
2: Visiting Places

Magi woke up from his sleep and looked at his surroundings. 

The classic style of Japanese homes really hit him with a homey feeling, he wondered if he should make it mandatory for houses to be modeled like this?

*knock* *knock*

Hearing the knock Magi slowly stood up and went toward the door, he then opened it slowly and was greeted by Menma's face. 

"Good morning Magi-sama, what's your instruction for today?"

Magi scratched his face and thought of a few plans. 

"Hm, start the recruitment of scientist and the research on fast growing crops, also start advertising our public research fund program, I want us to become self sustaining in 5 years, you can do what you usually do after that"

"As you wish"

Menma started walking away with a smile, at first he was worried about the choice he made, but when he realized the extent of Magi's power and his plans he immediately felt like this is the smartest choice he had ever made. 

'Now, what should I do? Ah! Let's see the other village!'

In an instant Magi disappeared from his previous spot and appeared on top of a building. 

"Woah, this place is as cool as in the manga!"

Magi stared in awe upon the village hidden in the leaf, his place darted from one place to another. 

'Hokage building, mission center, aha! There's the academy! Let's see'

As he made a monocle with his hand his vision zoomed into the ninja academy, he watched as the students eagerly learned about the three basic academy techniques. 

One of the students however catches his attention, not just because he is THE Minato Namikaze but because the girl beside him is Kushina Uzumaki. 

'Hoho! Two bird sittin in a tree, I hope they both ain't protection free!'

With a mischievous giggle Magi once again disappeared from his spot, this time he was in the middle of a camp where a group of ninja immediately surrounded him, a few with animal masks even pointed their blade at his 'vital' organs. 

"Fiu~ you guys work fast! Good on you"

"Who are you"

The leader of the animal masked Anbu asked him threateningly. 

"Well, hello everyone! I'm Magia Dalton, the new leader of Uzu"

Magi tried acting cute to the confusion of everyone, the Anbu however were tense as he immediately signed his subordinates to back down. 

"My apology sir, we-"

"It's okay, now, where's the old monkey and hawk?"

Hurriedly after that the Anbu leader directed him toward the main camp where the higher ups were strategizing. 

"Hm?" Danzo noticed the new group first and he immediately recognized Magi by comparing with Sakumo's description. 

"Wolf?" Hiruzen noticed the newcomer right after that and like Danzo realized his identity. 

"Hello! Hello! How you doin?"

"Ah Magi-san! Sorry for not greeting first!" Hiruzen greeted him with a smile. 

"Nah, it's my fault for not giving you a notice first, anyway I'm here to say that the previous alliance agreement will still be valid"

Everyone in the room showed relief in their own way, from sighing to visibly relaxing, it's as if a mountain was lifted off from their shoulder. 

"Thank you Magi-san, uh, would you like some tea?" Hiruzen offered. 


Hence everyone sat around the table and started drinking tea while talking with each other, though it is mostly the other asking Magi about himself. 

'Politician sure live a stressful life'

"So, Magi-san, where did you come from? Are you from a clan?" The current leader of the Nara clan asked. 

"Hm, I think you can say that? But I was the only one left from my land, everyone died of illness"

"My condolences" Hiruzen said sadly with the other following. 

"It's okay, ahahahaha!"

Everyone went quiet after that, Magi because he was enjoying the tea, Hiruzen because he felt bad for him losing his family, and the other because Hiruzen didn't speak. 

"It seems that I need to go now, thanks for the tea though, here's some delicacies from my home!"

With that Magi disappeared once again while leaving everyone else shocked. 

Danzo is the first to recover and notices that something is on top of the table. 

"What's this?" Danzo looked at things suspiciously. 

The leader of the Inuzuka clan however immediately noticed what it was with her keen noses. 

"It's…cup ramen?"

Curiously Danzo picked the cup of ramen and carefully opened it, he then sniffed the inside and found nothing dangerous in them. 

After looking once again he noticed the writing on the side, he recognized them as a series of instructions for ramen preparation. 

He immediately commanded for someone to bring some hot water, then he followed the instruction and filled the cup with the hot water, after that he closed the lid of the cup and waited. 

Everyone waited patiently while chatting. 

"I wonder what ramen from his land tastes like" Hiruzen said cheerfully. 

"It does smell good" The Inuzuka leader said with a smile. 

"He seems proud of this, maybe it is a speciality of his hometown?" The Akimichi leader said. 

A few minutes passed and following the instruction Danzo slowly opened the lid. 

Suddenly something gushed out, a smell so heavenly that everyone in the tent immediately gulped their saliva, some even having their stomach growling in hunger. 

Slowly Danzo picked a chopstick and ate a mouthful of the noodle. 


Everyone stared intently as Danzo's usually serious expression slowly morphed into one that a monk who had reached enlightenment would have, perfect with the pair of tears streaming down his cheeks. 

Full of curiosity, everyone picked their own share of the cup ramen and followed the instructions in making them. 

That day a legend was made, the legend of the day when every higher ups in Konoha turned into Buddhist monks due to ramen. 


A few weeks later. 

Magi watched as the new group of red haired scientists worked on creating the perfect plants to sustain the village. 

He could have used his power to make them but he wanted his people to have the ability to improve by themselves, giving them everything would just erase that ability. 


Suddenly everyone shouted happily as they had just made a breakthrough in the research. 

A smile formed on Magi's lips as he watched the scientists throwing the one responsible on the air happily, not caring that the one being thrown was crying due to his fear of height. 

*tap* *tap* *tap*

"Sir" Menma arrived and greeted Magi. 

"Morning, it seems the plant will be finished quicker than expected"

"Yes sir" Menma smiled happily as he watched the people in the lab. 

"It seems my plan will start faster than I expected"

"It seems to be the case sir"

Both of them smiled deviously as they watched the people in the lab throwing the poor fellow higher and higher.