
H Mission Commencing!!

Mark, a small time businessman was dumped by his long time girlfriend that he was planning to marry. He was so brokenhearted after that night and went to a bar to drink and vent his heartache. Who would knew that the bar is actually running by a God that took an interest with him and gave Mark a life that he can be happy... By being a hentai protagonist as Sano Takuya. Warning: For those who likes to read grammatically perfect works, I'm sorry because this one isn't for you guys. My English is so bad that makes a grammar savvy puke.

Kahel · アニメ·コミックス
135 Chs

Love hotel.

Saori decided to divorce her husband since Takuya guaranteed that Kazuma will accept him as his father.

Takuya bid his farewell to Saori after their affectionate time for each other, Takuya was checking the time on his watch.

"Oh it's already 9pm." Takuya muttered then he took his phone and sent Kyouka a message.

A minute passed he received her reply, she was already preparing for their date.

Takuya smiled while reading her message.

"Let's meet at Shibuya?" Takuya replied on her message.

[Kyouka: Okay, I'm done preparing.]


"Okaa-san who is that guy you're meeting?" A vuluptuos woman asked, she somehow resembles Kyouka with her hair and eye color she's also a tall woman for her age and a noticable big boobs that she inherited from her mother and her glasses.

"It's just a friend, he's the son of my former coworker." Kyouka said then she wore her red high heel shoes.

"I'm sure mom can't take her loneliness and she will get a father for us." The beautiful black haired woman said then she sat on the chair.

"Maybe?" Kyouka laughed then she opened the door.

"Koharu, Yuika I'm going now." Kyouka hurriedly closed the door and left. Yuu who heard everything felt depressed.

"What do you think the looks of that man nee-san?" Yuika looks at Koharu then she rested her head on her hand.

"At first I thought it was an old man but she said that the guy was her coworker's son, maybe he was older a bit to us." Koharu said then she went to her room, Yuika just stared at her sister then she went to do her nightly beauty regimen.


Takuya was sitting on a bench near the statue of Hachiko the famous Akita dog. He was looking at the people who walks while waiting Kyouka.

"Takuya-kun." Said the voice oh Takuya's side then he turned his head and saw Kyouka whose dressed with an elegant red dress, she's wearing light make up that looks good on her and some accessories.

"You look so beautiful Kyouka." Takuya said while staring at her face with gentlemanly expression then he offered his arm.

"Thank you." Kyouka smiled at him then she placed her hands on Takuya's arm.

"So what do you planned on our date?" Kyouka looks at the handsome man beside her.

"I didn't actually planned anything except ending it in a love hotel." Takuya joked.

"Oh? Are you really that serious on taking me in a love hotel? I know you're joking but they say that jokes are half meant true." Kyouka asked as they walk on the sidewalk.

Takuya looks at the beautiful woman that's holding his arms.

"I'm lying If I say that I don't want it to happen." Takuya replied and Kyouka giggled.

"Kyouka is there still a vacant space on you stomach?" Takuya suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" Kyouka was blushing while looking at him.

Takuya noticed her blushing face then he understood that she misinterpret his words.

"I mean I want us to eat something." Takuya said the he lightly laughed.

"Oh, yeah I only ate a little earlier.." Kyouka realized that it was not a hidden message or something.

"Let's go on that restaurant" Takuya said then he pointed at the luxury looking western restaurant then Kyouka nodded.

They entered the establishment and ordered some steak and a bottle of wine.

"Here's your pepper steak and a bottle of red wine, you have a beautiful date sir you're a lucky guy." The waitress said in fluent english then he placed the orders on the table then the waitress left.

"Thank you, I'm indeed lucky to have her in my life." Takuya replied with the same language, Kyouka smiled and did not say anything.

"You're good in speaking English without our a bit messy accent that looks like natural." Kyouka said while looking at him with amazement.

"I just learned this from watching some English movies." Takuya humbly said then he cut his steak with his knife and fork.

"I see, so what did she said?" Kyouka asked out of curiosity.

"She said that you're a beautiful woman and I'm very lucky to have you." Takuya said then he ate some steak.

"Hmmn, It's good, you should eat too Kyouka-san " Takuya said.

"Okay." Kyouka said then she starts to eat her food.


Their dinner in the western restaurant ended, right now they were on Yoyogi park while chatting about their own life experiences and flirting with each other sometimes.

Kyouka noticed that it's already 10pm and their date was comming to an end.

"Thank you for tonight's date Takuya-kun." Kyouka smiled at Takuya then she continued.

"Are we still going on a love hotel?"

"Sure." Takuya nodded then he offered his arm on the beautiful woman in front of him.

Kyouka gladly accepted his arm and the two went to the nearest decent love hotel then the two checked in.


Inside the room they rented.

Takuya was hugging Kyouka's waist while looking at her eyes like it was a precious gemstone.

"You're so beautiful Kyouka." Takuya said then he caressed Kyouka's cheek, Kyouka's cheeks blushed then she also caressed his face.

"You too Takuya-kun you look so handsome tonight."

Takuya holds her chin then he gently kissed her lips, Kyouka gladly accept Takuya's lips that landed on her own lips.

The two continued kissing for a while then they stares on each others eye's with full of warmth then the continued.

Takuya slowly undressing his upper clothes then he laid Kyouka on the bed.

"Kyouka I want to take you." Takuya whispered then he kissed her neck.

"Un take me Takuya-kun." Kyouka replied then she caressed his hair.

*Kissing sounds.*

Soon the Takuya and Kyouka was already naked, Kyouka faced his crotch and notice the semi erect monstrous little brother of Takuya, she was so amazed because this is the first time she saw this size.

'It's way bigger than the one I saw.' Kyouka thought then she holds the body of Takuya's semi erect little brother and stroked it.

Takuya looks at Kyouka then he gently holds her hair to the the view of Kyouka's beautiful face while giving him a blowjob.

Kyouka tried to put it inside of her mouth and she was glad that her mouth can be used to please him.

*gluck cluck hanger.*