
Gift Of Love

Sky was clear there was season of festive in bulbule valley. School were closed and children were having a long vacation.

"Sanu Sanu whose hankey is this"? Laxmi said.

"Mumi Actually I was hurted during playing with my friends. My friends tied it on my leg. Its rabin hankey. I forget to tell you." Sanu said.

"Alright wash it and you should return to him" Laxmi said.

"OK" Sanu said.

Sanu went to bathroom stood on basin open tab and washed it with soap . Sanu came outside and cling it with clipper on a rope. She went to her room . She wiped her study table and window of room.

"Sanu come here I will teach you how to embroidery". Laxmi said

"OK" Sanu said.

"Are you ready ? Laxmi said.

"Ok" sanu said.

"First of all you need a pieace of cloth. Do you have a piece of cloth? Laxmi said

"No I don't have any piece of cloth" Sanu said.

"Alright check that hankey is it dry if it is dry then take that one" Laxmi said.

"That is rabin hankey he will become angry" Sanu said.

"Don't worry he is your friend" laxmi said.

"Ok" sanu said. She checked the hankey.

"Ohh its dry mom" Sanu said.

"Take that one and sit with me you should learn how to embroidery" Laxmi said.

"OK" Sanu said.

Sanu took that hankey and sit with laxmi.

"First you need to fix clothes in wooden frame".

Sanu fixed hankey in wooden frame.

"Now you can strated embroidery you are beginners So you can make a flower Oh I forget its rabin

hankey so strat with writing his name" laxmi said.

"Oh no he will become angry" Sanu said.

"Stop worry about these things he is your close friend why would he become angry" Laxmi said.

"Ok I will write his name". Sanu mumbered

Sanu insert thread on needle and started embroidery writing RABIN.

Oh! You finished embroidery it look so incomplete make a small flower also.

Sanu started to make flower at the end of rabin name. She make two small flower and four leaves and

put a pearl at the middle of each flower.

"Oh! Now it look complete laxmi said. Oh it looks so beautiful. You learn how to embroidery. You can try

on other clothes also but you should return this its your friend hankey. Laxmi said

"OK" Sanu said.

There were kites flying in sky instead of clouds children were busy to fly kites and Rabin Sabin and Sanu

were also busy to fly kites. Rabin and Sanu were standing backyard of rabin house.

"Rabin I have to return you something" Sanu said.

"Return what" rabin asked.

" Your hankey off course you forget". Sanu said.

"Ohh I nearly about forget "rabin said.

"But hope you don't disappoint actually I was learning how to embroidery with my mom and I started

with your hankey hope you don't disappoint take it".

Sanu is wearing red fork with white polka and there was a red bow tied ribbon in left side . The fork has

a pocket below the bow and it has umbrella pattern at the bottom. It has round shaped neckline and full

sleeves. Sanu took a hankey from her pocket of fork and gave it to rabin.

Rabin opened the hankey and hankey look so beautiful with new embroidery.

There was Rabin name written by red wool R is in capital letter and rest of others in small letter but "RABIN" name was big in central and at the end of name there was big in central and at the end of name there was two small flower embroidery with red wool and two leaves for each flower which was embroidery by green wool and there was pearl at between each flower. Rabin embroidery was bigger than flower. Flowers were small but it accompanied very well.

"Ohh! it is better than before. I am not disappoint". Rabin blushed and smiled.

Meanwhile Sabin saw them and astonished . He saw Rabin putting back something in his pocket.

But he didn't take it so seriously and didn't think necessary to ask about it.

Look Sabin has arrived. Rabin said.

"Where are kancha kanchi" Rabin asked.

"Oh! I went to call them but they has to dig their field to help their parents. So they don't come. But

kancha told us to collect dashina and meet at gulmohar ground after finishing dhashain and we will buy

snacks and we will have a party.

Three children Rabin Sabin & Sanu started to flying kites. Sanu hold the kites and rose in the air. Kite was

tied in rope. Rabin started to flying kites. Kite fly with wind. Sky was clear. Birds were flying and other

children were also happy flying kites. Rabin was flying kites and Sabin and sanu were watching . Now its

sabin turn. Rabin handed the wooden kite roller to sabin.

" Now its your turn you fly" Rabin said.

Sabin take the kite roller to started to fly the kite. Unfortunately there was a bird fly very quickly and

smacked in kite. Bird started to drop and kite also started to drop.

"Oh god what is that" Sabin said.

Rabin put his hand forward to catch the things.

At first they don't know what was that.

"What is that" Sanu said.

"Oh it is a shallow" Rabin catched the bird and said.

Sanu started to cry. She was sobbing. She went near to Rabin. Sanu loved bird so much.

"Oh! it is hurted . Oh! Its my fault" Sabin said.

"No its not your fault its just an accident" Rabin said.

"I will bring the water" Sabin said. Sabin went quickly to the tab near rabin house and bring some water

in his hands. Rabin was watching sanu sobbing .

"Sanu is genuie girl " Rabin thought.

Sabin bring water in his hand and sprinkle in bird. He saw sanu was sobbing. "Sanu is genuie girl" Sabin

thought. Luckily bird wasn't hurted and started to wake up and flew far far away. Three of children
