

Jeon Jungkook is an alpha Mafia Bosses son. He falls in love with his personal maid, Park Jimin, an omega. I'm his family it's tradition for an alpha to marry an alpha. They run away and stage their own deaths yet some how ended up on a remote island and has a hard time deciding whether to stay or head back to civilization. Then they're found by sex traffickers, and somehow they are saved. When Jungkook's father finds out about Jimin's and his son's relationship he put a bounty on Jimin's head for 100 million won. At the end of the day Jimin is shot in the heart, will he survive to marry his love? On the other hand, Kim Taehyung accidentally gets pregnant with his step brothers baby....twice *This is an omegaverse but I did make up a lot of new parts, please do feel free to use some of my ideas if you're a writer too*

Nick_Prince_95 · セレブリティ
37 Chs

6: Run away plane

"Jungkook-ah, can I sit by the window instead please?" Jimin asked wanting to see the outside, and in return Jungkook got up without saying a word and let him pass. Sort of.

As Jimin tried to pass he said thank you but Jungkook grabbed him and held him against the middle seat, "For a price."

"What? Jungkook-ah, you dont need to bribe me. I'll already do anything you want, I just wanted to see the clouds. You can keep your seat if you want. I'll do it anyway." Jimin explained resting his hands on Jungkook's chest, "I know but...." Jungkook paused and leaned in closer to whisper in Jimin's ear, "This is a bit different request."

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked starting to think dirty, "Uh-uh, not yet. Just know that when we land you're doing something really special for me. Understand?" Jungkook asked still close to Jimin's face,

"Y-yes... " Jimin could feel his member twitch and rise, so he tried to distract himself by teasing Jungkook, "Get off, you're heavy."

"Get used to it, I'll be on top." Jungkook smirked knowing what he was indicating. Oh how he loves teasing his servant.

"Jungkookie, are you sitting in the middle?" Taehyung asked making Jungkook let go and let Jimin sit down at the window seat. "Yah." Jungkook answered dropping his smirk with a death glare. "Great!" Taehyung exclaimed dropping down into his seat, he was excited because Hoseok was sitting on the opposite side and Taehyung would be able to talk to him better. Little did he know Hoseok was terrified of heights and would be sleeping throughout the eight and a half hour flight.

(During boarding)

"Mummy, mummy, look how handsome!" A little girl exclaimed to her mother pointing at Hoseok, "Chaechae, firstly, don't point at people. Its rude, and secondly, you shouldn't disturb the nice oppa." Who seemed to be the girls mother explained taking the little girls hand gently.

"Its okey, your daughter is just as beautiful." Hoseok said letting the little girl touch his cheeks, "Mummy, can I marry him?! He's so pretty!"

"Well, how old are you?" Hoseok asked with the biggest smile, he loved kids.

"I'm four years old!" The little one exclaimed proudly holding up four fingers on each hand. "Well, oppa is much older then that. How about you wait until you're a little older then I'll come find you again, and then we'll marry."

"Well how much older?" The little child asked a bit disappointed, "Just a little bit." Hoseok said not wanting to crush the little girls dreams.

"Come on, Chaechae. Let's stop disturbing the handsome oppa." Her mother tried to pull her to her seat two rows up, but the little girl just exclaimed "No! I wanna stay with my future husie band!" Then jumped into his lap, making him giggle happily.

"Chaeryoung." Her mother complained trying got pick her up. "Its okey, I'll play with her for you. You have a beautiful daughter." Hoseok said and the mother instantly replied, "I'm not her mum! I'm her older sister, my names Chaeyoung."

"Oh, Chaeyoung and Chaeryoung? Thats adorable." Hoseok laughed while the little girl made herself comfortable on his lap.

"Unnie, do you wanna marry him with me?! We can share." Chaeryoung and Hoseok gasped dramatically, "No! I don't want to share you." He turned his head dramatically acting as if he got shot. Chaeryoung's little laugh was so angelic.

"Mine then!" Chaeryoung stuck her tongue out at Chaeyoung making her cross her arms a little bit annoyed but still playing along, "Like I'd wanna share a hubby with you! I'll find my own handsome oppa,"

"Are you sure you can take her? She'll probably just fall asleep in two minutes anyway." Chaeyoung asked knowing that he'd little sister would start crying if she took her away.

"Of course, it's okey. She's just a child anyway."

"Thank you...." Chaeyoung thanked him gratefully then moving onto her seat, she still had a perfect view on them when he looked back so she wasn't very worried that anything would happen.

(Eight hours later)

"Jungkook-ah, look. We're here!" Jimin exclaimed accidentally waking Jungkook up from his fifth half an hour power nap. He could see the small island that is Hawaii throw the window.

"What?" Jungkook asked annoyed then noticed Jimin's excitement, he accidentally woke Jungkook to go to the bathroom only once out of all five power naps and he almost started crying while apologizing because Jungkook looked a bit sick. He literally just woke up and was tired.

"We're here Jungkook-ah." Jimin said less loudly and more calmly, Jungkook then leaned over Jimins lap to look out the window.

Causing Jimin to almost get another boner. "It's pretty." Jungkook said tiredly then looked up at Jimin almost kissing him so close their faces where, "But I think you're prettier."

Jimin's cheeks became pink while Jungkook stared at him with sleepy eyes. "How do you sleep in a plane anyway? I could never." Jimin tried to stay calm but Jungkook's deep sleepy voice made it hard, literally.

"It's easy, the turbulence feels relaxing."

"No! it's freaking scary." Jimin protested to Jungkook's bravery and luckily for him Jungkook removed himself from off of his lap.

"Tae hyungie, you should wake up too." Jungkook said slapping Taehyung's thigh hard, it was his way of waking Taehyung up. And it was very effective, however nobody else had ever had the balls nor the conference and bravery to do it themselves.

"Jungkook-ahhhh, why did you wake me?? I had such a nice dream, we were flying to Hawaii and I fucked Jimin in the bathroom." Taehyung complained not realizing Jimin could hear. "That explains the boner." Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's shaft and squeezed it between his hands, making Taehyung groan whiningly.

"Don't do that, anyone could see." Taehyung whined finally realizing he was on a plane. "I really admire you guy's close relationship." Jimin interrupted Taehyung's whines making him jump in his seat.

"Fuck!" He finally realized he just told Jimin that the idea of fucking him not only gave him dreams but also boners.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung scolded as if it was his fault, "Bitch you said it before I could even try to stop you!" Jungkook complained about being blamed holding Taehyung's thighs.

"Guys, quiet down. You're disturbing the other passengers." Jimin said patting Jungkook's leg softly.

"Sorry Jiminssi." Jungkook apologized obediently, he didn't want to get scolded in front of Taehyung.

"Hobibi, wake up." Taehyung leaned over then back to his own seat to let a flight attendant to the front of the plane to make her announcement. "Hobibi," Taehyung leaned over to Hoseok's seat again to gently shake him by his shoulder, "Wake up baba." Taehyung used the nickname 'baba' instead of baby or babe, a childhood habit from when he couldn't pronounce the 'a' sound and used 'ah' instead.

"Taebae?" Hoseok asked sleepily, so far it was only jimin that stayed awake throughout the flight. "Yes, wake up we'll be getting off the plane soon." Taehyung explained as Hoseok sat up, he still had the child on his lap. She was sleeping with him throughout the flight, they only played Rock paper scissors for about ten minutes then Chaeryoung gave up because she kept loosing. She fell asleep within minutes after she stopped being active, and Hoseok did the same in less time.

You know you're a fast sleeper if you fall asleep before a tired child😂

(At a cafe in the airport)

"Thank you taking care of my little sister." Chaeyoung said bowing and handing Hoseok her number as requested.

"She was amazing, we played Rock paper scissors for ten minutes and she fell asleep for the rest of the flight." Hoseok said with Chaeyoung in his arms, she hasn't woken up completely yet and was barely awake.

"Chaeryoungie, say bye bye to the handsome oppa." Chaeyoung said taking her out of his arms. "No!" Chaeryoung tried to hold onto his jacket sleeve but ended up just leaving it knowing she wouldn't be able to stay, but that didnt stop her from letting out waterworks. Making Hoseok tear up too but crying over a child he didn't even know was not going to happen, so he pushed them back and kissed Chaeryoung on the forehead to say goodbye, then Chaeyoung disappeared into a crowd with them both.

"I can't believe you were able to contain a child on a plane for eight and half hours." Jimin said waiting for hi mat a table with Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Me neither." Hoseok joked sitting down next to Taehyung.

"So what do we do now?" Jimin asked sipping from the orange juice Jungkook bought him.

Hoseok- "We enjoy our vacation, post pictures on social media. Have a nice trip, then a few days from now we go on a boat ride, and sink titanic."

Jungkook- "I know my way around an engine, I'll bust it up and make it look like an accident. Before that I'll post drunk pics and make it seem like we were drunk and drowned."

Jimin- "How do we actually get off of the boat?"

Hoseok- "Didnt Jungkook tell you anything?"

Jimin- "We couldn't risk someone over hearing, ad it would be suspicious to go out together. So I didn't get much information."

Taehyung- "And you went along with it anyway?"

Jimin- "I trust Jungkook. And he trusts you guys, so I trust you too."

Hoseok- "Damn, I could never."

jungkook- "Anyway, Taehyung's gonna ad an extra row boat on the side, it'll be suspicious if the one that's normally there is gone so we tale an extra one. Then we row back to the main land, I already have fake passports and identities ready. It's a perfect plan."

Jimin- "There's one problem with the plan."

Taehyung- "What is it?"

Jimin- "Where do we go afterwards?"

Hoseok- "Like we said before, we all go out separate ways. Me and Taebae are going to Japan, Jungkook's gonna take you to Ukraine until you decide to leave or go back to Korea."

Jimin- "Why Ukraine?"

Jungkook- "Because no body would ever recognize me there. I'm pretty famous in Asia, not only for my Mafia reputation but also on Insta, TikTok, Twitter. If anybody spots me somewhere in Asia it'll go viral. Ukraine won't recognize me."

Jimin- "Wait, YOU are Insta famous? I never thought you'd be that kind of guy."

Jungkook- "What can I say? I'm hot."

Jimin- "Cant argue with that."

Hoseok- "Stop flirting, it's cringey."

Jungkook- "No, you're just jealous."

Hoseok- "Didnt you get to meet my future wife in the plane? She's adorable."

"Pedo." Taehyung laughed also jealous but not of the flirting but of Jungkook, he had a mild crush on Jimin.

"Let's go to the hotel, I'm tired." Jimin kind of requested still in 'im the slave' mindset. He basically still is but right now the others didn't see him as a slave but a friend that needs escape from a horrible life. Just like them.

"How are you tired? I'm so energetic!" Hoseok exclaimed, he got an eight hour nap so he felt as good as ever.

"He didn't sleep at all in the plane." Jungkook answered for Jimin as always, "How didn't you? Weren't you bored?" Taehyung asked, he only slept because he had nothing better to do.

"I guess I don't like flying."

(At the hotel)

"I'm sorry, we're already stacked. We only have two single rooms open. But I can hook you up with our neighbouring hotel." The lady at the said and Jungkook nodded his head yes. She started calling a different hotel but, "Oh I see. I'm sorry sir, they're full as well. Would it be fine to just share the two? The beds are big enough I assure you."

"Sigh, yes. That's fine, we should've made reservations. We'll just stay here for tonight and find a new hotel more inland tomorrow, it's too late to do it right now." Jungkook explained more to the others then the lady.

Lady- "We apologize sincerely."

Jungkook- "Its okey."

"Jungkook-ah! Let's share!" Taehyung exclaimed and Jungkook was about to say yes, then noticed Jimin clutch onto his hoodie sleeve and tug at it desperately. He didn't want to share a bed with anyone, but a stranger like Hoseok he was definitely not willing to do.

"Oh, right. My bad Jiminssi. I forgot that you don't know hobibi very well. Its okey, you share with Jungkook, it'll be more comfortable right?" Taehyung offered sweetly, and Jimin nodded gratefully.

"I'm not that bad am I?" Hoseok whispered to Taehyung not understanding and thinking jimin didn't like him.

"No! I'm just a little uncomfortable because I don't even know your last name, and I've always had trust issues. It comes with the lifestyle." Jimin tried to explained without hurting Hoseok's feelings and he was successful.

"Oh, right. I didn't think about that," Hoseok said, and Jimin bowed to him apologetically. "Come on. Lets go." Jungkook said pulling Jimin by his wrists then stopped and waited when hoseok grabbed his hand as well.

"By the way, my last names Jung." He smiled at Jimin reassuringly not wanting Jimin to feel he was mad, he knew that Jimin had the mind of a servant and he only wanted to please everyone around him. But he wanted them to be friends, not master and slave.

(In the hotel room)

Once Jimin walked into their room he dropped onto the ground dramatically, "Ahhh, why is it tails? So cold." Jimin turned onto his stomach arms and legs spread apart.

"You just said it's cold." Jungkook said questioningly putting his bags next to the door. "Yes but the rest of the world is hot."

"Come one, you'll get a cold like that." Jungkook tried to lift Jimin by his shoulders but Jimin just laid there dead.

Jungkook had to struggle to turn him onto his back again before she could pick Jimin up bridal style. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm putting you on the bed." Jungkook said carrying Jimin with ease, he dro}ped Jimin onto the big king sized bed ad accidentally fell down as well.

"This reminds me..." Jungkook lifted his arms to trap Jimin in place, "About that favour."

"Jungkook-ah, I'm tired. Leave me alone." Jimin tried to protest get up but Jungkook wouldn't let him.

"Oh? Did you just say no to me?" Jungkook asked with a big grin, "N-no..." Jimin stuttered a little excited about Jungkook's wants to do.... nevermind, he was EXTREMELY excited.

"Good, besides. It's better when you're tired, I get to control you." Jungkook kept teasing without saying it directly.

"W-what are y-you going t-to do to me?" Jimin asked with a still-growing boner.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt," Jungkook teased throwing his leg over Jimins waist, "If, you don't struggle to much."

"I wont...." Jimin whispered ready to start, rapping his arms around Jungkooks neck.

"Good..." Jungkook whispered, then laid down on top of Jimin. "You're comfy." He said teasingly.

"Wha-What?!" Jimin exclaimed extremely confused.

"I wanted to use you as a bed. I saw how cutely you sleep that one time you fell asleep while cleaning my closet. I thought it might be contagious." Jungkook teased making Jimin really upset.

"G-Get off of me you fucking asshole! How dare you?!" He yelled wanting to cry from embarrassment. But Jungkook was having the time of his life just laying there and resisting to get off.

"You seemed fine with it just a little while ago, what did you think was going to happen?"

"What do think I thought?!!"

"I don't know? Chuckle."

"I fucking hate you!"

"Do you want me to do what you thought?"

"Yes!" Jimin exclaimed and Jungkook's grin has never been bigger before.

"Alright.... " Jungkook teased kissing Jimin's neck, "You know what?!! Get off of me!" Jimin pushed him hard enough to push him off of the bed.

"Come on, don't be mad. I'll screw you." Jungkook crawled back onto the bed but Jimin just slapped him through the face, "Go away you jerk!" Jimin screamed and threw a pillow at Jungkook.

"Jiminssi, I know you're upset. But that's not allowed." Jungkook got back onto the bed pinning Jimin down by the throat.

"Leave me alone Jungkook." Jimin begged tearing up from embarrassment.

"Dont cry Jiminssi.... I'm really sorry, okey? It was just a harmless prank, it's not that embarrassing." Jungkook whispered cupping Jimin's face gently, letting go of his throat.

"You're an asshole...." Jimin whispered spilling tears, "I'm sorry.... please don't cry, I really don't like it."

"I don't like what you've been doing to me for the last nine hours! It doesn't look like you care."

"I'm really sorry Jiminssi... I promise I won't do it again...."

"It doesn't matter...."

"Just get off of me...." Jimin begged and Jungkook obeyed hesitantly, he was now tearing up too.

"Please don't be mad...."

"How can you expect me to not be mad at you?...."

"I'll fuck with you Jiminssi...."

"Just leave me alone!" Jimin crawled onto his side facing away from Jungkook. "Please hyung...." Jungkook gently held Jimin's waist, "I said leave me alone!" Jimin yelled slapping Jungkook's hand away.

"I'm sorry...." Jungkook started crying thinking Jimin's gonna hate him forever.

"I'm really sorry hyung...." Jungkook whipped away the tears drops then walked over to the other side of the bed so Jimin would face him, but he just turned away again.

"Please forgive me...." Jungkook gt onto the bed and hugged Jimin from the behind, "I didn't think you'd be this upset."

"How could you do that to me without thinking that I'd get mad?.... Just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Can I come back tomorrow?"

"We'll see...."