

In a world that had never known anything but peace, the emergence of a sudden terror prompts the arrival of new warriors to undertake the task of keeping the world safe.

Starbrand29 · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 06

Jiang had then promised that he would help Zise obtain the crystal if they get to one, as they entered spirit valley Jiang took took note of everyone's elemental attribute,

the fact factor needed to obtain recognition from a spirit beats was sharing the same elemental attribute with the spirit beast.

Jing had everyone unleash their mana sigils and of the five students under Jiang, Zise was the only one with lightning as well as the only one with one mark.

the other four two were of the light attribute, one was wind and one was water, besides that they all had two stripes on their mana ring which meant they were grade two cultivators already.

the closest they were was to light spirit beats so Jiang led them there, it was also because his spirit beast was of the light element so it was easier for him to help those.

they easily arrived at the edge of the light spirit beast region and Jiang prompted the two kids to unleash their spirit rings and spread out their mana.

they should also turn their mind to their prospects in cultivation as that would enable them connect easily to their spirit beasts.

the two unleashed their mana circles and suddenly the environment was filled with a massive fluctuation of the light element, before long two creatures appeared out of the skies.

the first creature was a huge swan with snow white feathers, golden eyes and claws and it arrived before the first studnet while a second creature was manifesting, this one was a white leopard with golden spots in its coat.

the swan was known as the light empress Swan, it was very special among light spirit beasts as it was treated as royalty.

as for the leopard it was the golden spotted light leopard and it was the fastest spirit beast among light element bests.

after the two kids had signed their contracts, Mark's appeared on their heads and the heads of the spirit beasts, from there a vortex appeared in the hand that swallowed the beast whole.

it was obvious that these beats would move into the sector to live there, as light elementals, their bodies refined the purest light elements that were beneficial to these spirit beast growths.

from those they travelled to the wind spirit beat region and as they arrived, the studnet unleashed his mana ring, before long they were visited by a golden eagle, on arrival the winds in the surrounding area vanished instantly, even Jiang's three eyed tiger almost fell out of the skies.

luckily the bird returned the wind allowing the tiger to regain control, a few minutes later the student had finished signing the contract with the golden eagle.

after that the tiger led them to a massive lake in the middle of the valley, as the team arrived they realized there were a few other teams already present and they too were in the process of getting spirit beasts.

as they watched Di Shin gained recognition of a spirit beast, it was a massive sea dragon that should have been a few decades old making it a few levels above him, however it accepted him.

from there his team's water elemental unleashed her mana circle as well and a few minutes later the water before them bubbled,

out of the water came a massive sea horse, that acknowledges her, after the contract was signed Zise was the last one left,

before taking him to get his spirit beast Jiang first returned the four students to the camp, he tells them that lightning spirit beats are extremely powerful and extremely volatile creatures.

they are solitary creatures and don't take lightly to invasions from other elemental beasts, by signing contracts with these spirit beasts the studnets identify as those beasts.

if they all went to the lightning sector it would be tragic for them as they could possible lose their lives from the beast attacks and at. eat case scenario they would lose their spirit beasts.

after leaving the four of them, he takes Zise to the direction of the lightning mountain, it was early evident because it wa the only portion of the valley with dark clouds and lightning flashes.

on arrival at the periphery of the mountain Jiang recalls his spirit beast and the two of them enter the forest on foot, however as they enter they immediately feel something was wrong.

a battle was raging in the forest, because of the rumbling thunder no one outside the mountain could hear the fight that was why no one had come to the mountain.

the two of then head to the direction of the fight and they make sure to traverse the edges of the mountain and not passing directly in its center to avoid dying.

it takes them close to an hour to arrive at the location of the fight and by the time they arrive there they find that a war is ending, a massive blue serpentine dragon was fighting against what looked like a half goat half man chaos beast.

for some reason the dragon was losing yet these goat like chaos beats was clearly of a lower level, as they arrived the humanoid goat killed the serpent dragon,

however instead of absorbing the dragon, the goat instead jumped towards the side where a young lizard was attempting to escape.

the lizard was about 10 meters long with 4 meters being a tail and it was about I meter tall and wide,

it was obvious this was a ten year lizard, the lizard however had scales instead of hide on its skin, the scales were purple with a line of golden scales running down the center of its head along the back to the end of the tail.

the lizard had two short golden horns on its head that looked like tiny toothpicks peeking out, on its four limbs it had four tows with golden claws. in addition to that its eyes were purple gold,

one look at it and Zise felt an overwhelming urge to protect this spirit beast, without thinking he jumped between the beast and the goatman,

since he had reached level 20, his father's hammers had been unlocked and over the last few years he had gotten used to them,

it was because of them that he had been able to quickly rose to a grade 4 blacksmith. this time he summoned the twin hammers and faced off against the goat man.

his mana ring appeared behind him having just one golden stripe, the goat man hot excited and attacked wildly. unbeknownst to it Jiang was targeting it from the back, as it faced off against Zise, he got in place.

Zise fought against the chaos goat and he was shocked by its sheer strength, although it was clearly just a level 2 beast based on its appearance it had strength equivalent to a peak level 4 beast.

Zise should know because he too had raised his strength to the peak of level 4 and they were evenly matched with these goat man.

the serpent dragon earlier was at level 4 and that is how it had lost to the level 2 goat, Zise trade blows with the chaos goat for several times with no one taking an advantage,

as they stopped to take a breath, the chaos goat found itself at the end of a sword piercing straight through its heart.

surprisingly that fatal blow hadn't killed the chaos goat, as it struggled with the sword through its heart Zise swung both his hammers at its head continuously like he was forging it.

the goat didn't last long after that, and soon it died.after its death an orange light flared above it that condensed into a level 2 origin crystal.

this crystal had two stars in it meaning this chaos goat was just over 22 years old, however Zise didn't focus on the goat at the moment, his eyes turned towards the lizard.

due to their connection the lizard hadn't fled but had rather stayed, Zise didn't even need to display his intentions as the moment he turned to the lizard the contract was immediately signed,

Jiang rushed to his side and was shocked to see Zise signing a contract with the lizard, he had been cautious before because although this lizard was obviously a spirit beast, it wasn't no spirit beast he recognized,

its look appeared to be a purple thunder lizard however the lizard wasn't meant to have scales on its. body and more importantly it shouldn't have any golden color on its body.

it was meant to be the weakest lightning spirit beast but the gold color and scales on its body made him doubt it was what it appeared to be.

however there was nothing he could do now as Zise had already initiated the contract and it couldn't be stopped, when the contract was successful energy flowed from Zise into the lizard to heal its body.

from there the lizard moved over to the 40 meter serpent dragon and it looked towards Zise, Zise understood that it wanted the serpent dragon's body and crystal.

Zise took the serpent dragon along with the lizard into his sector directly, he collected the orange he crystal from the chaos goat and took its body into his sector as well, as they turned to leave, the lizard directed him to bodies of more spirit beasts.

as it turns out this chaos goat had been on a rampage, they found about five more spirit beats that it had killed and they all still had their crystals with them, Zise took them all into his sector.

from there he turned to Jiang so that they can leave the thunder mountain, Jiang asked him why he took the bodies,

Zise explains that spirit beats can eat eachother to quickly advance in levels, besides these beasts had died protecting the lizard from the chaos goat.

the lizard claimed it was only respective flesh him to take their bodies and assume them as it's own. they quickly left the forest, Zise couldn't absorb any Crystal's from the spirit beasts as they were all above his level, the weakest was a level 3 while they even included one level 5,

besides all five spirit beats killed were of the same clan so it was obvious that their compounded energy was helpful for the lizard, despite being a level 1, the lizard already had intelligence which was extremely rare in spirit beasts.

most spirit beats gained intelligence at level 7, before that are simply driven by impulse it was also why it was easier to sign contracts with them before they reached level 7 as that would make it harder to make the beast obey orders of the cultivator.

as they left Zise asked Jiang whether he could keep the thing about the bodies a secret, Jiang said that he can keep the fact that Zise took the bodies a secret however he would need to report the appearance of the chaos goat, and to that end he needed the goats horns to take as proof,

Zise concentrated and inside his sector the lizard broke off the horns which then appeared in his palm, he gave the horns to Jiang and as they exited the mountain they boarded the tiger and flew towards the rest of the camp.