
•Chapter 4•


Well Alucard invited us to go to his party while he said lets play truth and dare as the bottle lands on lesley , lesley picked dare alucard said kiss gusion on the lips or lancelot as lesley chose to kiss me instead all the girls were looking she break out of it as soon as possible and said next! At that moment i felt something changed inside me.. the way i look up to her now is diffrent i mean shes gonna be my future Fiancée so i need to learn to love her but now i feel lime i dont want to let her go ever again.. i want her to know that i like her but im just to scared to be shutdown by lesley as she said from the beginning her heart is reserved for someone.. but who? Who? I just want to know i would set her free cause thats the right thing to do right?

Or should i fight for my feelings.?!


Well.. that alucard is damn annoying why dis he picked that dare.. i only pick gusion bcause lancelot has a girlfriend thats odette i dont want to cause trouble. So i just chose gusion instead..

But dont get me wrongs.. its not like i like him ahh.. cause i really dont!! I only feels sadness for him cause hes rich but he just waste good stuff to do away.. during the kiss.. i felt something.. after it.. while we were kissing i tried to break it.. i feel like hes holding me back! I dont want things to get weirder so i ran away and hid in my room.. so you think that was wrong?

Next day


well its morning and i saw gusion cause we live in the same house.. he he was staring at me.. i tried to ignore him as much as possible bcause its just gettin weird.

Well as i saw gusion he ignored me but before we sat down to eat i fell and he catched me and im just awkward to say thanks so i just smiled instead but he didnt let go of me instead his face went closer to mine and he peck me on the lips and said "why so shy future fiancée get used to it cause our engagement is comming near " then he winked and left as i was standing still in shocked from what happend.... well... at least harley didnt see anything cause he wakes up late.... as i turned my back harley was there holding his phone now hes gonna post it onlien im ruiiineed!! As i begged him he did a condition but now hes using that crap against me!

But tho i can also have something against him... cause i know hes making moves on nana! But sadly nana rejected him many times yet he still tries welp today is his 20th try! Aand! Yes im keeping tracks  well im not a creep if u think! Its just a sister duty :3

Well later ill video harley's 20th try but for now time to get ready.. as i grabbed my hair brush my phone ringed and miya from the school council was calling she said we have a sporty event and she assigned me to be a CheerGunner cause she said our football team shall make the finals today and thats all thanks to the best soccer player Bruno! Well meanwhile harley was assigned to be a Referee??!! Well goodluck boys my brother is kinda sailors mouth / he says many cursed words better not annoy him !

Well as i prepared to go to school im wearing a sinple dress.. as i arrived there miya said that i need to wear a short and a crop top?? Well first i cant wear it! 2nd im not willing to 3rd i dont wear those 4th people might think im fat! Well she forced me to wear it and she changed my ponytail to a braid .. as i went out of the girls locker room accross there was boys locker room as i went out i saw g-...gusion.. hes staring at me.. he ranned and hold my hand to the girls locker room lucky there sno girls then he got mad at me he said why am   I wearing short clothes well i tried to say ididnt even want to instead he gaved me a jacket and a extra dress hmmpp... wonder where he got that dress 🤔he said change!!! Welp i said yeah ! I will!! Then miya entered saying "Gusion Why are you here? And lesley why are u wearing a jacket! We need the cheergunner to start the games!" The  gusion said " Noo! Miya u cant let my princess wear this kind of clothes in front guys! " well miya just sighed and said " your not the boss here i am!" Well i tried to change as fast i could while their arguing then ruby pulled me! In this shirt and short i feel i feel! Like a short lady!

After Ruby pulled me i went back to the locker room and gave gusion a kiss for his game... when i leave he grabbed my hand said so is it offically us now? As i smiled and regreted nothing for making him my bf after the game gusion is turning red and he has a fever so we went hoem and i took care of him hes feet also hurts welp... its been 2weeks yet gusion still cant walk i wonder is he faking it as we walked around the pool i asked him are tou faking this? He said now i fake try to throw him to the pool he stand up and smiled... as i was saying he did lied!

Theb he said but les! Dont u like seeing this face and taking care if ur future fiancée ?? As we went to school i feel like someones following me ...(time skip..) as i go home i saw our car when i went inside gusion wasnt there it it... was aa..angela... she warned me staying away to gusion .. she said their gonna be back again? Then she dropped me soemwhere in the streets as her worsds left me silence.. then gusion was calling well it was rainy that time and i was in my cry mood.. so i just ignored him and went to my favoratie place ...

To be continued