
Make wolf boy mine

The weather wasn't hot enough for Daphne to wear a hat and pretend as though she was protecting her fair skin from the sun. But she did not only wear a hat but she had also put on huge sunglasses that could hide her face. That way Kian wouldn't recognize her. 

Daphne had pretended for a while to listen to Kian warning about not following him. She had been going home with Esther after working hours were over. But when she noticed that Kian was no longer bothered about her, she started following him again. This time around she was more careful than the last. 

'He's still working in this mansion.' Daphne thought. She was hiding inside a little clothes store, she had walked into the store, pretending as though she wanted to buy clothes.

Kian came out of the mansion. He came out as someone who had been pushed hard toward the floor but he was still able to stand on his feet. 

"What's happening?" Daphne questioned herself as she watched him through the transparent mirror in the store. 

"Ma, I don't understand, you don't like the dress?" The sales girl at the store said, "I can go and search for another dress for you if you want. Just tell me the color you want." 

Daphne examined the dress that was before her. She had seen better gowns whose prices were worth it. But her rich life as Martin's daughter was over. Before coming to Rays city, Daphne sold all her expensive clothes and bought clothes her father would never allow her to wear. Clothes that were made with poor materials. Cheap clothes. But the one before her was not only made with poor materials, but the price was outrageous. Daphne couldn't believe the nerve of the store owner who thinks that just because they made their store looks fancy everyone that walk in was going to buy their crap. She was disappointed. Still, Daphne smiled at the sales girl, "There's no need for you to search for another dress for me. I'm just going to look between these two. When I have made up my mind I will tell you."

"As you wish ma." The sales girl stood still with a customer smile on her face waiting for Daphne. 

'does she think that I'm going to try stealing this poor thing?' Daphne thought. She wanted the sales girl to go away but she stood still like a robot whose battery had died out. Daphne let out a sigh, "Can you please give me some time on my own, you are making me feel uncomfortable. I can't think properly. 

The sales girl's cheek flushed in embarrassment as she apologized and left Daphne alone. 

When Daphne turned her attention back to Kian, he was with other men and there was a big truck in front of the house. The two men with him didn't look like his friends because Kian still had a frown on his face as they bossed him around. 

Daphne watches as one of the unknown men with Kian, points to the boxes inside the truck. Kian looked reluctant, anger crossed his face but the anger was quickly replaced by his usual frown as he carried the boxes into the house one by one. The two men with him only watch without helping him carry any boxes. 

"Maybe this is why he's always angry," Daphne said to herself. She wondered to herself how much they paid him to make him do a work he didn't like. Daphne thought he would be better off without the work he did in the mansion.

Daphne let go of the dress in her hand in fear. "Noah." She watches a man come out of the house. He looked like Noah from behind but after he had turned around, Daphne could see his face that was completely different from Noah's. Although their long dark hair looks almost the same. As Daphne tried to pull herself out of her sudden fear, she noticed how the man was taller than Noah, there was no way he could be the Noah she knew. 

Sharp claws grew out of Kian hands as he sighted the man whom Daphne had thought looked like Noah. Daphne was frightened by the claws piercing the box Kian was holding. The three men who were standing together looked at him with sharp gazes that had no fear. Kian bowed his head and mumbled words Daphne assumed to be an apology before he carried the box into the house. 

Once again, Daphne thought she was dreaming. She had seen Kian hands transform into wolf claws, the men who had seen it too didn't look as though they were afraid of him. They had a more dangerous vibe than Kian did, one of them had a disappointed look on his face, as he looked back to the house. Kian hadn't come back outside to collect more boxes. 

"Ma have you decided on what you want?" The sales girl asks. Daphne was taking so much time to choose what she wanted to buy, that the sales girl was convinced that if she didn't help Daphne, she wasn't going to buy anything. "I can help you choose if you are finding it too difficult."

"Did you see that?" 

"See what?" The sales girl asks, confused.

"I'm sure that I'm not out of my mind," Daphne said to herself in a low voice that wasn't audible enough for the sales girl to understand what she said. 

Everything was real, Daphne thought. Esther's prank stories about the Man-eating wolf were real. But from the looks of it not everyone was aware that the stories were real, and Kian didn't look like a Man-eating wolf. He hadn't eaten anyone since Daphne had been following him. He had been keeping what he was a secret. 

Daphne thought of what to do. She could tell Esther but Esther was never going to believe her. What if there were more people like Kian in rays city? That meant Daphne needed to move again because the city wasn't safe. But Daphne was tired of always running away because of Noah if only she had the power to deal with him.

'power.' Daphne thought. 

Kian had strange abilities and he looked as though he was strong. Daphne thought back to what her late father had told her about using strong men to her advantage. 

A crazy thought crossed Daphne's mind, "Perhaps if I can make wolf boy mine, I could use him against Noah." 

"Wolf boy?" The sales girl repeated Daphne's words in confusion. Her voice reminded Daphne that she wasn't alone. 

"I'm not buying anything." Daphne smiles brightly at the sales girl.