing Syn agreed or she would of spoke against Lia so that's that, ifyour finished we would like to go" Len said raising from her chair and will grabbed her wrist tightly as soon as he does Syn has her Aura pushing him face first in the floor.

" grab one of my sister in laws again and I'll give you a quick death " Syn said while all of them released killing intent, Camille quickly enters the room since her assistant notified her of everything that happened. Will thought he had a chance to trick the Queen to ridicule her children and the killing intent let him know different.

" Leave I'll send your father the video of you touching one of the wife's of one of my children, so you wont be able to lie your way out of it. You also wont be able to interfere with it since it should be in his hands at any second. " Camille said with a smirk as she nods the guards to escort them away, she smiles at the girls.

" Let's have dinner then I'll give you. tour around th kingdom " Camille said with a smile