
Expo 2

As the expo began Mike was bouncing around from exibit to exhibit, explaining the different inventions and their potential uses.

"These Automatons are programmed foe construction, with some tweaking, they can be rapidly deployed for disaster relief." Mike was explaining as he showed off the Automotons.

"Can they be armed? My company has contacts in the military that would be interested." The Lexcorp Rep asked.

"No, the AI is fine for construction, or even disaster relief. But the decision making necessary for using deadly force, it's a bad idea." Mike said with a tone that stated he would not entertain that line of questioning any farther.

As Mike walked away he saw the rep continuing to stare at the automatons.

'I'll have to beef up security after this.' He thought.

As he was walking to the no belt seat prototype, Ben approached him. "Kid I have a question."

Mike nodded.

"Can these Medical nano doo hickies help me?" He sounded a little hopeful and desperate.

Mike put his hand on his chin as he thought about the question seriously. "They might. I have been meaning to speak with Mr Wayne. A Doctor and his wife both have genetic disorders in Gotham. I can see about including you as a part of the trial if you want."

"Please." Ben asked

"Be sure Ben, this may seem like a curse to you but it has allowed you to do a lot of good. If I turn you back you may not retain the strength you have now." Mike warned.

After promising to give it some thought Ben wandered off. Mike continued to the no belt seat. After explaining it and how it worked Tony wanted to order several for the aerospace division of Stark International.

Bruce Wayne also wanted a big order and asked for a meeting to discuss several projects their companies could partner on.

As Mike moved on to the biggest point in the expo, the Pseudo GN drive. He observed a lady standing by Bruce Wayne. Hearing a little of their conversation.

"What are you doing here Talia?" Wayne asked.

"I'm here to see the expo same as you Bruce." Talia responded.

"He is just a kid, don't tell me the league is after him already." Wayne shot back.

"Maybe, with talent like his age really doesn't matter." She shot back before glancing at him. "And the youth are so impressionable."

Mike moved on before hearing more. 'Shit how the hell did I get on the League of Assasins radar.' He paused realization setting in. 'The are likely the ones who sent that assasin after me a while ago.'

Knowing that this next bit was just going to make things worse, Mike beganbto explain his GN Drive along with the benefits.

Gesturing to the truck. "The Pseudo GN Drive has the capabilities of revolutionizing the energy industry." Glanging around the room he saw a lot of doubt.

"We used this truck to move all of our projects from Morganrote headquarters to this location. It is powered by a Pseudo GN Drive and if we wanted to We could easily drive from New York, to the Floeida Keys To San Francisco, and back and still have hundreds of miles left before a recharge."

The guests looked with a bit more interest. "The larger Drives could power cities. Provide emergency power to critical infrastructure and lessen fossil fuel pollution." Mike continued. "Morganrote is currently the only company that can produce these drives."

As Mike wrapped up the presentation he was approached by Robbie, Peter, Lois, and Clark. "Can we get an interview? " Lois asked.

"Not today, please set up an appointment and I would be happy to talk but I have to keep an eye on the expo." Mike answered.

As he moved back and forth he established multiple connections with the various guests. Only LexCorp, Hammer International, and Oscorp gave a bad taste as all three attempted to get him to consider selling the company.

Mike was glad he had a meeting with a couple of attorneys on Monday, he had a feeling that this would be a court battle sooner or later.

Fury caught up to him along with General Wells. Both wanted a serious discussion later that week. Fury was a little bit easier, being the Director of SHIELD. Wells stated that he would have to be in touch after getting funding.

Bruce Wayne agreed to meet Mike to discuss partnerships but asked if they could meet in Gotham.

Talia approached him towards the end of the party. "I represent an organization that could prove highly valuable as an ally for you." She began.

"Indeed, and who would that be?" Mike asked innocently.

"We are an old organization." She continued being vague. "Our friends profit, our enemies..."

"Well I have to be careful about security." Mike said playing along. "After all someone came trying to abduct me to see the neice of the monster, or the son of the banshee or something."

"Indeed? Perhaps we could help to stop those attempts." She said a tad coldly. She was unsure if he knew her or not.

After it was over Mike heard a notification as they drive back to Morganrote.

*Mission Successful*

Awarding 150000 pts


3 free Summons available would you like to summon?

Mike stopped himself from summoning and wanted to waited till he was back at the complex. He figured he better brief Raven before he began to summon people.

He figured even if she hadn't asked that she was wondering were the gundams came from. Turning to her he said "Raven we need to talk."

Author note

Only MC's inner circle will know about his system even they will not know the full extent. I just figured it was too weird for people to start showing up and no one be suspicious.

Raven is the first of the inner circle the first member of his team and that is why he is telling her.

NO I will not make the mistake of telling others again.

Also the summon system will be set up like before

4 Types of Character summons were available.

1. Support Premium (These ranged from genius scientists to tacticians and politicians. There were also administrators and others. 10000 MP per summon

2. Regular support. (Crew members, Mechanics, Doctors, Nurses)50 MP each

3. Regular Pilots (All different Gundam timelines and factions) 100 MP each per summon

4. Premium Pilots (Different timelines)

The fourth that was special. For every 50 regular pilots, he could summon 1 Premium to command them. The summon cost 10000 MP each time it was used.