
Chapter 23 - Into The Belly of The Beast


The sound of a roaring cannons could be heard. Flash fire of auto cannons attack can be seen from the deck that I've been standing. I could see the crew working hard to reload and manage the auto cannons that is aimed at the mechanical dragon. I tightened my flak jacket and tapped Marion's back telling her to prep herself to board the mechanical dragon. She nodded and then brushed off my hand.

"Prepare yourself for boarding procedure!" Yelled one of the crewmate.

"Roger! Here we go Marion."


The ship then navigated through the autocannon attacks and then shoots a harpoon with chains to the mechanical monstrosity. Marion then without waiting for my ready confirmation lift me up by the feet and carried me in her arms. She then jumped away and sprinted full speed on the chains. I could only scream on the way as she carried me. The explosion from the auto cannons that's also being shoot at the mechanical dragon didn't really help to calm me down and before I knew it we entered a crevice on Ex-Machina and she dropped me on the ground like I were a sack of potatoes.

"G-god! Could you at least wait till I'm ready?!" I told her annoyed at the fact that she didn't wait for me to be ready.

"I'll be sure to ask you next time." She said to me in a flat tone with a grin on her face.

"Like hell there's gonna be a next time!" I then fiddled with the communication device that was prepped for us on the equipment table. "We're in, what's our next objective?"

"Next is where the fun begin. You still have the map that we prepped on the table?"

"Yeah, I have it." I then fished out a small tablet like device from my pocket. I pressed the button on the side and it lets out a hologram of the map that the crew has prepped for us. It then showed a red blip that has the letter A and B on some sort of a map. I deduce that this is supposed to be me and Marion?

"Head over to point Alpha 7. You should met up with some other strike team that are in your sector."


"By the way if you came across anything that may look like that it can help disable the autoturrets that's lining the dragon's skin be sure to destroy them, it'll help us out!"

"What the hell that I supposed to find in this monstrosity?!"

"Anything! Anyway Good Luck on the mission, over!"

Marion cracked her knuckles and neck. Readying herself for the infiltration mission.

"Let's get this over with. Keep up with me Kain."

"Oi oi oi, you know I can't keep up with you…"

"Well at least try."

I then showed her the map showing her where point Alpha 7 is. She then nodded and then immediately sprinted forward

"Oi wait!" I followed her as fast as my legs could carry me. Which is to say not really that fast, but it seems that I could see Marion forward she must've been paced her self to match me.

Forward I could see some sort of a turret popped up from the ground. The turret then began to spin preparing itself to fire at us. Marion immediately pounced forward and kicked the turret's muzzle another one then popped up and fired its payload at the girl. She then immediately dodged the bullets with ease and quickly kicked the turret from it's placement destroying it instantly as if it were a whack a mole another one popped from behind.

I quickly used my Assault Rifle and shoots the turret destroying in few shots.

I then aimed my AR at another turret that has just popped up. It then fired a few shots at me and then I rolled away from where I was before and fired a few shots at the turret unfortunately some of the shot missed the turret in which Marion covered me and kicked the turret into oblivion.

"There's too many of them!" I yelled to Marion.

"This is troublesome." She complained out loud.

Few other turrets then popped up from the ground. Jeez what is this place supposed to be? A jack in the box convention? There way too many turrets on the ground! As we huddled closer in an attempt to cover our back to each other. Suddenly there was a blur of white and green approaching the turrets in a high speed. The blur then stopped in the middle of the hallway, a figure in green and white outfit can then be spotted in the middle of the room. They then flicked the blade that is in their hand and sheathed such blade into the scabbard that is on their hip.

As instantly the blade entered the sheath the turrets that the figure approached before immediately exploded into oblivion. The figure then turned to us with a grin on their face. A girl with white hair and green highlights on her bangs. A figure that I've never seen before is looking at us.

"So you're the one who's rendezvousing with us?" She asked to me an Marion excitedly.

Before we could answer her a voice then yelled out to us.

"OI! Sword loving Idiot! Don't spread out too far!"

I then looked at the direction of the voice to see another girl that is wearing a standard flak jacket and a white clothes with gray camo underneath it. She then approached us with a worried expression on her face.

"I'm so sorry for her. Are you guys alright?"

"No, it's ok in fact she saved us from being blown to smithereens." I replied to her.

"See Kellie?! I can be useful too you know!" The blade girl(?) smugly.

"Shut up kotoha."

"So you're the one we're supposed to met up with?"

"Right, Kellie Summers and Kotoha Amabuki. We're from the city of Fomalhaut."

"Huh, Kain Grimedge and Marion. We're from Central City."

"Huh, been a long time since I met someone from there." I then nodded to her. And we then lined up in formation and in front of us is the hallway to where we should be going? Well where ever we go I'm sure that It'll be a ride.