
H&D (Harem & Dungeon)

[ MC: Bell Cranel ] (Bell x Harem AU) A Danmachi story thinking differently. Bell Cranel, a young man that just arrived in Orario, thirsts for adventures. But nothing is easy just like this and he will learn it the hard way, but he won't be alone in this. Making new friends and perhaps even more, Bell learns the importance of relying on others as he confronts the dungeons, getting into trouble often. But all is not black as he also lives some moments of fun with his friends and female companions. Read as you find Bell's new motivation as a new path opened for him, one that he never thoughts possible. Welcome, in H&D!

John_Cuck · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Hostess of Fertility

Bell POV

As we were in front of the pub, Ais-san took my hands and looked at me, nodding her head as if trying to say something to herself as she opened the door. As we stepped inside, there were a whole lot of people!

Loud chatting came from everywhere as everyone seemed to have tons of fun. The smell of booze and food invaded my nostrils as my stomach growled. I could barely contain myself, my hunger was just too much. Looking at Ais, her expression remained unchanged. She turned her eyes to me, as I looked back at the whole crowd that was just having fun after a day at the dungeon.

Not long after that, a waitress came to us, she was wearing a uniform that all workers here were wearing. It consisted of a green maid outfit with a white frilled headband, matching white apron, and a pair of brown boots and black leggings.

Unlike the others, this waitress was an elf! I was surprised to see one working here as normally, this race is known to be a sophisticated race that takes pride in themselves, viewing other species as inferior. Although she was a bit like Ais-san, not showing many expressions, there was a small smile that escaped her lips, bowing to us slightly.

The elf had white snow skin with sky blue eyes and short green hair. She had a stoic expression on her face. It was as if she came directly from a fairy tale…

"It's rare to see the Sword Princess without her familia in this establishment." Saying that Ais-san gazed at me for a second before talking.

"I'm with my… friend." She said the last words as if she was proud of herself as her eyes showed it clearly. The elf wasn't taken aback as she looked at me, a look of interest was in those eyes.

"I see… this certainly is unexpected." Afterward, she didn't say a word as she led us to a table, one that was empty as people continued to have their fun, ignoring us. After leading us to the table, the waitress was gone as Ais tapped at the seat next to her, inviting me.

Taking a seat beside her, I take one of the menus that was handed to us as I look through the meal I could get. There was a vast variety of food I could eat, but I was concerned by the amount of Valis it could cost. But as I looked worried about all this, I felt her piercing gaze as I turned my head, facing her.

"You can get what you want, you don't need to worry about money." As she said this, her attention returned to the menu as I still felt a bit uncomfortable at the idea of eating like I wanted, but it was as if she didn't let me have much choice.

"I-I guess you're right…" Looking back at the menu, I was faced with another issue…

Why is everything so delicious there!? We didn't have any restaurant in the village where I used to live, so to see so many meals within reach was something I never experienced! My eyes were sparkling as I wanted to take everything there was!

But, I couldn't understand this much was clear. Gaining my senses, I decided to look closely at what I could take and decided on what I wanted. I know that she said she'll pay, but I still feel this is unfair. Maybe I could repay her back one day?

Putting the menu on the table, I looked around, seeing many people celebrating their return from the dungeon or other things among that, but it was what caught my interest the most. As the stories go on, my smile widens even more, barely able to keep my excitement in check.

"Bell?" Hearing Ais-san saying my name, I turned my attention to her as she seemed to have a curious look in her eyes. As her head approached mine, I sensed her breathing softly hitting my face as her eyes were staring at mine. Feeling her so close to me, heat rose to my cheeks, surprised by her sudden approach.

"Do you like stories from the dungeon?" She asked me innocently, probably not knowing how close she was to me. This was so strange, yet I felt the need to just speak to her with honesty, trusting her completely.

As I was about to say something, the waitress arrived and she gave us some water for the starter as she took out a pad and pen from her apron, looking at us.

"I'm Ryuu Lion, I'll be your maid for the evening." M-maid? I know she was wearing the clothes, but to see she was taking the role seriously? And to be an elf on top of all, she sure is different from those I encountered… and *nee-san*.

"Have you decided on what you will order?" Ais answered first as she put down the menu.

"I'll take some Jagamarukun." Ryuu nodded and wrote some things on her pad as I looked surprised at Ais-san, not understanding her choice.

It was the first time I heard of it, but it was apparently some fried mashed potatoes with some spices. I haven't eaten those yet so I was curious to see what it'll look like on her plate.

"The usual amount?" As Ryuu said this, Ais-san only nodded, making me a bit confused at what it could mean. Do the two of them know each other perhaps? I wasn't sure, but this isn't concerning me.

"For you, ummm…" I was puzzled at first, seeing that she stopped herself in mid-sentence. Although, I quickly caught up and realized that she didn't know my name. Showing a small smile at her, I told her my name.

"Bell… Bell Cranel!" Ryuu nodded as she was ready to write something.

"What would it be then, Cranel-san?"

"some pasta…" After taking my order, she left soon, probably notifying the cook of our order. Once again, it was just me and Ais as a somewhat comfortable silence was in the air between the two of us, despite the loud sound of people celebrating.

"I asked if you liked stories from the dungeon earlier." Hearing this, my eyes widened and my head turned abruptly to her, having an excited grin on my face. Nodding frantically, it was clear that she could see my excitement.

"O-of course I do!! I can't go to the dungeon yet, so when I hear all sorts of things about it, I can't help but be delighted by them! It's just so exciting to hear it from people that went in there!!"

Ais-san hummed as she nodded to herself as if she was thinking of something. I was confused at first, but it quickly cleared up as she turned her head to me, putting her hand on my head, and gently petting it.

The sensation was… strange. While this was nothing in particular, feeling my hair being played by her soft hand somehow made me relax by her touch. I had a speck of light pink dust on my cheeks as I relaxed under her touch.

I stayed like this for a moment, just enjoying her touch, despite being perplexed by the feelings I was having…

"I could tell you some if you'd like." She continues petting me like some sort of animal while she says this. I couldn't help but feel lucky to have a girl like her beside me. She was so kind to me, it was almost unbelievable. But she was here, with me at that moment. I can't let that chance slip by!

I raised my head and looked at her, a firm look of determination as I nodded my head, wanting this more than I thought I would.

"Yes! Please, I want to hear about your adventures there! I would be so grateful." She hummed as she started to talk, it was always a few words, but I slowly got used to handling a conversation like this with her.

Apparently, the Guild tasked her familia to eradicate a surpopulation of Minotaurs on the 17th floor and they were going in a week or so. Just hearing it, my excited grin just widened, feeling my body shaking from the sheer thrill that her words were said! I can't wait to join a Familia and enter the dungeon…

As we were talking, I heard the sound of plates approaching as Ryuu-san came back with our food. The smell alone made my stomach loudly growl, it just smelled so good~.

"Here's your food, if you two need anything else, let me know." Bowing slightly, Ryuu walked away, going to another table serving people, but I couldn't keep my eyes on her, not after having almost no food for days.

It was at the point that I could drool just at the sight of the food, which I was doing slightly. Taking my fork, I started to wrap the pasta around it and took my first bite, my eyes widening. The sensation of the flavors overwhelming my mouth was so much that tears started to form in my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Even hearing Ais-san's voice, I couldn't stop tearing up from the joy of having a real meal ever since I came here. This was just too good! Taking a bite and another one, I was just too engrossed by the moment that I didn't see Ais-san's concerned face approaching mine.

That was until she poked my filled cheeks as I turned to her, my cheeks puffed and filled with food as she blinked a moment. I swore that I could see a blush on her face, but it was too brief for me to see as I gulped my food a couple of times, before emptying it.

"Is there something wrong?"

"You were crying. Are you okay?" I understood what she meant and my cheeks couldn't help but heat up as I had a look of embarrassment on my face, looking away.

"S-sorry!! It's just that the food is too good! And I haven't eaten much these past few days since I arrived here…" It seems that she realized something as her eyes slowly widened, but not much as she took one of her fried mashed potatoes and handed it toward me.

"Taste this." I was surprised and tried to refuse her offer but seeing her eyebrows furrowed into a frown made me give up on it and only let her do as she wanted, I didn't;'t want to make her sad or angry in any way!

Opening my mouth a little, she slowly put it in my mouth as I took a bite, tasting it as much as I could. It didn't take long for me to realize how good this was as I took the rest of it and munched it over.

As I did so, I couldn't help but see how Ais-san was staring at me, with a look of amusement. I couldn't quite understand what she was feeling at the moment, not like I could ever know. I'm just guessing from how her eyes are looking…

"Do you like it?" I immediately nodded at her question, I couldn't just deny it, this was scrumptious!!

"It's my favorite food." Gulping the rest of it, I smiled at her and looked at her plate and then at her.

"It's really good! I have to eat more of it later!!" She nodded, her lips slightly curving to a smile, it was almost unnoticeable but I could see it clearly this time, along with a light blush painting her cheeks.

She's… extremely cute when blushing Those were my thoughts but the moment I realized what I was thinking, my own face heated up.

As this happened, the sound of loud footsteps was heard, before the door of the establishment slammed, a group of people walked inside as the waitresses opened their arms, seemingly presenting them.

"The Loki familia is here!!!" They shouted as I quickly looked back at them as I couldn't hide my excitement, but… I had a bad feeling about it all of a sudden…