

Yang Chen entered the room belonging to Yang Zaihua and Zhao Hai's. Yang Zaihua inquired:

"Where is Mr. Zhou?"

Yang Chen replied:

"He is pondering over his stone, planning how to carve it."

Surprised, Zhao Hai asked:

"Does he truly know how to carve?"

Yang Chen glanced at him and disregarded the question, suggesting instead:

"Let's discuss what information you've gathered."

Yang Zaihua began:

"I've learned that the government of Wasoku has lowered the conscription age to 16. Additionally, they are importing a large amount of iron ore from various countries including our country. It is rumored that their demand for steel has increased exponentially. I acquired this information from a merchant who had specialized in import and export with Wasoku. For this news it cost me 5 silver yuan for a bottle of whiskey."

Zhao Hai added:

"I heard something peculiar. The government of Wasoku is actively encouraging women to step out of their homes and engage in societal roles. As we know in Wasoku the women, traditionally, would return to their families after marriage to take care of their husbands and children. Now they are being urged to pursue work outside the home. This contradicts the traditional beliefs held by women in Wasoku."

Yang Zaihua supplemented:

"If that's the case, I also heard something from the same merchant that there has been a surge in marriages happening in Wasoku now."

Yang Chen asked:

"Do you have heard about any social issues emerging in Wasoku?"

Yang Zaihai and Zhao Hai exchanged glances, remaining silent. Yang Chen contemplated for a moment before speaking:

"This town isn't big enough. We're newcomers here and shouldn't linger for too long, as it may attract unwanted attention. Since we're unable to gather more information here, it is unnecessary for us to stay any longer. We will leave the morning after tomorrow. So you both should continue to move around and gather as more information as possible. Zhao Hai, send a trustworthy person here to settle as a merchant and find a way to infiltrate Wasoku. This person will contact you directly. Make it clear to them that this mission is highly perilous and he should be mentally prepared."

Zhao Hai nodded solemnly and said:

"Don't worry. This is standard procedure."

They spent five days in Songdan Town, but the information they gathered was indeed limited. Consequently, they prepared to move on to their next destination, Tongliao. Meanwhile, Zhou Di had already sketched out several design concepts for his green-spot stones. As the train journeyed onwards, the other three people took turns examining his sketchbook, while the owner of the sketchbook once again leaned against Yang Chen's shoulder and fell asleep. When the train arrived in Tongliao, Yang Chen gently woke Zhou Di from his slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Zhou Di noticed the absence of the two individuals who had been sitting opposite him so he asked with a sleepy tone:

"Where are they?"

Yang Chen whispered:

"They've departed. It's just the two of us here in Tongliao, no the third person. I'll accompany you to the different jade markets during the day and we'll make love at night."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Di's face flushed and gave him a disdainful look, saying in a lower voice:

"Didn't you enjoy our intimacy the night before last? You nearly exhausted me with your various way."

Yang Chen retorted:

"You seemed to enjoy it too, constantly urging me to continue."

Zhou Di sneakily twisted Yang Chen's waist with his hand and said:

"Shut up!"

"Okay, okay, I'll be quiet. You truly are my little devil." Then Yang Chen whispered even more softly into Zhou Di's ear, "I love you!"

Lost in those three words, Zhou Di followed Yang Chen off the train and into the hotel. They entered room 601, dropped their belongings and Zhou Di immediately threw himself into Yang Chen's arms, murmuring:

"Is this real? Are you not deceiving me?"

Yang Chen teased:

"What do you mean? You have so little faith in me. If you weren't a man, I might have proposed to you by now."

Zhou Di replied solemnly:

"No, I just lack confidence in myself. How could a poor man with nothing like me ever gain the favour and love of a handsome and wealthy guy like you, a Young Marshal?"

Yang Chen kissed him on the forehead and said softly:

"How foolish you are! I'm attracted to you as a person, not for anything else. Stop overthinking it and just be my boyfriend, okay?"

Zhou Di admitted:

"But relatively, I am a superficial person. I got together with you just because you're handsome."

Yang Chen chuckled:

"I'm confidence in myself so I believe that you will come to like me more and more."

"No, not just like, instead it is love. I love you too."

Then Zhou Di stood on his tiptoes and kissed Yang Chen. Yang Chen returned the kiss deeply, embracing Zhou Di tightly.

They spent two days in the hotel without leaving their room, no, without even getting out of the bed. The hotel staff assumed that one of the guests in room 601 was sick, as not only were three meals delivered to the room, but also numerous medicines were purchased. Yang Chen asked Zhou Di:

"Do you want to take a shower?"

Zhou Di replied:

"I can't even get up. It is impossible for me to stand up with my weak legs."

Yang Chen said:

"Let me try to carry you to the bathroom."

He attempted to get out of bed to carry Zhou Di. However, it was evident that his waist was not strong to handle it. They both chuckled, and Zhou Di suggested:

"We are being too indulgent ourselves. Can you help me up? Maybe I can walk into the bathroom slowly."

Yang Chen laughed along, supporting his own waist, and wrapped his arm around Zhou Di's waist. Zhou Di wrapped his arm around Yang Chen's neck. They slowly stood up together. However, Zhou Di's legs were trembling so he ended up clinging to Yang Chen. They embraced each other and made their way slowly into the bathroom, standing under the shower sprinkler and leaning against the wall. Yang Chen suggested:

"Shall we take a shower together?"

Zhou Di agreed shyly:


The two decided to spend the day resting in the room, doing nothing. Zhou Di took out his sketchbook and looked at the designs for two pieces of the green-spot stones. Yang Chen sat on the bed, leaned against the headboard, folded the quilt and let Zhou Di sit on it, leaning against him. He embraced Zhou Di and listened to his thoughts about the green-spot:

"I have the idea for this better one. You see, there are no green spots here so I can carve an ancient lady ascending. The upper body of the lady is carved here and the lower part is carved as her skirt, using these spots to carve different flowers. But there will be a lot of leftover fragments, maybe I can make some jewelry out of them. The quality of this piece isn't better than the other one. So I have two ideas which are to split the stone in half, carving a panda eating sickly bamboo on one side and a peony on the other side. What do you think?"

Yang Chen replied:

"You're asking me? You've asked the right person who doesn't know anything about the jade. But purely from a pricing perspective, I think the latter idea could fetch a good price if the peony is carved successfully. As you know, jade peony is already widely accepted so the price will definitely not be low, though it mainly depends on the skill of the carver. At least I would buy it."

Zhou Di agreed:

"You're right. Let's go with your suggestion then. The quality of this stone is inferior compared to the other, and the green-spot is too scattered and fragmented. Carving a jade peony might work wonders. I hope the worse one is turned into a treasure."

Yang Chen said:

"Do what you want. I will support you no matter which design you choose."

Zhou Di kissed Yang Chen on the cheek, saying:

"You're so kind to me."

Yang Chen joked:

"Please! My baby, don't kiss me again. If you do, maybe it will be impossible for us to get out of bed tomorrow."

Zhou Di chuckled in Yang Chen's arms and Yang Chen hugged him, laughing heartily.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the next day that they ventured out to a stone market. As soon as they entered the market, they were drawn to a clamour coming from a crowd gathered around a particular area, seemingly engaged in some sort of bidding. Yang Chen asked:

"What are they doing?"

Zhou Di explained to him:

"I think they are bidding on raw stones." Seeing Yang Chen's confusion, he elaborated, "Do you see those ordinary-looking stones over there? To the average person, they look no different from ordinary rocks, but those who know how to appraise stones can discern their differences. They bring these raw stones out for bidding and the highest bidder gets them. Then they cut and polish the stones on the spot to verify their value.

Some can make you rich overnight while others might leave you empty-handed. To be honest, no one can guarantee a 100% profit so there is a strong element of gambling involved."

"Do you know how to appraise them?"

"No, I don't, but I know some people who have this ability. Leader Zhang is skilled at it, although he's had his share of losses."

"Did you ever play it before?"

"No, my master played it once and lost some money. Fortunately he managed to recoup his losses by meticulously carving and polishing the stone he purchased."

Yang Chen noticed the eager anticipation in Zhou Di's bright eyes so he asked:

"Do you want to try?"

Zhou Di smiled, shook his head and said:

"No, I'm not good at this."

But Yang Chen could see the yearning in his eyes so he pushed him gently and said:

"Go ahead. If you win, it is yours and if you lose, it is on me. I can afford to let you play this."

Zhou Di looked at Yang Chen, who nodded firmly. Overjoyed, Zhou Di exclaimed:

"Ge, If I win, I will carve a priceless treasure for you."

With that, Zhou Di dashed into the bidding area, leaving Yang Chen standing there, watching him intently as Zhou Di focused intently on examining the raw stones. Yang Chen's single eye was filled with fondness.