
Guardian Spirits : Cerriro Town The Origin

Peter and Tina went to the town in unknown danger together with their team. With survivors and officers, they resisted the monsters till someone came.

Lewis_Ravenclaw · ホラー
98 Chs

No Title

At that time in material world, a report about a missing town was uploaded by regional Origin Church branch to their internal network. It was soon approved by the operators and a mission to investigate the mysterious thing about the town also appeared on the mission forum.

Two men were sitting on the marble steps in front of a small simple Church's Chapel. It is also the only building of the entire Church of Origin in San Christobal City. One of them was wearing the police uniform while the other was wearing a simple set of white rough cotton clothing.

The man in police uniform has a resolute and angular face with slightly tanned skin. However, he got a beer belly and almost bald head. The man with white cotton clothes has white skin and blond hairs. His pair of green eyes are always full of wisdom. His slightly chubby face which used to be full of smiles couldn't smile as usual anymore.

"Billy, do you remember the day we first met each other?"

When he heard the question, the man in white cotton clothes turned his face to look at the policeman. After carefully watching at his old friend's calm face, the middle age pastor Billy sighed. He is the head clergy of San Cristobal City Origin Church branch. He felt sad as he recalled the face of Tina but he quickly got back his positive looking face.

While glancing around the trees in sight and little birds flying around, he didn't answer the question of his old friend immediately. Billy put his right hand on the chest and said a short prayer in low voice, "O, all mighty mother earth, your love is always honorable. Forgive your humble son for doubting you. Your greatness would be always remembered by those who know how to appreciate your love on them. One day, we shall all return to your embrace again, taking away those what we can and leaving those what you can't. To the starting point of another journey again under your watch and love. Praise you, mother Tera."

Then he carefully looked at his old friend and gave his answer, "Micheal, my friend. It has been nearly thirty years. I can still remember that day when my master purified the entangled curse on you. I also know what you want to express."

As Billy said, the image of Tina appeared in his mind. Of course, he knows Tina who grew up just under his eyes. Besides, the whole family of his old friend Miguel are also believers of Origin Church. Although the gods they believe in were different and not the mother Tera like him, they would often meet each other at the church after all. The basic relationship between them is always good that he would even visit their house at sometimes.

The old pastor sighed and comforted his old friend, who was the tough and hardworking sheriff of their city, "Don't worry too much. Tina, that kid is also a believer of her highness Ixchel like her brother. And on her, there is a blessed artifact bestowed by her highness to that boy Daniel. Although it is not holy artifact, the power of god is not what we can imagine. Although we still don't know the situation of that small town, I believe Tina would be fine. All we have to do now is to wait for the result from investigation team."