
H Mission Commencing!!

Mark, a small time businessman was dumped by his long time girlfriend that he was planning to marry. He was so brokenhearted after that night and went to a bar to drink and vent his heartache. Who would knew that the bar is actually running by a God that took an interest with him and gave Mark a life that he can be happy... By being a hentai protagonist as Sano Takuya. Warning: For those who likes to read grammatically perfect works, I'm sorry because this one isn't for you guys. My English is so bad that makes a grammar savvy puke.

Kahel · アニメ·コミックス
135 Chs

MILF everywhere.

AN: By the way I will be using (') for the character's thoughts.


Takuya arrived at the dining hall where his stepmom was waiting for him, Takuya looks at his stepmom he still can't believe that this lady in front of him was already in her late 40's, she looks like 15 years younger.

'Damn she's a MILF.'

"Takuya-kun here drink some miso soup, your sister will coming here with her children later. They will be living here for a long time so get along with her." Shiori said and scooped some rice in the rice cooker.

"Un." Takuya nods.

"You didn't seem surprised or panicked." Shiori was amused on her stepson's lack of reaction.

"Well, I think Nee-san will not bully me anymore she had 2 kids already I'm sure she matured enough." Takuya explained while eating and sometimes glimpsing at his stepmom's boobs. 'Those things are huge.'

"I didn't expect that you would say those words, you're becoming more like a men than your previous attitude like a boy." Shiori smiled at him. "Oh I just remembered, your Aunt Saori agreed."

"Huh?" Takuya looks at her with confused face.

"Tutoring." Shiori said.

"Ohh! I remembered." Takuya remembered that his father mentioned him to his Aunt Saori to become the tutor of her elementary son Kazuma. Takuya's grades were good since primary untill now, actually Takuya didn't want to do the tutoring anymore since he have lots of money already.

[Ding! Mission : Fuck your Aunt and make her fall in love with you and your dick.

Rewards: 5 stat point and Gacha function and coupon.

Time Limit : 1 month.]

'Another "fucking" mission... Oh now, what this stats used for?'

[Stat point are used to increase the stats.]

'The hell... system can answer me?!, Hey system can you show me my Status?'


After the system responded a prompt appeared in front of him.

[Sano Takuya

Title: The Brokenhearted Guy.

Strength: 11

Agility: 10

Dexterity: 19

Vitality: 11

Intelligence: 24



[The average healthy adult stat is 10.]

'Fuck that tittle, and what's wrong with that 19 Dexterity?, Ohh... I see my predecessor doesn't have girlfriend, his hands was his only way.'



"Huh?! yes?" Takuya snapped out from his deep thinking. Shiori looks at him with concerned face.

"What's wrong Takuya?" Shiori asked.

"No-Nothing, I just realized that father is so lucky to have a beautiful wife like you Okaa-san." Takuya blurted some flowery words.

"You kid, since when did you learned to flirt?" Shiori said with a bit of redness on her cheek.

"It's true Okaa-san, If I was father I would find another job that let's me be with you always." Takuya said. 'Cringe!'

"Silly kid, now finish your food and go to your aunt's house."

"Un." Nodded and starts to eat his food again.

'Takeshi, I wish you were here.' Shiori was thinking of her husband whose in his bussiness trip outside of the country.

After they finished their breakfast, Takuya left their house and went to his aunt Shiori. Takuya arrived at his aunts residence, right now he was standing in front of their door and pressed the doorbell.

"Yes, Wait a minute!" Said the voice inside the house. The door opened and a boy about 6-7 years old with black hair and eyes similar to Takuya was the owner of the voice.

"Hello you must be Kazuma, I'm Takuya your cousin and your future tutor." Takuya said with amiable smile.

"Hello Taku-niisan I'm Kazuma, Please enter." Kazuma said and gestured his hand.

"Excuse me for intrusion." Takuya entered the house and Kazuma lead the way to the living room.

"Taku-niisan, I will prepare some drinks and snacks while waiting for mom." Takuya nods at him and Kazuma went to the kitchen.

Not long after Kazuma left a Lady walked out from the bathroom.

She was only wearing panties and was placed on her shoulder. Her two big boobs with pink nipples are jiggling while she walks out of the bathroom.

Takuya was shocked when he saw Saori, Saori was a 28 years old woman, has black hair and beautiful big black eyes and alluring curves, She was really beautiful he instinctively gulped his saliva.

'Why all of the women that related to me are like goddesses?'

"I'm sorry I don't know that you're already here." Saori blushed and used the towel to cover her top.

"I-It's alright, uhm.. you're beautiful Saori." Takuya said and averted his gaze.

Saori was dumbfounded on her nephew's remark and left the living room. 'It's been a while since someone told me this words.'

After a few minutes Kazuma placed the snacks and drinks on the table, Saori also arrived after changing, she wore blue T-shirt and mini skirt.

'Ohh... Another MILF.'

"Takuya-kun, how are you?" Saori asked.

"I'm fine." Takuya answered.




After the long chat Takuya started to Tutor Kazuma and the lesson went smoothly.

"Thanks for today Takuya-kun, here's the payment." Saori pulled Takuya's hand and placed 3000 yen on his palm.

Takuya scratched his nose and nodded.

"See you tommorow Kazuma-kun, Saori." Takuya looks at Saori's eyes and smiled warmly, he waved his hand and left the residence.

'Should I fuck her? The system didn't say that it was compulsory... Let's how the things will work.'




"I'm home." Takuya arrived home and removed his shoes and placed it in the shoe rack.

"Welcome home." Shiori said and after that another voice can be heard.

"Ehe~ Welcome home Taku." Said the other voice.

"Nee-chan." Takuya looks at the beautiful Blonde lady carrying a baby on her arms.

"It's been a while." Aika said.

"Yeah, 4 years I think." Takuya answered.

"Daiki greet your uncle Taku." Aika said to the boy on her left side.

"Hello Taku-oji." the little boy Daiki said.

"Hello Daiki-kun, you can call me Taku-nii adding oji in my name makes me feel old hahaha." Takuya said then pats Daiki's head.

"Ohh... You're Takuya, I'm your sister's husband Ito Daisuke." Daisuke is a tanned burly man with 'Manly' face, typical gangster like air around him that's intimidating. Daisuke reached his hand for a handshake.

"H-Hello, Daisuke-san." Takuya accepted the handshake.

Sauce: Daisuki na mama (Saori and Kazuma.).

Kahelcreators' thoughts