
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · ファンタジー
60 Chs

The Unreasonable

" You're threatening me just for getting lost in some forest? Is your head ok?" Lliw asked, feeling very displeased with the 2 people in front of him- they were just too unreasonable.

"…" The 2 men looked at each other speechlessly, taken aback by Lliw's words.

Was this guy sick in the head?

Could he not tell that he was at a disadvantage here?

Shouldn't he be trying to appease them at this moment?

" Hmph! Little shit, see what I do with you" The burly man closest to them raised his hand to strike Lliw but the summoned warrior acted before him and stabbed it's sword at the man's heart.

The man didn't even bat an eyelid at the incoming attack and simply grabbed Lliw and put him between himself and the sword forcing the summoned warrior to change the direction of it's attack.


The sword hit some rocks on the ground, causing a small hole on the ground.

" Hehe, weaklings" the man snorted and slammed Lliw onto the ground.


Lliw watched his HP drop drastically and felt a panic.

He didn't know how he could get himself out of this mess.

The summoned warrior swung it's sword upwards to slash at the man's side but he easily kicked it's leg, causing it to fall on one knee while also losing its grip on the sword.

" Are you willing to speak now?"

The man asked sneeringly as he raised Lliw by the neck.


Blood escaped Lliw's mouth and stained the man's hand as Lliw coughed from the force of the choke.

Lliw didn't even hear the man's words. He was still disoriented from the impact of being slammed on the ground with tiger strength.

He hadn't even regained his breath when the man started choking him, robbing him of the last oxygen in his body.

In 2 seconds, he passed out.

After an unknown amount of time, Lliw finally came to.

He felt a little drowsy and struggled to sit upright.

He found that his hands were tied, so were his legs. The knots were so tight that it hurt.

He looked around the dark room he was in, from the items inside- it looked like some sort of tool shed.

There were many sets of items placed randomly inside the shed.

There was a rope on Lliw's stomach that was tied onto a large pillar in the shed.

The rope was tied so tightly that lliw could barely feel the pangs of hunger.

" Damn, did she lie to me after all?" He thought. He was starting to suspect that the old man who turned out to be a beautiful woman set him up.

Did he get tricked?

" sigh" he exhaustedly drooped his head onto his chest.

After a while, the door opened and Lliw looked up to find 2 burly men standing at the door.

They were new faces, not the ones who had put him there.

The men silently picked him up and dragged him out.

Lliw felt no need to ask them where they were taking him as he would soon find out anyway and he was also too hungry to bother.

He closed his eyes, the sky was already dark anyway.


He felt an aching pain on his backside as he landed on the floor.

He opened his eyes to find himself in a large spacious room, a hall of sorts.

There were many glowing crystals that were embedded onto to the walls making the room incredibly bright, at least as bright as day.

There people seated on some high-profile chairs and a woman with a mask covering her face sat on the loftiest chair.

The 2 burly men who had just brought Lliw in respectfully left the room.

There was silence as the people in the room scrutinized Lliw.

Finally, the woman on the throne got up and walked over to him.

She stood a few steps away from him, silently observing him.

When she was done, she walked over to her chair and sat down lazily.

" Who sent you?" She asked.

" Uhm…I don't follow" Lliw replied. What were she even talking about? Thy hadn't even introduced themselves.

" I'm a lot of things but patient is not one of them so I advice you to speak" the woman said blandly without a hint of emotion.

" You people are quite special, kidnapping people willy nilly as you please and harassing them, are you not afraid of the Authorities?" Lliw said.


The people in the room looked at each other incredulously before simultaneously bursting into a fit of laughter.

The woman on the throne, didn't join in the laughter but looked at him with a strange gaze.

" Authorities? Boy, in these parts we are the Authorities." One of the six people laughed proudly.

" Quiet" the woman said softly and the 6 all ceased their episode of laughter.

" I don't know what game you're playing but I'll advise you to get a little serious, I'm not here to play games." The woman said.

" I don't want to be here either, it was your people who brought me here. Speaking of which, you guys haven't even told me who you are? "

Lliw said pointedly.

" Tiger, show him our sincerity." The woman said emotionlessly.

" Much obliged" A very buff man from the 6 stood up and jumped across the hall and landed next to Lliw, causing the latter to fall to the ground.

" So weak?" the man said in bemusement.

He picked Lliw up easily with one hand and raised him above his head.

" This kid is really too weak" he said and spun him around and round and round.

" S..stop..p" Lliw said with difficulty.

The man brought his movements to a halt.

" How was that? Fun?" he asked tauntingly.

" damn it, what do you guys even want with me anyway?" Lliw said angrily.

" I see you're wiling to talk." The woman on the throne said with a hint of satisfaction.

" fine, what do you want to know?" Lliw asked.

" Who are you?" The woman asked.

" I am Lord Storm " Lliw introduced himself.

" … tiger" the woman said simply but there was a hint of annoyance in her usually emotionless voice.

"W-o-a-h…" Lliw yelped as he was swung around like a yoyo by the muscular man called tiger.

" Stop" the woman ordered and the man put Lliw on the ground once more.

" Why did you do that?" Lliw asked hiding the seething rage he felt, they were just bullying him now.

" I asked you for your name and you couldn't even tell me that, I suppose the soft method won't work. Spider!" The woman said lazily.

The muscular man went back to his seat and a woman with a voluptuous body walked seductively across the room over to Lliw.

" Hello there little man, wanna have some fun with this elder sister" She whispered into his ears. Her voice was erotic and her warm breath tickled made him feel all tingly inside. Her strong perfume made his blood rush.

His face turned all red from the heat and his eyes lost their focus.

" Tsk, get a room" The muscular man called tiger said saltily.

" hehe, jealous?" The voluptuous woman flicked her hand and a pink smoke enveloped the both of them.


The smoke turned into a small cloud and rushed out of the room.