
Guardian Titan: Hero Titan System

In a world enjoying a fragile era of unprecedented peace, an unforeseen threat emerges from the cosmos, shaking the very foundations of nations. Massive meteors, hurtling perilously close to Earth, send panic across the globe. In a desperate bid to avert catastrophe, nations unite to unleash their most destructive arsenal - the formidable sky missiles. The collective efforts succeed, averting the immediate danger and eliciting worldwide relief. However, the jubilation is short-lived. The missile strikes trigger an unforeseen consequence that unleashes an unknown and cataclysmic force - the Kaiju. About MC : normal person with heroic thoughts, no harem.

AmouxCreationsX · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 3:John Corner

Jay slowly woke up from being unconscious. He was in a confusing situation. He tried to get up and noticed he was tied down on a raised surface, unable to move around easily. The room he was in was all white and had no windows or doors. He saw a single camera in one corner, making him feel uneasy because he was being watched.

Jay felt more and more frustrated as time passed. The boring and same-looking place made him feel even more trapped. He really wanted to move and get out of the things holding him down. He was also very confused and didn't understand how he had gotten into this strange situation.

Suddenly, a voice echoed within Jay's mind, an unexpected intrusion that drew his attention.

[Congratulations, host, for defeating Category 4 Kaiju]

it announced. Jay's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Who are you?"

The voice responded,

[I am your personal system assistant, Gaia.]

Jay's brow furrowed at the peculiar reply, muttering under his breath, "My golden finger?" His mind raced to make sense of this new revelation. "Are you a system?" he questioned.

The voice confirmed,

[Yes, my host. You have been chosen by the universe's will to protect this planet from destruction.]

Jay's confusion deepened, and he ventured further, "Universe's will?"

[Yes, my host, universe's will]

Gaia replied. Jay's mind danced with the implications of this cosmic involvement. He dared to ask, "Is that... God?"

Gaia's response was succinct,

[No information.]

Jay's thoughts swirled as he pressed on, "Why did it choose me?"

The answer was as baffling as the situation itself.

[Just random. But under one condition]

Gaia revealed.

Intrigued, Jay inquired, "What condition?"

Gaia's tone remained unwavering.

[Not to choose candidates from this universe]

Jay couldn't help but think, Technically, you kidnapped me. He voiced another question, "What am I supposed to do?"

With a directness that mirrored Jay's own predicament, Gaia stated,

[Exterminate Kaiju's.]

Deep in thought, Jay hesitated before voicing his concern, "What if I die?" .

The answer came from Gaia, unfazed,

[Then the system will choose a new host]

Jay's skeptical reaction was swift, "And you're not serious."

His curiosity unquenched, Jay probed further,

[Why does the universe want to exterminate the Kaiju?]

Gaia's response was dire,

[They're invaders from another universe, seeking to wipe out all life.]

As his inquiries continued, Jay was startled when the opposite wall turned transparent, revealing an unexpected sight. A woman, tablet-like device in hand, approached the glass. Tentatively, Jay addressed her, "Hello, miss. Could you please remove these restraints?"

Her response was devoid of emotion, "Sorry, I'm not allowed to do that." Jay persisted, "Could you at least tell me why I'm in this situation?" In response, she turned the tablet toward him, showing the footage of his battle against the Kaiju. The memory of his clash came flooding back, and Jay was astonished by the colossal spectacle he had been a part of.

The woman turned the tablet again, her gaze fixated on Jay. She spoke, "I hope you can answer my doubts." Jay anticipated her query. She continued, "I know your name is John Corner, an ordinary pet shop owner. Background check is clean. But your connection with that monster is something we need to understand."

Jay posed a question, "Do you believe in God?" Her answer was succinct, "No." Uncertain how to proceed, Jay found his voice, "I'm that Titan, the Guardian Titan."

She took note and pressed on, "Any proof?" Jay turned to Gaia for guidance, asking how he could transform again. Gaia's response brought a sinking feeling,

[Cooldown: 17:37:26]

Jay was left momentarily speechless.

He rallied, "Proof... I can transform back tomorrow." She took note of that too. Just then, a group of people arrived, their leader emanating an intimidating aura. The middle-aged man stepped forward, introducing himself, "Hello, John Corner. I'm David Tenson, Marshal of Titan Academy."

Jay greeted him, and David continued, "We've researched you, but all results indicate you're human. Hopefully, you can enlighten me." His sharp gaze bore into Jay's.

Struggling to explain his otherworldly identity, Jay stated, "I am the Titan, but not biologically. It's more of a magical connection." David pressed for specifics, "Explain."

Jay elucidated, "I'm like a chosen one, a Guardian Titan." David acknowledged the response, "Thank you for your cooperation, John Corner."

As David turned to leave, Jay implored, "Sir, could you ask them to remove these restraints?" David glanced at his assistant and strode away. She approached Jay, used her device to free him, then departed, leaving Jay alone once more as the wall returned to its opaque state.