

Jeon Jungkook is an alpha Mafia Bosses son. He falls in love with his personal maid, Park Jimin, an omega. I'm his family it's tradition for an alpha to marry an alpha. They run away and stage their own deaths yet some how ended up on a remote island and has a hard time deciding whether to stay or head back to civilization. Then they're found by sex traffickers, and somehow they are saved. When Jungkook's father finds out about Jimin's and his son's relationship he put a bounty on Jimin's head for 100 million won. At the end of the day Jimin is shot in the heart, will he survive to marry his love? On the other hand, Kim Taehyung accidentally gets pregnant with his step brothers baby....twice *This is an omegaverse but I did make up a lot of new parts, please do feel free to use some of my ideas if you're a writer too*

Nick_Prince_95 · セレブリティ
37 Chs

2: Respect *18*

"Sir? Are you awake yet?" Jimin asked opening the curtains in Jungkook's room. "Mmmmmmmmmmm." Jungkook groaned loudly covering his face with the blankets.

"Its already eight, Mis Jeon said you don't have to go to work until 10 P.M. So I didn't wake you up until now, is that okey? Or do you prefer a specific time to wake up?" Jimin asked tying the ribbon that held the curtains in place.

"Ah~ I don't caaaaaaaaaaare, I care about not wanting to wake upppppp. Mm-mm-mm." Jungkook groaned and moaned and complained in his deep morning voice. It was making Jimin hard.

"You need to wake u- actually. Not really. Do you want me to come back in an hour?" Jimin asked crouching down next to Jungkook's bed in his cute school boy uniform all the staff has to wear.

"Noooo, I'm up..." Jungkook groaned pulling down the blankets eyes still closed. Jimin silently stared at Jungkook's beautiful features, his little pout, his hair pretty much all over the place. And he could spot a bit of acne on both sides of his cheeks. It felt nice seeing Jungkook, well, not scary.

Jungkook opened his eyes suddenly and caught Jimin staring, "Whatcha up to?" Jungkook asked being kind of silly, and he snorted when Jimin screamed and fell backwards when he saw his eyes open.

"Hahahahaha, you okey? hahahahahaha." Jungkook laughed and spread out a hand for Jimin to help him get up. "I-I'm okey..." Jimin said really embarrassed. Though he loved seeing Jungkook's bunny-like smile, and his bed head, it was really embarrassing to be caught staring.

Jungkook threw the blanket off of himself and Jimin once again screamed seeing he was completely naked. This time since he was already crouched he turned onto his stomach butt in the air and hiding his face in his arms.

Jungkook couldn't help but star at his ass, biting his lip and breathing heavily. "What did I tell you about seducing me?"

"Excuse you! You're literally naked how am I the seducing one?!" Jimin protested to Jungkook's accusation, not noticing his sexual position.

"What?" Jungkook raised his arms so they would be equal to his shoulders, "You don't like my pjs?" Jimin just shook his head making his booty wiggle too.

Jungkook's dick grew harder and larger quite fast, though he new it was because of Jimin he figured he'd blame it on morning wood in case Jimin sees.

"Just get dressed asshole!" Jimin was really pushing it with all the name callings, he knew that The Jeon Family was the most dangerous Mafia family in the whole of Asia. But he had a habit of swearing when he gets angry, flustered, or, pretty much anything at all. Cussing has been a habit since he was a teenager.

"Alright alright! I'm dressing." Jungkook loved this, he's always hated the servants his father hired for him, but he really liked Jimin so far.

Jimin got up and turned around only to be faced by a still naked man holding a pair of iron man boxer briefs, "YOU SAID YOU WERE DRESSED?!!!" Jimin screamed then through a pillow at Jungkook's hard dick, Jungkook just burst into laughter again.

"You idiot! I said I was dressing, hahahahahaha." Jungkooks voice went a bit higher in his laugh, it was angelic. But like all angels it's rare, very rare. Jungkook was always The Bossy CEO and never had fun with anything or anyone. It was even rare to see him crack a smile. Though Jimin didn't know that he still appreciated the sight of a gorgeous man laughing his ass off.

"I thought you meant you were already dressed! And why are you hard?!" Jimin yelled sitting on his knees like an anime girl with his hands between his thighs shutting his closed tight.

"How do you expect me to get dressed in two seconds?!" Jungkook continued laughing like crazy, forcing jimin to open his eyes again. He wanted to see his beautiful smile. And he saw it, along with Jungkook putting exactly zero effort in to cover his hard member.

"Cover up goddamn it!" Jimin through a hoodie he found on the floor at Jungkook's head, and it stuck to his head cause he was too busy laughing to even notice.

"How big does it get?!" Jimin accidentally glanced at Jungkook's still-growing cock, it was just getting bigger and bigger. All Jungkook could do was laugh his ass off.




"Why are you still so hard?!" Jimin asked after Jungkook got dressed and was having breakfast, it has been about thirty minutes and Jimin could still see the huge bulge.

"Do you think I can control it?! Just stop looking fucking pervert." Jungkook was back to being The Bossy CEO.

"I'm sorry..." Jimin apologized comping a brush through Jungkook's raven black hair. He thought that part of the job was to help Jungkook get ready, it wasn't. He was just there to cook, clean, and other personal things that Jungkook told him to do, like get him banana milk instead of coffee. Though Jungkook never told him to help him get ready and was perfectly capable of doing it himself, he kind of liked it.

The way Jimin did absolutely everything for him even though he wasn't asked was really nice, while at the same time he felt horrible about it because at the end of the day, Jimin's just his slave.

"W-what products do you normally use for your hair and face?" Jimin asked with a tiny stutter. Instead of answering Jungkook just said, "Rule number four; Stop stuttering, it's annoying. And what have I told you about getting shy when I'm naked? I dont give a fuck about how much body you see, but it gets annoying when you start staring. It's just morning wood, honestly. You know, when a real man gets hard in the morning. And god I can do my own hair in the morning." The sarcasm in Jungkook's voice when he said the last sentence was annoying, he acted like Jimin doesn't know anything and was just a little boy.

"I know what it is, it doesn't last half an hour.... And I wasnt staring!" Jimin's cute pout made an appearance and Jungkook hid a smile while chewing on his waffle.

"Then how do you know I still got a boner? Pervert." Jungkook's voice was really harsh, and it really hurts Jimin to see that someone could be that rude.

"I-i was just-" Jimin tried to think of an explanation but luckily he didn't have to, Jungkook got up from his seat while firmly saying "Stop. Stuttering."

He really didn't like it because throughout his whole life he's been told he looks scary and is being rude when he did nothing wrong. Making it hard for him to make any friends until highschool, people stuttering was always a sign that they were afraid of him. But saying it so intimidatingly was just making Jimin more afraid of him and stutter even more.

"I-I-I'm n-not st-stuttering..." Jimin started backing away from him then ended up tripping over a pair of light blue jeans. Countary to Jungkook's messy ass room.

"You are." Jungkook noticed Jimin's eyes fill up with tears of fear, he bent down to Jimin and offered a hand sweetly. But Jimin flinched away making it clear that he thought Jungkook was going to hit him.

Jungkook kept his hand reached out while saying "I promise, I'm not the type of person who would hurt someone for no reason. And you're definitely off limits. I promise I won't hurt you and that I'll make sure no one else does."

Jungkook has had a lot of servants working for him, most of them were female betas, and they always seemed to have a secret agenda of trying to sleep with Jungkook in order to become protected from The Jeon Family. Though Jungkook understood why they would do that it still upset him. But it seemed like Jimin was just here to take care of him and hasn't once even hinted at wanting to have sex with him. And that meant a lot to Jungkook, more then he would have thought.

And what Jungkook said made Jimin feel a lot safer. Staring into Jungkook's star filled eyes he took Jungkook's hand but instead of helping him up Jungkook kept staring at Jimin's lips while tightly holding onto his hand. Slowly Jungkook leaned closer and puckering his lips in order to softly press a kiss against Jimin's forehead. Whispering into Jimin's ear Jungkook said, "I'll protect you from harm, even if that harm is me."

"You don't even know me..." Jimin looked down at his thighs not wanting to look at Jungkook or pay attention to Jungkook's warm breathe on his earlobe.

"I know, but I can change that," Jungkook backed away from Jimins face slowly, "If you promise to get to know me without fear. And let me know you too..." Jungkook had a bit of a whisper as he watched Jimin try to not cry.

Jimin slowly nodded his head yes and smiled slightly. Jungkook showed him a part of himself he's never shown anyone, the caring and thoughtful side of himself. The side of Jungkook that never came out, he was both surprised about it and grateful to Jungkook. He liked this side just a little less then the happy and cheerful and laughing side he saw earlier. Though he liked Mother Kookresa *Mother Taresa with kook in front* he still like Jungkook's smile more... so much more.

"Now come on, get off the floor," Jungkook said helping Jimin up again, "And stop being so fucking tempting." Jungkook whispered to himself upset that he considered kissing basically a stranger.

"Yes sir, finish your breakfast and I'll get your things ready." Jimin said with a bit of a bow. "Rule number five; dont call me sir, it makes me feel really old." Jungkook ordered taking another bite of the honey covered waffle.

"Mister Jeon?" Jimin asked questioningly wandering what else he should call him, he knew that he wasn't allowed to call Jungkook by his first name so he didn't know what else to call him.

"Nope, that's my father." Jungkook said taking another bite without swallowing the previous one. He had gotten used to always eating only vegetables and fruit and healthy stuff, but Jimin made him waffles for breakfast. He hadn't had waffles since he was a kid, and he liked it a lot better then the egg salad his last servant kept giving him.

"Just Jeon?"

"No, I don't like it." Jungkook complained sitting back in his chair. "What do you want then?! I'm not a fucking mind reader!" Jimin scolded getting pissed off. Jungkook just looked at him annoyed and Jimin quietly asked "Miss?" thinking that Jungkook was a femboy or something similar.

"No! What the fuck?!" Jungkook almost shouted lifting his hand to point at a big shelf behind him. There were motorcycle helmets and toy cars and Avangers banners and pretty big poster of a kpop idol named IU. It was pretty clear he was a really boyish boy.

Remembering that Mister Jeon told him that most of his previous servants were all females he asked "Jagiya?!" extremely annoyed.

The moment he heard the word 'jagiya' Jungkook nearly choked to death on the waffle. "What?" Jungkook asked through coughs. He liked it and he liked it too much.

"What do you fucking want then?!" Jimin shouted, he had way to much courage to be able to cuss at Jungkook.

"Just call me Jungkook! It's not that fucking hard, " Jungkook yelled back then felt his member throbbing inside his pants, "Mm, Fuck." He whimpered then cussed at the pain his dick was in.

"No it's not allowed!" Jimin complained knowing he'd get in trouble if he called Jungkook that.

"Just call me by my name! I don't give a fuck about what my father tells you to do. You're not allowed to listen to him, you're my slave. Only listen to me!" Jungkook demanded then regretted it when he saw the tears wild up in Jimin's eyes. They werent hurt tears, they were tears of anger.

"Why are you so fucking rude all the bloody time?! You should respect your father! I don't care about what you think about me and I don't expect you to respect me, because your right. I am just a slave, but your father deserves respect and you should give him that!" Jimin scolded starting to cry not only because he's so pissed, but also because he knows he's not worth more then ten won.

"I'll respect him when he starts respecting me. I have begged him time and times and again to stop hiring servants to take care of, look who's standing in front of me right now? He never raised me, it was all just nannies and when I get to close to them they die, in front of me in some cases. I date someone he doesn't approve of, they die. I'm friends with someone he doesn't approve of, they die. God, I fucking breathe around someone he doesn't approve they'll die. Its because of people like him that omegas like you looked down upon. It's because of people like him that

, I'll respect my father when he starts acting like my father. What do you know about respect anyway? Have you ever even gotten any?" Jungkook asked then munched down on the waffles.

"Of course not, I came from a family of omegas. All omegas are just sex slaves, which is why I was so happy when I got this job. Because I knew you weren't allowed to touch me and I won't need to deal with that. But I was taught to respect everyone around me until they prove they don't deserve it! And when I met your father he seemed really nice. You however definitely don't deserve respect from anybody because you're a fucking asshole!" Jimin's cheeks were completely covered in tears and it hurt Jungkook more then it was supposed to.

"Well you definitely earned my respect, wether you respect me back or not." Jungkook continued stuffing his face with the delicious waffles not sparing Jimin another glance, he didn't want to see him cry anymore.

"And dont eat so quickly, you'll not only get hiccups but you'll also choke again." Jimin's motherly instinct kicked in and it was both cute and annoying to Jungkook.

"I wont choke." Jungkook swallowed then took another bite.

"If you do then it's not my fault that I won't help you and watch you slowly suffocate and die," Jungkook almost did choke again at that comment, he turned to look at Jimin in horror, shocked that he'd say something remotely close to that.

"What? I warned you not to do it, if you start choking you start helping yourself."


Thats the only way to explain it, he was Jungshookith.

Not only did Jimin straight up tell Jungkook he didn't respect him but also tell he'd let him die even if he could do something to help. Nobody has ever spoken to him like that, it was strangely arousing. As he wasn't already hard enough, his dick already hurts from lovers nut. And now it's even worse.

"I like it when you talk to me like that," Jungkook got up and walked over to Jimin, "Do it again." He pinned Jimin into the wall and stared at him lustfully, causing Jimin to lose his confidence.

"I-I'm sorry...." Jimin thought he was supposed to apologize when Jungkook really liked the way he stood up to him. "Stop stuttering.... please." Jungkook whispered the 'please' getting desperate, he's horny, his dick hurts, and Jimin's afraid of him. All he wanted to do was fuck Jimin's throat.

"You know what? Nevermind. I'm gonna go shower." Jungkook basically ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

"What just happened?...." Jimin asked himself, he was extremely confused. But he decided he would just forgot about it and clean up the room while Jungkook's in the shower.

(In the bathroom)

"Oh fuck." Jungkook whispered basically ripping the clothes off his body, he didn't want to wait any longer.

"Ah-mmm~" Jungkook moaned I'm relief as he started rubbing his dick with his right hand, "Fucking god.... What are you doing to me?" Jungkook himself thinking about Jimin, he walked over to the shower and turned on the cold water. It felt like his whole body was catching fire.

He slowly stepped into the cold shower still touching himself, he let the water fall onto his face and wet his hair. The water acted as lubricant as he started moaning.

"You definitely don't deserve respect! Don't blame me when you choke and I don't help you! You're a fucking asshole!" Jungkook replayed what Jimin had said in head, it turned him on so much.

He couldn't stop pumping his shaft and it showed, his cheeks were turning pink and his dick was filling up with precum. He was moaning and he couldn't keep his eyes open. He kept replaying everything that just happened and it led him to his ejaculation. His back arched as he ejaculated onto the see through glass wall that unfortunately faced the door.