
Chapter 122

Suki jumped in the spot she was standing as she started to shake for a few seconds and calmed down when Tai squeezed her hand, she nervously smiled at her then cleared her throat.

" Let's go to the dining room to eat with the Queen, she wants all of us to come " Suki said staring at the floor, she hesitantly looks up at Tai who pulls her into a hug.

(' I hope she doesn't want to control you like she does others, I love you like you are now') Suki thought before pulling away from Tai and smiles at the others before she skips out of the room.

Leanna was standing behind Aliza and Phrae like she was trying to keep her distance from Tai, the other caught this while motioning the others to go and before Calista walks out.

" hey I need to speak with Leanna follow Suki down and stay together" Tai said kissing Calista before she left the room, Aliza, Tala and Phrae kept staring at Farron who had a smile on her face and gave each other a look that said we'll talk to her later.

Leanna tries to walk past Tai when she grabs her arm pulling her back in the room, the girl refused to look Tai in her eyes. Leanna feels a connection with her and now that her friend is sleeping with her, she feels like she'll hurt her friend if she does.

" Leanna tell me what's wrong" Tai said as she places her hands on Leannas waist, she could feel Tais body heat from her hands as if they were touching her skin.

Tai pulls Leanna roughly into her, causing the girl to gasp and place her hands on Tais chest. They look at each other for a few seconds when Leanna tries to push Tai away and she couldn't even budge her.

Tai picks her up by her waist then throws her over on the bed, she lays on top of her and pins Leannas hands by her head.

Leannas eyes go wide and then they slowly went half hooded as her breath gets rigid, Tai leans down gently pecking her lips and after several times doing this and not receiving one back. Tai was about to deepen their kiss when Leanna bites her bottom lip drawing blood, this of course doesn't faze Tai one bit.

Leanna leans up kissing her lips and wraps her arms around Tais neck before deepening their kiss, Tai could tell that she was the first person that Farron and Leanna has kissed.

" Leanna I want you to be with me, I want all five of you to stay with us and I want you to love me the way I will love you " Tai said kissing, sucking and nibbling on Leannas neck, she kisses her passionately before she gets up and helps Leanna to her feet.

They walked out of the bedroom walking close to each other and hook their pinkies together, Leanna does a bashful smile and turns her face away from Tai.

They walk in the dining room seeing everyone sitting besides the one calling herself queen and Suki is not present.

No one touched the drinks or food like Tai told Calista, they also has stayed together and when Tai pulls a chair out for Leanna to take a seat. Suki and her queen enters the room, the woman still wore a dress that covered her body and a red veil to match it that completely covers her face.

Tai walks up to her then bows her head and holding her hand out for the queen to take, the woman does so and Tai walks her to the head of the table. A butler pulls the chair out for her and Tai growls at him causing the man to flinch. Tai takes over the chair being pulled out, she then pushes it in when she sits and does the same for Suki who looked like she had hearts in her eyes every time she looks at Tai.

Tai walks by Calista then picks up the wine and takes a sip, after waiting for a minute she chooses another random cup to drink out of including Farrons and Leannas. She couldn't taste any poison or any foreign taste, she then takes her seat on the right hand side of the Queen.

" do you not trust me " Suki said with a sad expression and the Queen tapped her hand, she then picks up her own glass taking a sip under her veil.

" may I ask why are you wearing a veil " Larissa asked with a grin looking directly at the queen who tilts her head thoughtfully before answering.

" people use to be scared of seeing ones like me, we're not necessarily evil but the things we hold magic over and well our power loves death as so do we. I've been quite rude my name is Qin, I'm the one who created this fog and actually the name of this place is the misty valley." Qin said Leanna kept staring at the woman's aura that outlined her which was red and black colors, a slow heartbeat that only would beat fifteen times a minute as well.

" my name is Larissa, these women our my family...Lo, Calista, Tala, Phrae, Fallon, Aliza and of course Leanna" Larissa said with a wholesome smile that said she meant what she said about them being a part of her family. Tai smiles happily at her and then feels the queen staring at her so she looks her way.

" would you like to see what I look like " Qin said facing Tai, Suki started getting nervous when she heard what Qin said. Suki opened and closed her mouth a few times, when they've found others and Suki would have her fun with them. When Qin would ask that question, they'd either try to kill them or fear would make them do stupid things that would end their lives after committing.

" Qin do we reall-" Suki was saying when Qins hand rested on top of hers.

" it's fine Tai isn't like the others and I'm sure her... family has enough self awareness to not do anything stupid, the men who we have saved before was only interested in using us and this place for the need of their greed for power." Qin said reaching her gloved hand out to hold Tais, other than Suki she has never touched anyone else for hundreds of years. Tai held her hand back, she felt comfort and love in this woman's touch and even if she was scarred or not the prettiest in the world did not matter to Tai if they have a connection.

" yes I do want to see and to know you better as well, I don't wish to covet you for your power or wealth only the person is what I wish to attain to love " Tai said, all of them swore that the woman had to be blushing as she cleared her throat looking away from Tai.

Qin stands up from her chair and removes her veil while facing Tai, she had eyes that burned like lava and white skin with cracks that was like her eyes as if Lava could flow from the cracks and her eyes. Tai thought she was one of the prettiest people she has ever seen, she had ash colored hair she was 5'7" in height. All of them went wide eyed except for Tai, they all remained calm and Tai stood up walking closer to Qin. Tai traces her fingers over one of the cracks on her face, a smile blooms on Tais face and her eyes flicker down Qins body.

" can I see more " Tai asked while undoing the woman's dress, Qin hasn't met someone who had a reaction like this, usually they'd try plunging a dagger in her heart for being a necromancer.

Qin stares at Tai while her dress is slowly being pulled off leaving her only in a black bra and panties with knee high boots that are stillettos.

Tai has decided to stay in her demon form in case she has to go on a rampage to save all of her women, right now she knows it wasn't a good idea when looking at this woman and she traces each line in Qins torso with her fingers.

Qin hasn't let anyone touch her for over three hundred years, her body was reacting to much with each touch and her nipples was now hard while she could definitely feel how wet she now is. Qins eyes drop down to the bulge in Tais pants, she swallows hard making a gulping noise that put a smile on Tais face.

Tai drags her finger up from one on Qins stomach across her nipple to the one above her bra, she almost forgot where they were and retracted her hand leaving Qin breathing harder than what she was.

Tai helps Qin back to her chair, she decided to leave her dress off but crosses her legs tightly and Suki was smiling widely since Tai wouldn't be killed to become apart of this city of dead.

Servants brought their plates in that had tomahawk steaks with potatoes and a green vegetable that was shaped like a star that had some sauce drizzled over it.

" it looks great..ok guys eat up so we can rest early " Tai said giving them a look that said to eat up, they all quickly finished their food while Tai ate pieces that was left over from the others.

" Tai there is more that we need to discuss, Suki will lead the others to their bedrooms and I just need a few minutes then you can explain everything to them...I know you all can't fit in that bed, I can have another bed moved in or you a few of you can share a room." Qin said with a friendly smile, they nodded then smiled back at her, Suki led the others away while Qin and Tai still sat there.

Qin drank the rest of her wine then rests her elbows on the table and her hands under her chin while looking at Tai.

" I'm sorry for grabbing you like I did, the others were trying to get you and I didn't want them to have you or spill the blood of anyone in your camp...we felt your essence in those women's camp, that's why they made a move and you are more perceptive than most and moved them quickly" Qin said

" so they are other necromancers here" tai said watching the woman leans back in her chair, Tai looks the woman over like she is a work of art and to Tai or any rational person she is just that.

" why did you make this Misty valley for and why hide in it " Tai said then finishes off her glass of wine, she's had seven glasses already and is starting to feel a good buzz from it.

" well we're the most hated out of the magic community since we raise the dead to use, I also fled from several kingdoms that don't even exist anymore. I've met others like me who was running just to live, we just want to live and we don't mess with the soul unless that person wants us to keep their corpse um more human looking than a walking corpse " Qin said raising from her chair then walking behind Tais chair massaging her shoulders, Tai bit her lip knowing what this woman was really wanting.

" they are some who are stronger and older than me, I've been actually wanting to leave this place and take Suki with me. Alma is trying to kill whoever enters the fog to add to our army and I don't want innocent blood spilled, I'm not gonna lie you are the first person I've truly been interested in to intervene with the others. Suki likes to look normal like others, I'll hide what I am until I decide to show my true self and how people react usually isn't like how you reacted....you like the way I look and don't fear me as who I am" Qin said moving away from Tai and looking down at her hands, she feels Tai wrap her arms around her waist.

" You aren't even afraid of me when I touch you or to scared to touch me...it's been a long time since that has happened " Qin said leaning her head back to rest on Tais shoulder, she smiles softly while holding onto Tais arms on her waist.

" I want Suki to watch over them while we spend more time together" Tai said as Qin turns her head looking back at her and Tai quickly kisses her lips, Qin turns around wrapping her arms around Tais waist burying her head in her nape.

" we'll take it slow, I don't want you to worry to much about it and I want you both to come with us " Tai said Kissing Qins forehead.

Suki wasn't having such a great time since she had to move another dd king-size bed beside the one already in the room. Now she was told to sleep in the same room with these women, at first she was happy thinking Tai would be with them and now she's just pissed off.

" well scoot over Tai wants me to stay with you all tonight" Suki said, Aliza smirks at her then pats the spot beside her and sneered at the others who laughed at her. Aliza hugs Suki's waist causing the girl to open her eyes wide, she calmed down after a couple of minutes and finally fell into a comfortable sleep. One thing she could say is she felt safe, warm and very comfortable with these eight women.

Tai follows Qin back to her bedroom where they both bathe separate and put night clothes on, Qin was already under the blankets covered up. Tai laughs and shakes her head at how shy this woman is being, she slides in beside Qin wrapping her arms and one of her legs around her. Qin couldn't help to smile at her antics, she feels Tai kissing the back and side of her neck, when Tai finds her sweet spot she starts to suck and nibble on that spot as well.

" mmm AHH" Qin moans out while she shivers from the feel of Tais lips on her neck, she turns around to face Tai and they start to kiss very lightly at first that grew into a deep passionate kiss later.

Tai doesn't want to rush with Qin Or the others right now with all that's going on, Farron was a different story though and she is actually more calm now and can think clearer as well.

Tai held Qin until they fell asleep, Tais soldiers traded out every four hours and early in the morning the two guards didn't do their change until the 8th hour. Having them Done four hour shift change was Qins and Suki's idea since the guards here do the 8 hour changes, this way they would know that something isn't right.

The next morning Tai walks to one of the guards room calling out each set of two to question about what they saw and how long each group stood guard and how long the group before them. The last group still hasn't returned and it's already the seventh hour they've been on guard, the good thing is that Qins guards have been keeping an eye on them as well to report to their master.

Qin rushed to where Tai was when she seen two of her soldiers with Auras in them from another necromancer walking toward Tai.

Qin mutters a spell when her eyes glow brighter than before when skeleton hands grab them making them fall to the floor hitting face first. The hands shot out all around them pinning them to the ground, they struggle unable to move.

" well you'd figure that she would at least follow up what we were having our soldiers do before acting recklessly" Tai said walking over to the men who stop moving and their eyes become a dull lifeless look to them. Qin snapped her fingers and fire consumes both bodies until ash is left in their spots.

Qin stares at that spot while her eyes glow brighter along with the cracks in her body, she walks away with Tai following after her.

" cancel her soldiers being out on guard, bring me Raquel to my throne room " Qin Told Two of her guards who bowed then jogged away, Tai grabs Qins hand when a searing burn went over her palm.

" ahh" Tai hissed in pain while waving her hand around, Qins eyes went wide and she healed Tais hand. Tai smiles at the woman, she kisses her forehead, nose and then her lips. The kiss turned deeper and she hungrily devoured Qins lips who was a moaning mess and her hands travel around Qins body slipping in and out her robe. Tai pushes the throne doors open while pushing Qin inside then pinning her against the wall as her fingers slide between Qins legs.

Qin looks into Tais eyes while tracing her fingers over her cheeks, she gasps out when Tais fingers go up through her folds hitting her bundle of nerves. Tai pulls up Qins leg holding it up by her hip while she does circular motions on and around her bundle of nerves. Qins breath gets caught in her throat as moans escape her mouth, when she gets close Tai removes her fingers then pushes inside of Qin receiving a gasp from her.

Tai pumps in and out of Qin Who is a moaning and shaking mess in between Tai and the wall.

" AHHHHHN HAH AHHHH HAAH OHH" Qin Moans out, Tai kisses her passionately while letting Qin Ride out her orgasm, she leans her forehead against Tais when their done.

" now don't let your anger get the best of you and don't let this woman get one up on you either, I'm going to check on the others to see if their awake yet " Tai said kissing Qin again, then leaves the room.

Qin smiles to herself then shakes her head while fixing her robe, she takes her throne chair while thinking to herself.

(' who would of thought hundreds of years later I'd be with a demon hybrid who has a large ass harem, I don't even think she is trying to limit herself on mates either. Well I should be glad or I'd not be with her, I gotta start preparing for us to leave with them and get their people out of misty valley) Qin thought to herself while a grin was on her face for how good she's feeling right now, the doors open with a brunette walking in with two damaged soldiers behind her. Qins smile quickly disappears when she sees this woman, the woman smirks at Qin.

" seems like you've had a good time recently by the way of that smile I seen " Raquel said, Qin smacks her arm rest making a loud sound echo in the room.

" Tsk Tsk mustn't been that good " Raquel said mockingly while staring at Qin, she walks forward leaving the guards to stroll after her and flames erupted covering both men. Qins eyes narrowed as she extinguished the flames then healed their flesh, they exit the room.

" why are you dead set on doing this Raquel I don't want to fight you, we used to be so close and we fell apart hundreds of years ago." Qin said trying her best to reconcile their friendship, hurt flashed in Raquels eyes and she quickly adjusts her feelings and does a sinister laugh.

" the man that we both loved was killed by your hands, when I found someone I was interested in...you intervene taking her from me" Raquel said while angrily staring at Qin who shakes her head, she stands up from her throne and walks down toward her old friend who is shaking with anger.

Suki and Tai walk into the throne room causing Qin to halt in her steps, Raquel turns seeing Tai in her demon form.

" ah well look what the dog brought in " Raquel said with disdain evident in her voice as she glares at Suki who sidesteps behind Tai, Tai looks this woman over and thinks sure she's pretty but rotten on the inside.

" well...my name is Tai and you are " Tai said with a half ass bow, the woman smiles at Tai with a sincere smile that caught all three off guard.

" my name is Raquel demon princess " Raquel said as she bowed her head sincerely to Tai, she then whispers to Suki to return to the others and watch them.

After Suki leaves Tai starts walking toward the two women who are standing in front of the throne, Raquels aura has sweetened alot.

Qin started feeling even more guilty at seeing her friend act this sweet toward the woman she has fallen for, but if their actions caused several kingdoms of these powerful Races to hunt them down they all would of been doomed.

Qin stares at them both as Tai kisses Raquels hand and then walks to Qins side kissing her cheek, the woman's aura shook for a second then stabilized when she looked at Tais smile.

" Raquel I don't want to fight with you let's just let this go and calm down so I can tell you my plans of leaving this place to you " Qin said, the other woman's smile faltered and was replaced with a sneer, she steps closer to them.

" well I guess you plan on running off with her and leave me to put up with these women who are worse than both of us, I had to plan something with those two guards to keep their dirty hands from doing something catastrophic to her or her mates...do you really think they'll let either of you leave or me to rule a throne that I really don't want and Alma still collecting corpses like crazy" Raquel said as she stares at Tai with a sad look, she reaches out her hand and stops half way then drops her hand. Tai furrowed her eyebrows at the sadness she felt from this woman, she steps forward grabbing her hand and places it on her cheek. The other woman had a surprised look at first and then she smiled happily while tracing her fingers on Tais cheek and lips. Two guards come inside the room with several women and men trailing inside the throne room, Raquel dropped her hand away when she first heard the door and stared at Qin like she was trying to communicate with her while her eyes dart to Tai.

" Tai just play along with us " Raquel said giving Qin the eye to follow along, Raquel shoots a purple lightning from her hand hitting Tai in the chest and Tai didn't budge. Qin was about to retaliate when Tai grabs her hand falling to one knee, she winks at Qin and mouths play along to her.

" prove that this is just a pet and nothing more " Raquel said as she grabs Tais hair and licks her cheek, Raquel throws Tai into a nearby wall as it cracks around her and she falls hitting the floor.

Qin laughs loudly then uses a wind spell that throws Raquel into the same wall and she falls down beside Tai in the floor.

" who are you ! To ever question me, I'll treat my pet the way I wish just like I'll treat all of you !!" Qin said with venom dripping from her voice as she stares at the others, one older woman stood there with a playful smile on her face. The woman looked like a sweet old lady that you would help with a chore to get some baked goods from said old lady.

" Our Queen we have Heard rumors is all, last time you fell in love we all suffered and even poor Suki lost her family because of it " Harriet said while a white lightning hits Tai throwing her back into the wall while pulsating against her chest while being held in spot. The old woman made a face of pleasure, as if she was enjoying every second of this and she was. Raquel looks up seeing that witch taking Tais Vitality and she shoots purple lightning hitting the woman making her stumble back a few paces.

" you dare " Draken said raising his hand to where a large black sphere shot from his hand, Qin waved her hands and destroyed his magic while wind blades cut him over twenty times making him fall to his knees.

" you dare come in here trying to hurt my pet and someone who is a higher position than all of you, Guards lock those two in the dungeon at the law keepers. I want them to take a hundred lashes, then release in the morning after binding for ten days " Qin said while they all whip their heads to her, another woman bows down.

" my Queen Harriet or Draken didn't mean disrespect " Lois said while refusing to meet Qins eyes, laughter rang out from Qin.

" even you Lois dare to speak out against me for these two maybe all of you should share their punishment " Qin said while the others glare at Lois, Qin took notes of the ones unbothered by Lois speaking out to save the two.

(' seems like she got over half backing her old ass up') Qin thought to herself while ignoring Raquel playing with Tai who is now being straddled by Raquel, Qin chooses to ignore them while focusing on these witches and warlocks.

" Lois will stay while you twelve take the same punishment as these two while you seven will do my labor in the lab and then I'll have Lois try some of my new potions. " Qin said, Harriet and Draken give a sympathetic look to Lois as the guards take them and the other twelve out. Suki follows behind to make sure the lashes and binding is done, while Lois and the others stay there kneeling in front of her.

" do you think I'm stupid to not know what Harriet and Draken are planning, what is stupid is those who follow them. Lois I don't think you are fully aware of what their plans are or what they've convinced you of. Harriet loves power and only wishes to feed off it, let me ask you seven have you felt fatigue and your powers have grown weaker" Qin said staring at them, they all go wide eyed looking from each other to looking at Qin who rolls her eyes.

" yes she has been stealing from you all and Lois here has been almost drained dry, if you would have been around her for another day or two then you'd be one of our walking corpses in the city. " Qin said while glancing over at Raquel who is now kissing Tai, she looks back at the seven and throws a crystal to them that showed traces of Harriets power residue left on their bodies and how much she has taken.

" I can heal you but I need a life and death contract so even death won't be the end if you choose to betray me again. " Qin said as a man with black hair crawled forth.

" we all turned them down and refused to work with them, we would attend your meetings and then leave when they held theirs...Lois was tricked to believe that you were sacrificing her for this demon " Sam said while giving Tai a glare as She now had Raquel pinned under her.

Qin slaps the chair arm when she sat down then glares at Sam, even if you refused all of you knew they were committing treachery to this kingdom, everyone would agree to wipe you all out and start a new" Qin said when a moan coming from Raquel interrupted them, Qins eyes go wide when she sees Raquel back straddling Tai while grinding against her.

They all quickly look away while Qin clears her throat trying to swallow down her jealousy, she hasn't got to that point with Tai yet so she thought it was unfair.

" your right Queen...my mind is somewhat clearer than before and if you want my life it is yours to take " Lois said when a loud moan echoed through the room, they all look over seeing Raquels red face as she got off of Tai then walks over to stand beside Qin while Tai just layed there feeling like she was a little lost at what happened. Qin looks at Raquel who still has a red face, she then looks back at Lois who continues to stare at Tai.

" Lois when she was basically feeding off of you she of course manipulated all of your minds as well, I'm slowly healing all of you now and I want everyone here to wear this crystal to protect you from them especially her. Harriet might be the oldest of us witches but she is by far weaker than me and she hates that most of all, this demon as you call Tai is actually a hybrid of a celestial and demon she is princess to Queen Unas kingdom and Queen Lillians kingdom. I might add that her mothers mates span to all different races kingdoms we'd be hunted to the end of time and none of us would make it out alive." Qin said, Lois looked back at the girl who is still laying in the floor with her arms crossed behind her head and just laying there.

" she she is the hybrid in prophesies, well that will make Harriet try twice as hard now and does she know that Tai over there is this hybrid." Lois said while staring at Tai who looks back at her, the younger girl met her eyes and quickly looks away.

" I'm not sure she might now since she wanted to have a taste no matter the punishment " Qin said, she looked over at Raquel who had a toothy smile while looking at Tai and Qin zapped her butt with lightning making the girl jump up with a squel.

" QIN !!!" Raquel shouted while rubbing her butt, the others couldn't help but giggle seeing these two friends acting like this together again.

Qin healed the ones she knew wasn't aligned with Harriet and had them staying in the castle to help with things she needed to get done, she started to teach Lois and is helping grow Lois's power as well.

Suki came back a couple hours later with a concerned look on her face, she seen Raquel hanging onto Tai and she lost her temper stomping the floor while pointing at the woman.

" Suki enough come tell me of everything that happened and did you keep track of the witches and warlocks of the common people that followed them " Qin said while reading over several reports of lists of names that are aligning themselves with Harriet.

" she's even trying to turn me against you for what happened to my family and promised me that I could keep Tai to myself if I would help " Suki said looking down at the ground, the family thing she didn't even bat an eye and when the prospect of keeping Tai to herself made her falter in her heart for a moment before walking away from Harriet.

" well she would have left you a husk of her body once she drained her, she will drain all of you of your life force eventually. Harriet has been hoarding power for hundreds of years now and she hates that, she wants to purge every living person no matter who or what they are, she'll break her binding in a few days...we must work together to stop her or everyone here will die and she will be to powerful for me to even stop, I'm guessing she'll drain the alliance she has to get stronger so it's good we got these ones away from her.

Tai walks over to Qin and picks her up over her shoulder then walks away with her heading to the queens chamber.