
Guardians Fall

BlackBear28 · ファンタジー
4 Chs



Bang Bang Bang Bang. "Wake the hell up you good for nothing!" I groan as I hear my lovely mother waking me up.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Nathan King, I'm 16, gay, and I recently discovered that I can get pregnant.

Yup you heard it right, it turns out I was born with a womb, I'm a medical marvel, I found out from the doctor after I had to be taken to the hospital.

I'll explain, everyone in my hometown hates me, mainly due to my parents. When I came out at 14 almost 15, and that was almost a year and a half ago.

To say they didn't take it well is a huge understatement.

My own mother called me a Satan spawn, saying how I'd burn in hell, then she started making up rumors about me to everyone in town and the sad part is they all believed it.

My dad started beating me, and he'd even have his police buddies join in.

It only got worse when I made another mistake, coming out to my so called best friends. Tyson, his sister Vicky and Tyson's gf Tanya. But we'll get to them later.

I slowly drag myself to my bathroom, strip off my PJs and hop in the shower, the bruises and cuts from my lovely parents and most of my school mates. Knowing they'll be replaced with new one's, probably worse than before.

I put on my outfit I laid out the night before as I was going down the stairs I made sure to keep quiet and tip toe down the stairs as not to piss off my parents.

" I want you home directly after school you waste of space! Your father will be here to deal with you after school!" My mother shouted, I ran out of the house the moment she said that, I shivered at the threat.

I knew that when she said that my father would deal with me what it meant. My dad and mom had a nightly routine of beating me bloody, just to make sure that I knew how worthless I was to them.

And since it was my birthday I knew the beatings would be worse than before. Yep you read that right, Happy birthday to me right? (NOTE THE SARCASM.)

As I walked to my destination, Hell's gate's a.k.a school, my sense of dread was kicking into overdrive but I knew that if I even tried to skip class they'd call my parents and the moment I got home it'd be way worse than anything ever before.

As I walked into the school grounds I was met with the hateful and judgemental stares of my peers. I used to be well liked by everyone, I wasn't popular in the least but I wasn't a nobody either, but all that changed once I came out. I walked to my locker and immediately saw the graffiti painted on it. (FAGGOT, FREAK, JUST KILL YOURSELF ALREADY.)

These were the word's on my locker, but I learned to ignore it all.

As I was putting my stuff away I heard the voice's of my main tormentor's "How's my favorite punching bag?" Tyson the ringleader of the group, and my ex best friend as well as my ex crush said.

"Hope you didn't forget about your daily beating freak." Vicky, Tyson's sister and my other ex best friend said.

"Come on guys why can't you just leave him alone?" Axel, the only person in school who is nice to me sighed.

"Why are so nice to this freak Axel? What you got a thing for him?" Tanya my ex bestie and Tyson's girlfriend comments.

"Look guys I really don't see what your problem is. He used to be your friend" Axel says.

"That was before he changed and became a faggot!" Tyson's friend Ander yells.

Just as Tyson was coming up to beat the crap out of me, the bell for first period started.

"Don't think this is over freak!" Tyson said as he walked past me and shoved me, my back hitting the locker hard and the others laughing as they left for their classes. (THAT'S GOING TO BRUISE LATER) I thought to myself.

Then I picked up my stuff and got to My class. As I entered my class I was immediately met with the heated and hateful stares and glares of my class and even our teacher Mr. Dane had an annoyed expression.

I took my usual seat at the very back of the class. Just when the late bell rang Tanya and Vicky entered the class, I know no one else noticed it, they were all too busy taking to each other,but as Tanya took her seat at the front of the class, Mr. Dane had this smirk on his face and I could tell they were secretly undressing each other with their eyes, I scrunched my nose in disgust.

Gross, like her cheating on Tyson with Tyson's best friend Ander wasn't bad enough. Yep you heard right, I found out two weeks ago and I wanted to tell Tyson but after all the times he hurt me and used me as a personal punching bag I decided to keep it to myself, besides I doubt he'd even believe me.

And apparently I'd been staring for too long because the next thing I knew I was recieving a very hateful glare from Tanya, I could see it in her eyes, she realized that I knew. She immediately got on her phone and started typing something, the next thing I knew Mr. Dane's phone buzzed, he looked at it then his eyes went very wide then he started scanning the class until he found me.

His hateful stare, automatically let me know that Tanya had told him I knew, and as he got up to possibly threaten me, someone knocked on the door, and two people who I'd never seen before entered the class.

"Can I help you two?" Mr. Dane asked.

"Yes, is this history 101?" The girl asked, she was very pretty, light purpleish silver long hair with a flawless chocolate brown skin tone.

" Yes it is, are you two new?" Dane asked,

"Yeah we just transferred" the guy answered.

"All right, well then come on in. Class we have a pair of new students, what are your names?" Mr. Dane asked in a kind voice.

"I'm Maria Marks, and this is my cousin Anton Gray."

"Well welcome to our school. Take a seat anywhere you'd like."

They both entered the class, and looked around, they then saw the empty seats near me and started coming to the back and just plopped down right next to me.

The whole class was stunned. "Why are you sitting next to him?!" Vicky asked/yelled.

"What's wrong with sitting next to him?" Anton asked in an annoyed tone.

"He's a faggot freak that's what's wrong with him!" Tanya yelled, the rest of the class laughed, even Mr. Dane chuckled.

"So? I'm gay, hell I'm even engaged to another man." Anton answered back with a smirk on his face.

The rest of the class was speechless. "You see what you did freak?! What did you call for reinforcements?!" Vicky said.

As I was about to answer Maria answered back, "I'm so sorry that you have to deal with the narrow mindedness of these people. How long have you had to deal with this?" She asked me with pure sympathy.

"Almost a year and a half." I whispered, they both look at me with pure sympathy and then as they look at the other students with pure disgust and hatred.

Then Mr. Dane spoke up, " All right, that's enough everyone, Nathan I would appreciate it if you didn't cause another scene in my class, and as for you two since you're new I will let your outbursts slide this time around."

They both looked back at him with mouth's wide open and eyes to match.

"That's total BS! They're the ones who started it. And Nathan never said a word! Aren't you supposed to be an educator?! You should be punishing the one's who started it!" Maria shouted

"Ms. Marks if you continue to disrupt my class again I will have no choice but to send you to the principal." Mr. Dane said with a smug look on his face, and just as she was about to let loose on him the bell rang for next period and everyone sees scrambled out to get to the next period.

"Mr. King, I'd like a word with you." Mr. Dane said as I was about to leave.

The two new students leaving with me stopped as well. "Yes Mr. Dane?" I asked timidly,

"Without your two new bodyguards if you please." He said looking at Maria and Anton.

I looked back at them and Maria said to me, "We'll be right outside" then I closed the door and looked at the teacher.

As he got up and walked towards me, the hateful look in his eyes told me it was going to be bad.

"Now listen here you little sh*t!! If you ever breath a word about what you saw between me and Tanya I will beat you within an inch of your life!!" He snarled at me.

"I-I don't know what you mean." I whimpered,

"Don't play dumb with me!!" He yelled,

"You keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand! Me and Tanya have a good thing going and I will not see it ruined by some pathetic little piss ant like you!" He growled.

I started shaking in fear. "I didn't tell anybody, I swear, just like I didn't say anything about her and Ander."

The moment I said that he looked at me with an angry and confused expression. "What do you mean her and Ander?"

"I-I-I saw her a couple of weeks ago with her b-b-boyfriend's best friend Ander." I whispered.

He looked at me with wide eyes of surprise, then they turned to anger before he backhanded me hard, causing me to fall on the floor.

"You little brat I'll teach you to spout lies in my class!" Just as he was about to punch me, the door opened and Maria and Anton, along with three other guys came in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" One of the other kids shouted.

" I'm teaching this little brat some manners, stay out of it!" He said,

"Touch him and see what happens." One of the kids I didn't recognize said in a very angry tone.

"You think I'm afraid of you?! I'm a teacher, no one's going to believe you at all!" He said while laughing.

"Besides no one in this town cares about this little freak! I could beat him in front of the entire school and no one would lift a finger to help him." He scoffed at them.

Maria and some other new girl crouched down to me. "Are you okay?" Maria asked.

"It's fine, I've experienced way worse." I told them sadly,

"You know what? Just get the little brat out of my class, now I have to disinfect my classroom and my hand." He muttered as he walked past them.

"What a tool! Do you deal with this all the time??" The other girl asked me

"Pretty much." I muttered,

"Guys we got to go we'll be late to our next class." One of the guys said to us,

"Wesley's right we need to go." The other girl said as she was helping me up. "What's your next class?" Maria asked me. "Math," I muttered, "Me too!" Maria said "Same here" Anton and the guy who I now know as Wesley said at the same time. "Well let's go!" The other new girl said as she took my hand and almost dragged me to math.

"Sandra calm down!" Maria said finally catching up to us. We all made it to math class, and just like history I was met with hated looks. Sandra paid them no mind and walked in like she owned the place.

She, Maria, Anton, Wesley, and the other kid that was with them who I now know as Jake all introduced themselves, and after math class the teacher Mrs. Hanson-Price, said she wanted to see me after class.

"How did you do it you little brat!?" She yelled at me once we were alone.

"Do what??" I asked her confused,

"How did you get the answers to my test!" She yelled at me,

I looked at her with furrowed brow's, "I have no idea what you're talking about." I answered, which only seemed to enrage her more. "Drop the innocent act! I know you stole the answers to my test, how else could you have passed it?!" She yelled at me,

"I didn't steal anything, I studied for the test like I do with all of my classes." I told her.

"Yeah right, you expect me to believe someone as dumb as you could pass a class without cheating?!" She laughed,

"It's true I studied." I tried telling her,

"Whatever, I don't know how you did it but I will find out and when I do I'll take great pleasure in making sure my husband beats the ever loving crap out of you. Now get out of my sight you waste of space!" She yelled at me, I got up and as I looked at the door I saw the others waiting for me with the door opened and intense murderous looks on their faces.

"Did the little faggot find some friends?? That's hilarious, I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to even want to be friends with you." She laughed out,

"Interesting that a so called educator would so closed minded" Wesley said eyeing her with pure disgust.

"How dare you?!" She yelled, "I am a teacher and you will give me the respect I deserve!" She screamed,

"Respect is earned, not demanded." Jake said to her. "Come on Nathan it's lunch time." Sandra said as she glared at the teacher.

I scurried to them but Mrs. Hanson-Price had other ideas, as she secretly put her foot out and tripped me causing me to fall and just as I was about to hit the floor, Jake somehow miraculously caught me, even though I could have sworn he was nowhere near me.

"Are you okay?" He said helping me up. "Yeah I'm fine." I stared at him confused. (HOW DID HE DO THAT?) I THOUGHT. And judging by the shocked look on our teachers face she was thinking the same thing.

As Jake helped me out of the class, they all gave one last hateful look towards the teacher, then we all went to lunch. I found out that there were three other new students, Rex, Ryder and Tyrone, and they were all apparently friends with each other, and the moment I entered the cafeteria the chatter all stopped and as usual I received the glares from everyone, but when they saw the new kids hanging with me the glares became confused stares.

Then I hear a chair scraping and immediately lock eyes with Tyson's angry face. He walks up to me and instantly gets in my face. "So I hear you somehow got the new students to take pity on you and it seems it's true." He said and the entire lunch room erupts into laughter.

"We didn't take pity on anyone micro d*ck! We chose to be his friends because he's a nice guy, something you and the rest of these brainless idiots at this school know nothing about!" Sandra yelled at Tyson.

Tyson gave her a wide eyed look then immediately went right towards her but Rex and Ryder immediately got in-between them, giving Tyson a daring look, he backed off then looked right at me.

"We still didn't finish our conversation from this morning did we?" He looked at me with pure hatred. I honestly can't believe I used to have such a crush on this guy.

"Funny thing, I hear you like to make up stories. Tanya says you told Mr. Dane you saw my girl and best friend together in a less than friendly way. She said you also accused her of sleeping with Mr. Dane, I honestly don't know where you got the ball's to think you can make up lies about my girlfriend, but you and I are going to need to have a very long talk about respect." Tyson said to me venomously, then he walked off and sat right next to his girlfriend and she gave me the most smug smirk ever.

And in that instant, I knew what was going to happen later, and I was scared sh*tless.