

Zhou Di, feeling weak and tired, followed Yang Chen as they transferred trains from their private carriage to the hard seat carriage, traveling into the northern region. Seeing Zhou Di visibly exhausted, Yang Chen quietly asked in a hushed tone when no one was paying attention:

"Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Zhou Di replied:

"It's okay, just a bit tired, probably from the long journey."

Yang Chen reached out and touched Zhou Di on the forehead, remarking:

"No fever. You can lean on me and get some sleep."

Zhou Di weakly responded:

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

Although saying this, Zhou Di leaned on Yang Chen's shoulder and fell asleep.

It took 3 days and 2 nights for them, changing trains twice and taking a bus, to reach their first destination, Songdan Town. Zhou Di slept for a full day and night in the hotel before feeling recovered from the fatigue of the journey. However, he didn't know that during his sleeping, Yang chen and his staff had crossed the border into Wasoku secretly. So when he woke up and found himself alone after that day and night, he came extremely anxious. Unable to inquire from the people in the hotel, he paced around the room until midnight when he fell asleep again. When he felt someone kissing him, groggily, he opened his eyes to see Yang Chen, immediately waking up and asking:

"Where did you all go? It's been a whole day but only a note to me: we go out. You didn't write down where you go. How worried and anxious I am! And I didn't dare to ask anyone in the hotel."

Yang Chen replied:

"Well, when did you wake up? You looked quite tired so I thought you should have slept for 2 days and 2 nights for you was so tired."

Zhou Di explained:

"The first time I woke up confused was to use the bathroom. Actually I didn't know what time it was at that moment. I just read your note and then fell back asleep on the bed again. The second time I woke up was this morning. At first, I wasn't worried, but since none of you didn't come back and I didn't dare to ask anyone, I could only pace around the room."

"Then you worried about me a lot and fell asleep again, right?"

"Ge, I don't ask you what you are doing, but I just want to know whether you are safe or in danger."

Yang Chen lay beside Zhou Di, embracing him, looking tired as he said:

"Don't worry. I'm fine but tired. Let's sleep."

"Go sleep in your own bed and it's more comfortable there."

"No, I want to hold you while sleeping. Be obedient! Tomorrow let's go shopping and buy Green-spot for you."

The next day Zhou Di was awakened by a knock on the door. He glanced at Yang Chen who was still asleep, slowly got out of bed and opened the door. It was Yang Zaihua outside. Zhou Di gestured with his finger for silence. Yang Zaihua asked:

"Not awake yet?" Zhou Di nodded and Yang Zaihua continued, "I've bought breakfast for you. Just tell us in our room when you're ready to leave. Zhao Hai and I will stay in the hotel for the whole day."

"Okay, thank you."

After Zhou Di set the breakfast on the table, he went into the bathroom to freshen up. When he came out, Yang Chen was already awake and Zhou Di said:

"Get up quickly, wash up and have breakfast. Yesterday you told me we would go shopping today. I inquired about the distribution market for Wasoku's goods."

As Zhou Di spoke to Yang Chen, he prepared toothbrushing supplies for Yang Chen. Yang Chen said:

"I want to take a shower."

"You're not afraid that your complexion will be washed off so as to reveal your white skin."

Yang Chen looked at Zhou Di disdainfully and said:

"You country bumpkin! My skin colour can't be washed off. Two days ago I already took a shower while you were sleeping. Of course you didn't know it."

"How is it possible? Isn't it just paint you apply?"

"You're the one who applies paint. Dizi, my baby, are you joking? This is made with a tanning machine. Jing, my younger brother, bought it from Ferceland. I installed one in the villa. Actually this is my first time using it. It is said to be good for health but I don't feel any difference."

"I have never heard of this kind of the machine. Strange!"

"My baby, why are you still standing at the door? Do you want to take a shower with me or just watch me take a shower?"

Zhou Di then realized that he had been standing at the bathroom door and having a chat with Yang Chen, who had already undressed and was standing under the shower sprinkler. Zhou Di's face flushed at once and he retreated quickly, closing the door behind him. 

Zhou Di initially expected Zhao hai and Yang Zaihua to spend an entire day resting at the hotel, based on what Yang Zaihua told him. However, Yang Chen had a private conversation with them for a while. Later, Zhao Hai and Yang Zaihai left the hotel earlier than Zhou Di and Yang Chen. Zhou Di was unaware of what they were doing and, naturally had no desire to know this either.

Yang Chen and Zhou Di went to the market and strolled along the way, only looking for the stores selling stone materials. Although Yang Chen had no idea about the jade, he only followed Zhou Di as he browsed and occasionally engaged in conversation with the shop owners. Finally Yang Chen sat in a tea stall for a pot of tea and overheard the conversation between two persons drinking tea:

"For the past two months, Wasoku has continued to enforce the strict checks. In the past as long as you got the pass here, you could enter Wasoku. It only cost 10 silver yuan for an immediate pass from Wasoku's customs office here. However, the situation has now changed drastically. Not only have they cancelled the immediate pass, but you also have to pay 20 silver yuan for the application in advance and then wait for notification. I've heard of someone waiting for more than ten days without receiving any notice, resulting in wasting 20 silver yuan for nothing."

Yang Chen interjected:

"Excuse me, sir, when did this regulation start to be enforced?"

"It's been about two months. Wasoku began enforcing this rule to restrict us to go through the border."

Another person asked:

"Sir, what goods are you planning to buy in Wasoku?"

Yang Chen responded:

"We are planning to buy some Green-spot."

"Jade business. As I know, it isn't easy to deal with the trade of Wasoku's Green-spot. I once imported some green-spots stones from Wasoku and ended up selling them to a few stone stores. At first those carvers were full of confidence to carve some items, stating they could carve something remarkable. Later I heard most of them ended up failing. I heard that there are only two pieces carved successfully. I don't have a chance to see them but it is said that they are very beautiful but more expensive. So I give you advice not to pursue this business, otherwise you might end up losing."

Pointing to Zhou Di in the distance, Yang Chen continued:

"That's my master, who also heard about this but refuses to accept it. He's determined to give it a try. I agree with you that I might lose everything if he fails. However, I believe in the principle that the greater risk can lead to greater profit. And he also promises me he would bear half of the cost if he fails so I have decided to take this risk and buy some green-spots in Wasoku."

"Don't go to Wasoku now. It's not a good time to visit there. Now the people in Wasoku treat us like the thieves when they see us. I just came back from there, spending over 20 days, traveling through several cities. Actually every day they checked my documents, interrogated me as if I were a criminal. Later, I secretly noticed that they're actively recruiting soldiers on a large scale. Every boy over 16 years old must enlist for training."

"Are they preparing for war?"

"No one knows for sure but it isn't the first time they have done this."

As Yang Chen drank his tea, he understood that Wasoku had indeed recruited soldiers before, but usually, the age limit was set at 20 years old. Lowering the age to 16 years old was a dangerous sign, suggesting that war might be imminent. Thinking of this, he signed and looked at Zhou Di, who was examing a piece of Green-spot in his hand. Yang Chen walked over and asked:

"Do you like this one?"

"Not yet, just considering how to carve it."

"I just want to know whether you like this or not?"

Zhou Di looked at him and smiled, saying:

"Yes, I like it but I don't have decided how and what to carve this."

Yang Chen asked the owner:

"How much is this?"

Zhou Di stopped him immediately:

"No, I don't have any idea yet."

But the owner didn't care for this and said immediately:

"500 silver yuan."

Zhou Di was surprised at this price and said:

"What a rip-off! Forget it and let's go."

With that, Zhou Di pulled Yang Chen away. The owner said hurriedly:

"Wait, please give me an offer. Let's negotiate."

Zhou Di explained:

"Carving green-spot is challenging. If unsuccessful, the stone will turn into waste. However, once carved well, it can fetch a high price. It all depends on the master's vision, carving skills and polishing, which are playing crucial roles. The quality of the stone doesn't become the main role. Also, the styles are relatively limited, with only the jade peony being a suitable match the green-spot. This is one of the reasons that we don't have a lot of green-spot jades being imported in our country. Another reason that the carvers are reluctant to carve the green-spot is that its price is the difficulty to be determined. I admit that the quality of your green-spot is good but it isn't worth 500 silver yuan. I only offer you a maximum of 200 and I won't even add a penny more. Alright, I'll take it if you accept this price. If not, then forget it."

Yang Chen looked at Zhou Di in amazement, thinking: What a heartless person your are! You've cut more than half off the price. It would be strange if the owner sells it to you. But the response from the owner shocked Yang Chen:

"Deal! You're quite knowledgeable. But can you give me a favor?" the owner didn't wait for Zhou Di to answer and continued, "I have another one. If possible, will you take both for 500 silver yuan?"

Upon hearing that two pieces were available for 500, Yang Chen was about to pay but Zhou Di stopped him again and spoke to the owner:

"Let me take a look at the other one first."

The owner then took out another piece and gave it to Zhou Di. He examined it for a long time so that Yang Chen thought Zhou Di was turning into a Green-spot himself. Finally Zhou Di spoke up:

"Sir, if you sell your goods like this, you will ruin your own business sooner or later. Asking 500 for such poor quality is unreasonable. Frankly speaking I was planning to offer you 240 for two pieces but I don't like the figure 4. So I thought 250, vocalizing this offer might be seen as insulting you and I prefer not to insult people. So let's make it 260 for both."

(In China, one of the meanings of 250 is that the person is stupid.)

Yang Chen looked at Zhou Di in disbelief again, thinking: If I were the owner, I would have kicked this kid out. But he noticed the owner looking at Zhou Di with a bit of admiration. Then the owner sighed and said:

"You're quite young but unbelievable you are knowledgeable about jade. I usually aim to earn more but I hope someone who knows their stuff. Okay, you're an expert. I have sold nothing today and you are my first client. Deal! 260 for two pieces. Guy, I lost money today but I wish you success in carving my green-spot."

Zhou Di was about to pay for them but Yang Chen had already given the money to the owner. He looked at Yang Chen. Actually he wanted to buy them himself but didn't want to argue with him in front of the owner. He put the stones into his slanted bag. As they walked a short distance away, they overheard a conversation behind them:

"Zhu, why did you sell it for 60 silver yuan? You told me that you bought it for 150 silver yuan. You're losing a lot."

"To tell you the truth, if I don't sell it now, it's truly be worthless. I have been holding onto it for more than a year. Now there aren't a lot of carvers coming here and even there hasn't been a carver who has come here for half a year. That buyer is good at the jade so I hope he can carve my stone successfully."

Yang Chen stopped Zhou Di, whispered in his ear:

"Well done, my baby, you have impressed me one again."

To others, it seemed like one person whispering to another, but Zhou Di felt Yang Chen kiss him on the earlobe quickly so Zhou Di had nothing to do but chuckle softly.