

Jeon Jungkook is an alpha Mafia Bosses son. He falls in love with his personal maid, Park Jimin, an omega. I'm his family it's tradition for an alpha to marry an alpha. They run away and stage their own deaths yet some how ended up on a remote island and has a hard time deciding whether to stay or head back to civilization. Then they're found by sex traffickers, and somehow they are saved. When Jungkook's father finds out about Jimin's and his son's relationship he put a bounty on Jimin's head for 100 million won. At the end of the day Jimin is shot in the heart, will he survive to marry his love? On the other hand, Kim Taehyung accidentally gets pregnant with his step brothers baby....twice *This is an omegaverse but I did make up a lot of new parts, please do feel free to use some of my ideas if you're a writer too*

Nick_Prince_95 · セレブリティ
37 Chs

13: Favours *18*

"Jiminssi?" Jungkook asked waking up about two hours after he fell asleep.

"Yea, I'm here." Jimin answered standing up from the desk and walking over to where Jungkook fell asleep on the floor.

"Why does that hurt?" Jungkook asked out loud meaning to say it in his head.

"Oh, your head still hurts? Well your fever is gone at least."

"No, my head is fine." Jungkook answered grateful that his head stopped pounding, but now something else was pounding.

"Then what hurts?"

"Nothing! I'm fine now." Jungkook answered getting up to go to the bathroom. As soon as he closed the door he put his hand into his pants to start rubbing, it was so painful. It was what woke him up in the first place.

"Ah...." Jungkook moaned softly feeling the pain turn into pleasure. He always felt disgusted at how masturbating is always on his mind but now he felt even worse considering that it was literally the first thing he did after waking up.

Jungkook pulled his pants down and off his ankles then spotted the laundry basket, with pain in his eyes he walked towards it in search of Jimin's underwear.

He searched for a specific one too, the night prior when Hoseok and Taehyung fought Jimin reacted to Hoseok's pheromones and released an extreme amount of slick. Jungkook knew it'd be covered with Jimin's slick and scent, so when he found the underwear that best resembled the white collar he saw whenever Jimin lifted his arms he pulled it close to his face to smell it.

Kind of gross I know but it smelled like Jimin's slick and was a major turn on for Jungkook.

Jungkook hung his head low as he inserted his hard member into the underwear and started fucking it. It felt so much better then fucking his hand.

After almost forty minutes he was still fucking the underwear, Jimin was getting worried. He wanted to give Jungkook his space and let him do whatever he needed but more then half an hour was getting concerning.

"Jungkook-ah? Are you alright?" Jimin asked after knocking exactly three times on the door, and not even five seconds later Jungkook opened the door and walked straight to the bed.

"What's wrong? What were you doing in there for almost an hour?" Jimin asked but got ignored, Jungkook just laid down on the bed facing away from Jimin.

While he was in the bathroom he had a fifteen minute cry break then continued trying to cum, but nothing.

"Jungkook-ah?" Jimin asked walking over to the side that Jungkook face, but he just turned away again. "What did I do?!"

"Nothing...." Jungkook whispered spilling a silent tear, Jimin didn't even realize he was hard.

"Come on, what happened? I thought you said your head was fine now!" Jimin asked forcing Jungkook to face him, of course Jungkook tried to go back to facing away from him shamefully but Jimin trapped him on his back by sitting down on Jungkook's hips with one leg on each side.

"What did I do?" Jimin asked but all he got in return was being slammed into the blankets on the foot side of the bed while being choked.

"Don't do that right now...." Jungkook demanded with shaky hands barely able to keep himself from slamming Jimin against the wall and fucking him really, really hard.

"W-whats wrong my love?" Jimin managed to say gripping the sheets beneath him from pain of the choking.

"Fuck, it's such a turn on when you call me that...." Jungkook squeezed tighter nearly cutting off Jimin's air supply, "L-love?" Jimin struggled to say while he noticed Jungkook's teary eyes.

He very gently placed a hand on Jungkook's cheek to cup it sweetly, "Tell Jiminssi about it, okey?"

"Its not okey.... it hurts hyung." Jungkook whispered letting a single tear drop fall from his eyes to Jimin's pink cheek. Why was this so arousing for the older?

"I thought you said it was better now?"

"Its not that...."

"What hurts then?...." Jimin asked and Jungkook actually managed to let go of his throat, he gasped sharply dropping both his hands to rest next to Jimin's head.

"Please, Jiminssi. I need you to leave, go to Tae hyungie's, Hoseok's, the cafe down stairs. I don't care just get out."

"What? That's not like you, I'm normally not allowed to leave the room without you. Why are you kicking me out now?"

"Because it's not like normally, I just need you to leave before I do something really.... bad."

"I'm not going anywhere, if you're this scared then I should be here with you."

"No, you shouldn't."

"Whats going on Jungkook-ah?! You're scaring me!" Jimin exclaimed then saw Jungkook raise his body, and he spotted the big bulge.


"Just get out.... please I don't want to hurt you." Jungkook started begging getting desperate, he really didn't want to hurt Jimin. Not again.

"Thats what you were doing in the bathroom?...." Suddenly Jimin couldn't stop staring almost completely lost in thought.

"Yes...." Jungkook covered his bulge shyly, "And it didn't work?"


"C-can't I help?...." Jimin asked leaving Jungkook completely shook.

"Please.... don't give me the opportunity to hurt you." Jungkook begged spilling more tears.

He still remembered Jimin's face when he got marked, he still remembered how angry Jimin was. He didn't want to do anything that might hurt Jimin in the slightest bit. Even if he was in pain himself.

"Alright...." Jimin answered softly not wanting to push his luck, he got up to leave but right as he touched the doorknob Jungkook's voice cracked in a sob. Making him freeze completely.

"Do I really have to leave?.... " Jimin asked hating the thought that Jungkook was in pain, especially if he could do something about it.

"No...." Jungkook said softly, he was giving in.

Jimin turned around slowly to stare at Jungkook still sitting on his knees on the bed. Jungkook's desperate stare made him slowly inch closer to the bed again. He pushed Jungkook's chest down indicating that he should lay down, and he did.

Jimin placed a hand on the bulge and stared at Jungkook's eyes basically asking for permission, and he got it with a small nod.

Without saying a word he pulled Jungkook's sweatpants down, surprisingly he was wearing underwear too. Unless Jungkook went out he'd usually not wear any underwear and often he'd go out without underwear too. Which he only put on to try and hide the bulge a little better.

"Ah~" Jungkook threw his head back and onto the pillows eyes closed feeling Jimin suck on the swollen pink tip of his member.

It was pretty easy to make Jungkook cum this time, he's already done it twice and now he had someone to actually suck on him. But even after Jungkook ejaculated Jimin didn't stop, it sent Jungkook into an unbearable state of euphoria.

"Stop stop!" Jungkook begged trying to push Jimin's head away from his thighs but no use, Jimin just grabbed his hands and kept them on the side of his body.

"Stop Jiminssi!" Jungkook demanded with soft whines in his voice, Jimin did flinch away when he heard his owners commands but then continued immediately after.

"Jiminssi!" Jungkook scolded feeling like his dick is going to explode in pleasure.

Jungkook came so his erection soon went away making it a lot easier for Jimin to deep throat him.

"Fuck Jiminssi, that's enough!" Jungkook managed his hands away from Jimins and forced his body away.

"I told you to stop." Jungkook grabbed Jimin's throat once again, the smug smirk on Jimins face made him want to continue fucking his throat just to wipe it off.

Jungkook scoffed throwing Jimin to the side causing him to fall off the bed, hearing the thud Jimin's body made Jungkook wanted to check on him to make sure he wasn't hurt. But he kept his form and got up on the other side to pull his pants back up, he felt slightly relieved when he felt Jimin pull him back down onto the bed.

Jungkook sat down on the side of the bed while Jimin rapped his arms around his shoulders from the back. Jimin started biting his neck and making small hickeys while Jungkook did nothing and let Jimin suck on his neck.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook eventually asked as Jimin reached his Adams apple, he had to raise his head o let Jimin suck comfortably.

"Just give me a minute, okey?" Jimin asked switching from being behind Jungkook to sitting on his lap with one leg on each side.

He gave Jungkook quite a nice after care. He was even allowed to hold Jimin's ass in his hands.

But all good things dont last forever. Jimin eventually stopped and just stared at the scar on Jungkook's cheek.

And the last kiss was reserved for that pretty little scar. After that he just got off Jungkook's lap and sat down next to him like nothing happened.

"So you hungry?" Jimin asked with the most innocent and adorable smile ever. "How are you thinking about food right now?!" Jungkook exclaimed but Jimin still just acted normal.

"What? I can't be hungry?" Jimin asked getting up headed for the hotel phone to order some ramen.

"Doesnt your throat hurt?" Jungkook followed curiously, "Its big but not that big." Jimin teased causing Jungkook to grab his head and pull it down to force his head down to the base of his dick one last time.

"Gag- mm." Jimin whimpered and gagged proving himself wrong. His regretful expression made Jungkook seek mercy on him and let him go.

"Not that big? I'm not even hard." Jungkook said cockily after giving Jimin a face full of cock.

"Well don't ambush me like that!" Jimin scolded after couching up a little bit of blood, he was being careful before and never went in that far. Now his throat really hurt, he was still on his knees though.

Jungkook playfully hit his dick against Jimin's cheek then spotted something interesting.

"You hard?"

"How the hell am I supposed to be fine after all that?!!" Jimin exclaimed covering his hard shaft with his hands.

"Come on, don't I get a go too?" Jungkook asked putting his member away, still standing straight in front of Jimin.

"No!" Jimin scolded almost spilling waterworks, but luckily he's good at not crying. Sometimes.

"I gave you what you needed, that's all you're getting!" Jimin continued scolding getting up. Ignoring his empty tummy Jimin walked over to the desk where he liked to sit when he ignored Jungkook. Right after he sat down Jungkook grabbed his member and whispered in his ear.

"Let me know when I can return this.... favour. Okey?"

All Jimin could do was nod obediently.